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April 3, 2006 Special Minutes
        MONDAY, APRIL 3, 2006

Monday, April 3, 2006 at the East Windsor Town Hall

Ms. Roberts called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the East Windsor Town Hall.


Linda Roberts, First Selectman
Kenneth Crouch, Deputy First Selectman
Thomas Sinsigallo, Selectman  
Gil Hayes, Selectman
Edward Filipone, Selectman


The Selectmen went over the budget line by line and  had extensive discussions regarding the budget submitted this year and how to provide the Board of Finance with a recommendation for a budget that balances the needs of the community and restores some of the under funded areas of recent past.  Concerns were discussed regarding what the town needs versus what would be considered a passable budget.  

Of note, the Selectmen went line by line, but the following only outlines the significant changes and/or discussions regarding the Selectmen review of the proposed budget.   

The four non-contracted positions of First Selectmen, Town Clerk, Treasurer and Tax Collector were discussed in relation to the recent equity adjustments made during union negotiations and the efforts to make any adjustments fair, while acknowledging the scope of the individual jobs.  In sum, after lengthy debate, it was the consensus that the First Selectmen would get an equity adjustment of $2,000 and then the 3 1/4 % increase and the Town Clerk, Tax Collector and Treasurer would each get a $1,000 equity adjustment and then the 3 1/4 % raise.  

The legal increase was to remain due to anticipated litigation expenses in the near future.  Under miscellaneous town government the Capital Region Growth was removed as the  Selectmen discussed that entity’s recent presentation and felt the Town’s EDC and Chamber were moving in the right direction for the Town at this time.

The police department request with the 11% increase, including an additional position, was discussed and it was agreed to leave that budget request intact as submitted.   The Engineer’s part/-time clerk was brought in line with the pay for other clerical positions in town and increased to 19 hours.  It is understood that this position will be trained as a flagman, to allay full time town employees covering that responsibility.

Many of the increases to the budget were due to fuel/energy/utility adjustments, as well as insurance and all of these were discussed in detail.  Street lights were reduced 5% due to recent figures Ms. Roberts received.

The Broad Brook Fire Department request for full time employees was removed. It was felt that a move of that sort cannot be considered until movement is made to consolidate the two departments for economic feasibility.

Funding of the Capital Improvement Plan was felt to be crucial to come back in line with maintaining the Town’s infrastructure.  The Greater Hartford Transit request was adjusted as per the Treasurer’s recommendations and the Warehouse Point Fire District request for land acquisition was removed as it was understood this is no longer a piece of land sought by Warehouse Point, so the request is moot.

At the close of the meeting, the result looked to be a 10% increased budget, not considering revenues and grand list projections.  The Selectmen were unanimously in favor of the changes made and the forthcoming recommendation to the Board of Finance.  The Selectmen reached a consensus that they would provide this budget to the Board of Finance on April 5, 2006.  Ms. Roberts was to pull the information together and input the correct figures so the Selectmen could have the paperwork just before the April 5 meeting.    At the regular meeting on April 5, 2006, the first order of business, after the Selectmen reviewed the final paperwork which showed the efforts put forth at this meeting, once it was agreed the calculations were correct, there would be a Motion recommending the budget to the Board of Finance.


MOTION: To adjourn at 10:00 p.m.
                Made by Mr. Sinsigallo, seconded by Mr. Hayes.

Respectfully submitted,

Cynthia D. Croxford
Recording Secretary