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April 24, 2007 Minutes

Public Hearing #1505
April 24, 2007

****** Draft Document – Subject to Commission Review******

The Meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Meeting Room, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT. at 7:02 P. M. by Acting Chairman Guiliano.


A quorum was established as two Regular Members (Guiliano and Menard) and three Alternate Members (Farmer, Matthews and Tyler) were present.  Regular Members Gowdy, Ouellette, and Saunders were absent.  Acting Chairman Guiliano noted all three Alternate Members would sit in on all Items of Business this evening.   Also present was Town Planner Whitten.




Acting Chairman Guiliano noted receipt of the following Applications:

        1.      Application of Emilio Parente (Harken’s Market) for Site Plan Approval                  for construction of a 1,365 square foot greenhouse roof over existing paver surface used for outside sales of bedding plants at Harken’s Market, 287 South Main Street.  [B-2 & A-1 Zones; Map 39, Block 23, Lot 54].

        2.      Application of Donald Bischoff for Site Plan Approval for a 1,000 square                        foot covered material storage building at 112 Prospect Hill Road (Yankee Gas) owned by Norconn Properties, Inc. [M-1 Zone; Map 5, Block 17, Lot C-01 & P].

        3.      Application of Gaeton Letourneau for a 10-lot subdivision (Norton                       Crossing Subdivision) located on the west side of Rye Street.  [R-2 Zone;       Map 31, Block 40, Lot 17-B].

        4.      Application of ZP Group, LLC for Modification of the approved Griffin                   Hill Subdivision to allow the driveways for 5 and 7 Matthew Lane to be combined to form a common driveway.  [A-1 Zone; Map 42, Block 64, Lots 16-6 & 16-7].

PERFORMANCE BONDS – ACTIONS; PERMIT EXTENSIONS:  Coleman Farms – Request from Leonard Jacobs for an extension of the time limit for the Special Use Permit for Coleman Farms, Tromley Road.   (Extended through 5/9/07):

Acting Chairman Guiliano read the description of this Item of Business.  Town Planner Whitten summarized that the Applicant and the Attorney for the Homeowners Association have come to an agreement with regard to completion of the project.  Presently the clubhouse has not yet been started and 12 units remain to be completed, although 5 of those are now under construction.  All parties have come up with a plan of attack under which only so many Certificates of Occupancy (COs) will be issued until the clubhouse is constructed; additional COs would then be issued after specified conditions outlined in document entitled “Schedule A” occur.  The Building Department is in agreement with holding off on issuing COs; the Zoning Department will sign off on Zoning Permits. The Zoning Enforcement Officer (ZEO) is also in agreement with this resolution.  Town Planner Whitten noted that some money may be put in escrow for the Homeowners Association with regard to some issues which are not issues involving the Town.  She further noted that Condition #3 refers back to original conditions of approval, and must meet Town standards.   

Acting Chairman Guiliano questioned if the amount of the present bond would cover construction of the clubhouse, and if it would not, would it be fair to request more of a bond?   Town Planner Whitten felt it would not meet current construction costs.  Attorney Jacobs, representing the Applicant indicated that everyone - the Applicant and the Homeowners Association - are in favor of the agreement as presented to the Board.  The agreement includes paragraph #3, which identifies the Town’s requirements.   Attorney Jacobs felt that if the Commission changes anything then the agreement wouldn’t be the one they have all agreed to and they would have to start all over again.  

Discussion continued, with Attorney Jacobs and Town Planner Whitten reviewing the sequence for issuance of additional COs relative to completion of various issues.  Attorney Michael Lanza, representing the Homeowners Association, concurred with Attorney Jacobs summation.    Town Planner Whitten suggested the Applicant can only get COs for the units yet to be started after the clubhouse is completed.  Commissioner Menard felt the bond issue shouldn’t affect the agreement as presented.   Attorney Jacobs indicated increasing the bond would require that they negotiate with the Homeowners Association for the issuance of more COs to get the additional money for the bond.  Acting Chairman Guiliano questioned if Town Planner Whitten and staff were satisfied with the present agreement?   Town Planner Whitten replied affirmatively.  Ron Morin, President of the Homeowners Association, noted they were comfortable with the agreement, although there might be some concern as to the adequacy of the funding for the road overlay, as that figure is now 5 years old.  

