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June 16, 2008 Public Hearing Minutes
June 16, 2008
Minutes of town meeting on proposed budget for referendum of June 24, 2008.
Acting Chairperson Marie DeSousa called the meeting to order at 7:02 and made some opening remarks.  She also indicated that this would be the third and final public hearing on this year’s budget whether it passed or not.

Speakers who signed up and a synopsis:

Cliff Nelson, 51 Omelia Rd
Thanked the Board of Selectmen (BOS) and Board of Finance (BOF) for no additional cuts.  He was surprised by the lack of voter turn out.  He thought it was better to educate the youth than to have a problem citizen later.  Public safety needs training and vehicle maintenance.  We cannot continue with status quo.  Please do not cut more.

Larry Johnson, 12 Spring St
Hartford magazine – towns rating small, medium and large.  East Windsor (EW) was 8th out of 8.  EW has consistently been rated low or last..  He believes that EW us bit happy with government.  We should ask more from town employees.  Perhaps we need to have someone to call with inputs on what residents want
Claude Marshall, 36 Woolam Rd
Why is budget the same?  Don’t we listen to the voters?  I am a senior and pension has not gone up.  We have to be more careful about how we spend our money.  We need to have pay for performance.
Robert Lyke Jr., 80 rye St
Education budget used to be 67% now it is `53%.  I might ask if we have enough.  Thought he might volunteer for BOS but could not afford to retire from a cash flow basis.  Why does the board not understand no?

Rosemary Marlin, 11 Joseph Farm Rd
I have three in middle school and a fifth grader.  I am concerned that we continue to grow and give children activities for after school.  Kids need social opportunities.  I commend teachers for their job with outdated textbooks.  Please vote yes.

Michael Misluk, 7 Joseph Farm Rd
I moved to EW because of the low tax rate.  Would pay $2000 more in S. Windsor.  Budget could be cut that would not have a big effect on any one department.  Question debt service expense, perhaps we could cut some money out.

Bill Schultz, 9 Lindsay Ln
Facing hard times, town ranking very low.  Last year 36% - so not slow down.  Teachers lowest paid.  Spending increase with slight tax increase.  Need to publicize the facts better.

Donell Godek, 20 Lindsay Ln
We need to be real.  Expenses have gone up and we have to pay Board of Education (BOE) is basic budget.  Federal and State mandates must happen.  We need to make sure that we have safe environment.  Please vote yes.

Cathy Simonelli, 71 Depot St
I believe that it is a fair budget.  EW was 23rd in Connecticut magazine.  Need to maintain equipment or town will fall apart.

Bea Corrado, 1 Lindsay Ln
I believe that all possible cuts have been made.  Believe that it is a fair budget.

Jill Turner, 89 Rockville Rd
Thank the BOF.  Teachers do a good job.  Want to know what the no voters are looking for.  Please support the budget.

Bill Grace, 118 Main St
58% goes to the BOE with no say about how money is spent.  We need to change budget, pay and benefits for teachers.  Eight police cruisers are usually in the parking lot.  Park and Rec – why are hoops and tennis courts taken out of Osborne?

Kathy Bilodeau, 343 Scantic Rd
Appreciate BOF offering up the same budget.  31% will not have an increase.  30-40 increase of $120.  Motor vehicle tax will decrease with the new mill rate.  Town needs services and I would not support a frivolous budget.  If necessary decrease other services instead of BOE and police.

Teresa Drolett, 161 Broad Brook Rd
We need to be a friendly open community again

Tom Muska, 216 east Rd
Government is growing faster than the local economy.  Recommend pay cuts for town employees especially department heads.

Carole Madore, 3 Margaret Dr
Flyer being circulated is fairly factual even though this is the first time I have seen it.  Please call the Assessor for your actual bill

Shannon Shouldice, 15 Spring St
I am the sixth generation in my family from EW.  Glad to see more growth in town.  Surprised at people who were negative at the polling place.

Rand Stanley, 87 Rye St
Town employees are very dedicated.  My house taxes went down and motor vehicle tax will go down for everyone.  We need to support each other.  Bring solutions to the table.

Jacqueline Taylor, 70 Elm St
No should be no.  The budget should be less.

Mary Szabo, 3 Holcomb
Employees do pay for health insurance and pension.  Question how the auditor who spoke came up with cuts without line item numbers.  We need to look to Federal and State to make changes.

Louis Lamphear, 57 Scantic Rd.  Our town employees are very dedicated and work very hard for the town.  Why are ambulances running all the time.  Do we really need a hummer for a brush truck?  We need to grow and spend money but eliminate waste.

William Dove, 109 Melrose Rd
I am a former member of the BOF.  Last year we had a spending increase of 8% and 5.7% this year.  31 % do not pay any more tax which means that 69% of taxpayers are paying more.  We think that the budget has eight new positions which could save `$400,000.  Please vote no.  What part of no don’t you (BOF) understand?

A few closing remarks by acting chairperson Marie DeSousa preceded the end of the meeting at 8:5pm