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February 09, 2005 Minutes
East Windsor Police Commission
Regular Meeting - February 9, 2005



The meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m. by Chairman Sherman. Commissioners Devanney, Sinsigallo, Barton and Simmons were present along with Chief DeMarco, Maria Diana Root, Administrative Assistant to the Chief and Linda Roberts, First Selectman.


A motion was made by Commissioner Sinsigallo, seconded by Commissioner
Simmons to add the following item

Under Executive Session

       Personnel Matters

Sinsigallo/Simmons      Unanimous

A motion was made by Commissioner Sinsigallo, seconded by Commissioner Simmons to go out of order to Item #10 - Executive Session in order for the First Selectman to be present during the Executive Session.

Sinsigallo/Simmons      Unanimous


A motion was made by Commissioner Sinsigallo, seconded by Commissioner Simmons to go into Executive Session at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of discussion of Personnel Matters to include Chief DeMarco and the First Selectman, Linda Roberts.

Sinsigallo/Simmons      Unanimous

A motion was made by Commissioner Sinsigallo, seconded by Commissioner Simmons to come out of Executive Session at 7:21 p.m.

Sinsigallo/Simmons      Unanimous

No action taken.

A motion was made by Commissioner Sinsigallo, seconded by Commissioner Simmons to go back in order and continue with the regular meeting of the Police Commission.

Sinsigallo/Simmons      Unanimous


Regular Meeting -January 12, 2005

A motion was made by Commissioner Sinsigallo, seconded by Commissioner Simmons  to accept the minutes of the  regular meeting of January 12, 2005 as presented.

Sinsigallo/Simmons      Unanimous

Special Meeting - January 25, 2005

A motion was made by Commissioner Sinsigallo, seconded by Commissioner Simmons to accept the minutes of the Special Meeting of January 25, 2005 as presented.

Sinsigallo/Simmons      Devanney - Aye
Barton - Aye
Sinsigallo - Aye
Simmons - abstain - due to absence from the meeting.


A)      Police Department - Monthly Billing

A motion was made by Commissioner Sinsigallo, seconded by Commissioner Simmons to approve the East Windsor Police Department monthly billing dated February 4, 2005 in the amount of $6137.36 for the fiscal year 2004/2005

Sinsigallo/Simmons      Unanimous

B)      Police Department Financial Statement

A motion was made by Commissioner Sinsigallo, seconded by Commissioner Simmons to approve the East Windsor Police Department Financial Statement dated February 4, 2005 for the fiscal year 2004/2005.

Sinsigallo/Simmons      Unanimous

C)      Police Commission - Monthly Billing

A motion was made by Commissioner Sinsigallo, seconded by Commissioner Simmons to approve the East Windsor Police Commission Monthly Billing for the fiscal year 2004/2005 dated January 31, 2005 in the amount of $393.13

Sinsigallo/Simmons      Unanimous

D)      Police Commission Financial Statement

A motion was made by Commissioner Sinsigallo,  seconded by Commissioner Simmons to approve the East Windsor Police Commission Financial Statement for the fiscal year 2004/2005 dated January 31, 2005 as presented.

Sinsigallo/Simmons      Unanimous

E)      Animal Control Monthly Billing

A motion was made by Commissioner Sinsigallo, seconded by Commissioner Simmons  to approve the East Windsor Animal Control Monthly Billing for the fiscal year 2004/2005 dated February 4, 2005 in the amount of $116.74

Sinsigallo/Simmons      Unanimous

F)       Animal Control - Financial Statement

A motion was made by Commissioner Sinsgallo, seconded by Commissioner Simmons to approve the East Windsor Animal Control Financial Statement for the fiscal year 2004/2005 dated February 4, 2005  as presented.

Sinsigallo/Simmons      Unanimous

G)      Legal Billing

The legal billing from the firm of Penny, Botticello, OBrien & Higgins, PC for the month of January, 2005 was reviewed by all commissioners present.  No action necessary.


There was no Public comment


A)      Police Station Renovations update

There is nothing new to report on the Police Station Renovations

B)      Alarm Reduction Ordinance

The Town Attorney is still reviewing the ordinance and when any additional information is forthcoming it will be brought to the attention of the Commission.

C)      New Hire

The officer hired on November 16th has failed to pass the run test and is scheduled to take it again in February.  When any additional information is forthcoming regarding this candidate it will be brought to the attention of the Commission.

The other cadet presently at the Police Academy is doing quite well and getting good marks on all of his testing so far and is anticipating an April graduation from the Police Academy.

D)      Cross-Walks - Broad Brook School

The meeting was turned over to Commissioner who shared with all of the Commissioners pictures of two types of proper signage with regard to school crossings.  After a lengthy discussion, it was a consensus of all Commissioners present that a letter be sent to the Town Highway Department (to include the pictures) requesting proper signage regarding school cross-walks be erected on both the Northbound and Southbound sides of Rye Street in front of the Broad Brook Elementary School.  It was a suggestion of the Chief that the letter also inform the Town Highway Department to consult with Sgt. Ken Smith regarding the signage.


Pole in front of 247 South Water Street

In the monthly communications from the Chief it was noted that the resident at 247 South Water Street (Noreen Farmer) had a complaint regarding the utility pole fronting her residence (on the curve).  She has made a request to the company who owns the pole to move it and they have refused her request.  The Chief then ordered an investigation into the area for a possible recommendation to the company and to report the findings to the Traffic Authority.  The investigation revealed that there have only been two accidents in the area.

It was a consensus of all Commissioners present that the Chief forward a letter to the company regarding the placement of the pole and to report back to the Commission at a later date as to the results of the letter.

PUBLIC INPUT #2 (Comments only - no discussion)

There was no Public Input.


There was no New Business.


There were no additional communications.


A)      Chief of Police

The extradiction of a prisoner from San Diego to Connecticut has been put on hold due to the fact that the prisoner assaulted an officer in San Diego and is now facing additional charges.  When any additional information is available, it will be brought to the attention of the Commission.

B)      Commission Members



A motion was made by Commissioner Sinsigallo, seconded by Commissioner Simmons  to adjourn the regular meeting of the East Windsor Police Commission at 8:08 p.m.

Sinsigallo/Simmons      Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Darlene H. Kelly
Recording Secretary