Discussion followed regarding the request has been made for a 2 year extension.  Attorney Jacobs expected that the 2 years should be enough.
Motion to approve the extension of application of Coleman Farms East Windsor LLC for a special use permit to allow up to 65 units of active adult housing development and associated improvements on a 14.5 acre parcel located on the north side of Tromley Road, East Windsor, Connecticut, on property owned by Coleman Tromley, LLC, presently zoned Age Restricted Housing District (ARHD) as shown on assessor’s map 28, Block 19, Lot 67 & 86.  This extension shall expire May 9, 2009, which is two years from the date of expiration, (May 9, 2007) and is subject to the following conditions of approval:
1.      12 units remain to receive certificates of occupancy.  Units 2,3,21,39, and 50  are currently under construction. These units may obtain certificate of         occupancies
2.      Seven units remain to be built. These include units 9,10, 11, 12, 34, 55 and 56.        With    regard to the un-started units:
        a.      Certificate of Occupancies may be issued for up to two un-started                       units when substantial commencement of the clubhouse has occurred.      The term “substantial commencement” means that the foundation and rough framing completed with respect to the club house, which is to be built as part of the Project.  The club house construction shall       commence no later than June 30, 2007.
        b.      Upon substantial completion of the items listed in Schedule “A”                         attached, a certificate of occupancy may be issued for an additional one of the un-started units.  Substantial completion means that the        items listed on Schedule “A” have all been completed to the extent      that only a punch list of items remain to be completed.
        c.      Certificates of occupancy can be issued for the last four units when                    the work described in Schedule ”A” has been completed, it being         understood that the road overlay will not occur until all of the units are completed, but the responsibility to complete the road is covered by the bond in place by the Town of East Windsor.  
        d.      Should these requirements not be met, a letter from the Homeowners                      Association stating agreement will suffice.
3.      All aspects of this project must be completed and inspected, and a certificate  of occupancy must be obtained for the clubhouse and all structures prior to     request for any bond release.  Final as built of road and project are required before any bond release.  As built shall include, but is not limited to roadway,         catch basins, all landscaping, fencing (6’ high chain link along property line  abutting Flaherty Field, or fencing as agreed to between Owners of Coleman      farms and Flaherty Fields) and all structures.

1.      Complete and repair ponds. Timelines per wetlands permit must be adhered to.
2.      Complete the installation of the irrigation system for all units for which a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, including rain sensors.
3.      Build and complete Community center
4.      Road Overlay – finished course
5.      Install missing curbing for all units for which a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued.  However, the Owner shall not be responsible for replacement of curbing which has been damaged by the Unit Owner.  In that event, the Association shall be responsible for the cost to replace curbing which has been damaged by unit owners.
6.      Sidewalks replaced and concrete failure.  
7.      The owner specifically notes that the Owner has replaced or repaired the sidewalks/concrete as necessary with respect to Unit #59, and no such repairs are required for Unit #51.
8.      Community Walking trails
9.      Complete landscape work pursuant to landscape design plan for all units for which a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued.
10.       Remove white fence at project entrance
11.       Waterfall in pond area #1 needs fill near electric box, and shrubs need relocation as they are growing into waterfall area.
12.       Drainage issues: Erosion of lawn areas and standing water in driveways and roadways need to be fixed.  Specific sites  are inclusive of , but not limited to:
                a.  20 Old Barn – regrade back of unit to eliminate ponding water
                b.  15 Steeplechase – repair erosion at rear of building
                c.  1 Old Barn – address drainage between sidewalk and curb.

Menard moved/Tyler seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:   Unanimous

DISCUSSION:  An unidentified member of the audience, which may have been Attorney Lanza, questioned that there are actually 57 units left to be built rather than the 65 specified in this motion.   Town Planner Whitten clarified that there were 65 units originally approved even though you have chosen to build less.


