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August 7, 2007 (Special Meeting) Minutes

Public Hearing #1512 – August 7, 2007

***** Draft Document - Subject to Commission Approval *****

The Meeting was called to Order at 7:02 p.m. by Chairman Ouellette in the Scout Hall Meeting Room, 28 Abbe Road, East Windsor, CT. 06088.


A quorum was established as 5 Regular Members (Gowdy, Guiliano [arrived at 7:06 p.m.], Menard, Ouellette, and Saunders [arrived at 7:04 p.m.]) and two Alternate Members (Farmer and Tyler) were present within a short time of calling the meeting to order.  Alternate Member Matthews was absent.  Also present was Town Planner Whitten, and Planning Consultant Don Poland.


The Commission discussed the following changes:

        Formatting revisions:
1)      For document consistency all bullets within subsections to be changed to either numbers or letters.
2)      The phrase “commercial” to be changed to business or industrial wherever it appears.
3)      Voting majority to be changed to 3/4 wherever 4/5 appears – see discussion below.               

        Section 302, page 21 – voting majority:  
        Town Planner Whitten and Mr. Poland indicated a ¾ (three-quarters) vote follows the Statutory language while the 4/5 (four-fifths) vote defines the voting majority required for the membership specific for this Planning and Zoning Commission and is reflected in the Commission’s bylaws.  The Commission decided to continue reflecting the 3/4 vote in the regulations,   realizing they can refer to the bylaws for clarification when necessary.

        Section 504.2, page 38, items a – b:
                Although these items also appear in the Use Chart they have been                                reiterated in this section for clarity.

        Section 803.10, page 69 – Site requirements:
                At the request of the First Selectman Town Planner Whitten requested to                         add a section that “garbage pick up must be pre-approved by the First Selectman”.   The request was made as the Selectman is responsible for    signing contracts for the Town’s trash haulers; when a recent subdivision project was approved the then trash hauler had agreed to provide trash pick up along a dead-end road while the new hauler would not provide                   that service as there is no place for the truck to turn around.  

                The Commission recommended the following wording be inserted:  “any                     new trash hauler must agree to the conditions set under the previous contract.:

        Section 814.2, page 86:
                Discussion occurred regarding the number of acres and allowable number                  of livestock, horses, etc.  Town Planner Whitten noted the Town is      presently involved in revision of farm regulations following the model farm regulations being provided/recommended by the State.

        Section 903.4:
                Mr. Poland clarified that State law allows the PZC to put restrictions on                       variances.  As an example if the Commission prefers not to allow construction of gas stations in residential zones then the PZC can specifically say the ZBA can’t grant a variance on that issue.

        Chart, page 25:
                Discussion of farm stands being allowed in A-1 Zones under Special Use                  Permits but not allowed at all in A-2 Zones.  The use of the Special Use Permit process was discussed regarding setting compatibility of neighboring uses.  It was noted that A-2 Zones include flood zones in which no building/construction of any kind is allowed.

        Table of Contents:
                Reviewed for consistency of formatting, etc.

Discussion followed regarding developing future priorities for more review/revision of specific sections or regulations, such as Village Districts, etc.

MOTION: To ADOPT the draft regulations as presented to send to CRCOG for                        referral and schedule a Public Hearing on September 11, 2007.

Gowdy moved/Menard seconded/VOTE:       In Favor:

MOTION: To AUTHORIZE EDITORIAL CORRECTIONS reviewed tonight;    revised draft document will be available for public review on August 17, 2007.

Gowdy moved/Guiliano seconded/VOTE:     In Favor:   Unanimous


Town Planner Whitten passed out copies of the Code of Ethics to members who had not previously received same, and requested they sign for receipt of the document.  Discussion followed regarding what the signature acknowledges – receipt or concurrence with the code.


MOTION: To ADJOURN this Meeting at 8:14 p.m.

Gowdy moved/Guiliano seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:  Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Peg Hoffman, Recording Secretary, East Windsor Planning and Zoning Commission