Tyler moved/Menard seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:   Unanimous

The Commission RECESSED at 7:24 P.M. and RECONVENED at 7:31 P.M.

PERFORMANCE BONDS – ACTIONS; PERMIT  EXTENSIONS:  Norton GlenRequest from Rejean Jacques for reduction of bonds for Norton Glen Condominiums.

Acting Chairman Guiliano read the description of this Item of Business.   He noted receipt of  the following:  1)  Letter dated 3/1/2007 from Rejean Jacques of Rejean Realty, Inc. requesting reduction of the maintenance and erosion bond for Norton Glen Condominiums, and 2) memo dated 4/23/2007 from Town Engineer Norton recommending to reduce the Performance Bond (from $55,585) to $15,000 and the Erosion and Sedimentation Bond from ($16,480) to $10,000.  

Acting Chairman Guiliano cited his concern that with developments such as this reducing bond values to $10,000 isn’t retaining a lot of money as a contingency; that amount of money can be spent on planting trees.  Town Planner Whitten acknowledged Acting Chairman Guiliano’s concern, but noted Staff relies on Town Engineer Norton for his recommendations.    

MOTION: To REDUCE the bonds at Norton Glen as requested by Rajean Realty                under letter dated March 1, 2007 and as recommended by Town     Engineer Norton under memo dated April 23, 2007 – Performance   Bond to be reduced from $55,585 to $15,000 and Erosion and Sedimentation Bond to be reduced from $16,480 to $10,000.

Menard moved/Matthews seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:  Unanimous

CONTINUED HEARINGS:  Herb Holden Trucking, Inc.Special Use Permit for excavation in four phases for property located on the west side of Wapping Road, owned by Northern Capital Region Disposal Facility, Inc.,  [M-1 & A-2 Zones; Map 36, Block 49, Lot 17C]  (Deadline to close hearing 5/1/07):

Acting Chairman Guiliano read the Hearing description.  Appearing to discuss this Continued Hearing was Attorney Alan Koerner representing the Applicant; Jay Ussery, of J. R. Russo & Associates, Professional Engineer; and available in the audience was Herb Holden, owner of Herb Holden Trucking.

Attorney Koerner reported they had just received the two written documents today; they are hoping to request a 35 day extension to review the information.  Although Acting Chairman Guiliano noted the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary are not present this evening Attorney Koerner felt they would prefer to make their presentation twice as the deadline to close the Hearing is not until May 1st.  Town Planner Whitten confirmed no extensions had been previously requested.

Mr. Ussery began his presentation by referencing, item by item, Commissioner Matthews correspondence dated 4/23/2007 which cites 8 recommendations.  The following is a summarization; Commissioner Matthews recommendations are shown in underlined italics.

        1)      Excavation allowed to a maximum of 21’ below current elevations,                        sedimentation basins to be sized for a 50 year storm.  Expected yield in                        excess of 1.25 million cubic yards requiring 5 years completion, and 2)                         Finished slopes should be 5:1 or greater to be consistent with surrounding            contours.       Commissioner Matthews cited he took his recommended 21’ from the Applicant’s contour maps; his recommendation is made to        retain a reasonable aesthetic topography upon completion.   Mr. Ussery  indicated that suggestion would require a major change to the proposed  plan which would require a recalculation of removal yield.   He further                         noted there is an area of concern within the property which contains a major wash out currently causing erosion and debris to be washed into    wetlands.    The current design eliminates a series of gullies towards Ketch Brook; if the elevation were changed to 21’ most of  that wash out/erosion   would remain in place.  

                Commissioner Tyler recalled the property owner’s intent was to level the                        land for future agricultural use; discussion indicated Commissioner     Matthews’s recommendation would hinder that use.  Commissioner Tyler felt the Commission should balance the final aesthetics of the parcel with the final intended use by the owner; every time you extend the slope you        reduce the final acreage the owner can plow.   He also felt it would be         difficult to plow a 5:1 slope; he would rather see a 3:1 slope for the         farming use and as erosion protection.   Discussion determined a 3:1 slope      is the steepest allowable for maintaining/mowing but is not a slope used for row crops; a 2:1 slope allows permanent grass or stone.  Mr. Ussery        reported he has discussed the slope issue with the owner, Mr. Botticello,        who feels he could farm a 5:1 slope; Mr. Ussery suggested such a slope         could be mowed but questioned the ability to farm row crops.   He further       suggested changing the slope on the western boundary abutting the Nielsen property would reduce the amount of material being removed; he        requested the time to review the calculations.  Attorney Koerner felt restricting excavation to 21’ wouldn’t be practical; this is a remote site and  the Nielsen property is zoned manufacturing.  

        3)      Provide a 100’ buffer along the western property line, resulting in a 4%                        reduction in yield.  Mr. Ussery and Attorney Koerner cited the regulation                       requirement is 50’; this is not a residential area but rather a manufacturing                   area which hasn’t seen much change in the last 30 years.  

        4)      Provide 50 year sedimentation basins with 8:1 slopes.  Mr. Ussery cited                         the basin is designed to accommodate a 10 year storm which follows the  guidelines adopted by the State regarding retention time.  The basin will hold the entire body of water for that time.   Commissioner Matthews questioned that that requirement indicates there is a 10% chance of that storm occurring every year?   Town Planner Whitten clarified the        prediction is that there is a 1% chance that a 10 year storm will occur in a    year.  Mr. Ussery stated the basin is over-designed as presented, but they      can make it larger to accommodate the Commission, and would make that   revision if Town Engineer Norton requested same; he can make the basin                  larger but didn’t feel the need to address a 50 year storm.  He reiterated the          industry standard is to design a basin to a 10  year storm.

        5)      Add sedimentation basin at northwest corner of site.   Mr. Ussery to                    requested time to review the feasibility of the suggestion.

        6)      Sedimentation basins to be surrounded by 6’ or greater fence with locked                        gate to         prevent accidental drownings.  Mr. Ussery suggested that during a                       major storm event these basins hold a small amount of water for a small                         amount of time; 95 - 98% of the time they will be dry.  Mr. Ussery suggested the Broad Brook Pond isn’t fenced, nor is land along the       Connecticut River.  Commissioner Matthews questioned who takes the      risk?  Acting Chairman Guiliano/Mr. Ussery indicated the land owner.  Mr. Ussery noted this would be a temporary basin which, when it goes      back into an agricultural use, will have cover crops rather than bare soils.  This basin would be graded out rather than having slopes.  

        7)      Move finished high ridge 500’+/- north to southernmost end of existing                  gully to minimize runoff into Ketch Brook.  Mr. Ussery indicated they don’t want to change the way the water runs now; this watershed takes water from one into another.  The Wetlands Commission wanted to keep        the north ridge the same and the drainage the same as it is now; to initiate    the change Commission Matthews suggested would reduce the water                          budget coming into the wetlands.   Attorney Koerner noted this proposed change would trap the water going south against the railroad.  Commissioner Matthews suggested making the area completely flat.  Mr.    Ussery suggested that wouldn’t work; Commissioner Tyler suggested that  would make the area muddy in the Spring and make it unplowable.  He                     reiterated the stated purpose of the property owner to farm.    Commissioner Matthews suggested the goal for him was aesthetics;        Commissioner Tyler didn’t disagree as long as that was secondary to the         owner’s needs.  Discussion continued regarding the end result of                                previously excavated pits in relation to compatibility with surrounding         areas, use of excessive excavation depth, and intended use of area      subsequent to completion of excavation.

Acting Chairman Guiliano opened discussion to the audience:

        Bill Loos, Melrose Road:  cited concern with depth of excavation, cited         dissatisfaction         with Myers pit on East Road and preference for aesthetics of Grant      pit on opposite side of East Road.   He felt the Town was not enforcing conditions of applications.  Town Planner Whitten noted the Town enforces the conditions of     approval.  Acting Chairman      Guiliano cited having stakes at grades as proposed      in regulation revisions will improve the operation as everyone will be better able      to see what’s going on.  

        Herb Holden, owner of Herb Holden Trucking:  indicated Myers got a permit       to remove material for farmland, there was never any talk of a subdivision or   houses or anything else.  He stated he didn’t take out too much material; he had a      permit to make it farmland and he felt the end result will make good farmland.          There was no talk of houses at that point.  

        Bill Loos, Melrose Road:  suggested when the applicant came in he said he       would   plant shrubs and wanted to level it out and then later said he wasn’t going     to grow shrubs.  Acting Chairman Guiliano noted the person can sell their       property tomorrow and the new owner can build houses rather than farm.  He      suggested the new regulations will require the grade markers, which can be      checked by everyone, as a potential resolution to this problem.

        Herb Holden, owner of Herb Holden Trucking: suggested if we checked the         grades  for Myers when it was dug we would find he did nothing wrong; he did    what was on the plan; he followed the plan.   Acting Chairman Guiliano indicated        he didn’t want to get into other people’s properties; if the Town Engineer said you     did ok then he is satisfied with that.

MOTION: To EXTEND the Public Hearing on the Application of Herb Holden                  Trucking, Inc. for a  Special Use Permit for excavation in four phases  for property located on the west side of Wapping Road, owned by         Northern Capital Region Disposal Facility, Inc.,  [M-1 & A-2 Zones; Map 36, Block 49, Lot 17C] for a 35 day period from May 1, 2007                     (June  4, 2007).

Tyler moved/Matthews seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:  Unanimous

MOTION: To TABLE the Public Hearing on the Application of Herb Holden                   Trucking, Inc. for a  Special Use Permit for excavation in four phases  for property located on the west side of Wapping Road, owned by         Northern Capital Region Disposal Facility, Inc.,  [M-1 & A-2 Zones; Map 36, Block 49, Lot 17C] until the Commission’s next regularly                    scheduled Meeting on May 8, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall  Meeting Room, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT.

Menard moved/Tyler seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:   Unanimous


Tyler moved/Matthews seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:   Unanimous

The Commission RECESSED at 8:20 P.M. and RECONVENED at 8:26 P. M.

CONTINUED HEARINGS:  Southern Auto Sales, Inc. – Special Use Permit/Excavation, to import approximately 10,700 cubic yards with material to construct a landscaped berm, on property located on the south side of Phelps Road.  [A-1 Zone; Map 34, Block 21, Lot 12]   (Deadline to close hearing 5/15/07):

Attorney T. Mark Barbieri requested to table this Hearing until the next Commission’s meeting .

MOTION: To TABLE the Application of Southern Auto Sales, Inc. for a Special                     Use Permit/Excavation, to import approximately 10,700 cubic yards with material to construct a landscaped berm, on property located on the south side of Phelps Road.  [A-1 Zone; Map 34, Block 21, Lot 12] ]   until the Commission’s next regularly scheduled Meeting on May 8,               2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Meeting Room, 11 Rye Street,         Broad Brook, CT.

Menard moved/Tyler seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:   Unanimous

NEW BUSINESS:  Frances Borys – 2-lot subdivision of property located at 260 Scantic Road.   [A-1 Zone; Map 34, Block 22, Lot 37].  (Deadline for decision 5/31/07):

Acting Chairman Guiliano read the description of this Item of Business.   Appearing to discuss this Application was Todd Clark of Aeschliman Land Surveying.  

Mr. Clark advised the Commission Mrs. Borys would like to sell the house and retain one parcel, for that reason they are subdividing 13 acres of the total parcel into two lots of 5 and 8 acres respectively.  Mr. Clark indicated they are asking for a waiver from sidewalks as there are none in the area.  

Mr. Clark noted the Application is still before the Wetlands Commission; they had asked that the house location be brought further forward and they have done that.   Mr. Clark submitted revised plans.  Mr. Clark further noted that a small portion of the parcel is being added to adjacent land owned by Mrs. Borys’ daughter.   Town Planner Whitten noted that transfer isn’t part of this Application; it is only being shown on this plan because they took land from this owner.  That is a lot line revision, not a subdivision.

Mr. Clark reported they have North Central Health Department approval for a septic system for the rear of the parcel but not for the front yet; they are still monitoring the water tests.  

Town Planner Whitten indicated this is a straight forward subdivision Application; they have met all the requirements.  

MOTION: To TABLE the Application of Frances Borys for a 2-lot subdivision of            property located at 260 Scantic Road.   [A-1 Zone; Map 34, Block 22, Lot 37].  

Tyler moved/Menard seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:   Unanimous

NEW BUSINESS:  Emilio Parente (Harken’s Market)Site Plan Approval for constructing of a 1,365 square foot greenhouse roof over existing paver surface used for outside sales of bedding plants at Harken’s Market, 287 South Main Street.   [B-2 & A-1 Zones; Map 39, Block 23, Lot 43].  (Deadline for decision 6/28/07):

Acting Chairman Guiliano read the description of this Item of Business.  Appearing to discuss this Application was Jay Ussery, of J. R. Russo & Associates.   

Mr. Ussery reported this is an Application for a Site Plan Modification to allow construction of two greenhouse peaked roofs on galvanized poles to cover a display area off the back of the building.  The addition would be 2 bays containing approximately 1200 square feet.  Town Planner Whitten indicated the plants are already there on display; this Application is just to put roofs over the area.  

Discussion also continued regarding the high level of activity at the site, the numerous display areas, parking, etc.  

MOTION TO APPROVE the application of owner Emilio Parente requesting a modification to site plan to add greenhouses to Harkens Market, located at 287 South Main Street, East Windsor, CT, (Map 39, Blk.23, Lot 54) B-2/A-1 zone. This approval is granted subject to conformance with the referenced plans (as may be modified by the Conditions) and the following conditions:

        Referenced Plans:

-       Sheet 1 of 2:   Building Location map, zoning Property of Emilio & Adeline Parente, south Main Street, East Windsor CT prepared by J. R. Russo & Associates, Land Surveyors & Professional Engineers, 1 Shoham Rd, East Windsor CT 06088 860/623-0569  dated 7/17/96, last revised 11/7/96, with hand drawn revision 4/18/07
-Conditions which must be met prior to signing of mylars:

1.      All final plans submitted for signature shall require the seal and live signature of the appropriate professional(s) responsible for preparation of the plans.

2.      The conditions of this approval shall be binding upon the applicant, land owners, and their successors and assigns.  A copy of this approval motion shall be filed in the land records prior to the signing of the final plans.

Conditions which must be met prior to the issuance of any permits:

3.      One set of final plans, with any required revisions incorporated on the sheets shall be submitted for signature of the Commission.  Both sets shall be filed in the Planning and Zoning Department.

4.      A cash (escrow) or passbook bond shall be submitted for sedimentation and erosion control maintenance and site restoration during the construction of the project.  Any funds that may be withdrawn by the Town for such maintenance or restoration shall be replaced within five (5) days or this permit shall be rendered null and void. The applicant's engineer shall submit an estimated cost of the E & S controls to the Town Engineer.  The amount of said bond shall be determined by the Town Engineer.  (N/A)

Conditions which must be met prior to certificates of compliance:

5.      Final grading and seeding shall be in place or a bond for the unfinished work submitted.

6.      Final as-built survey showing all structures, pins, driveways and final floor elevations as well as spot grades shall be submitted.

7       All public health and safety components of the project must be satisfactorily completed prior to occupancy. In cases where all public health and safety components have been completed, the Zoning Officer may issue a Certificate of
        Zoning Compliance provided a suitable bond is retained for any remaining site   work.  

General Conditions:

8       In accordance with Section 13.5.4 of the Zoning Regulations, any approval of a site plan application shall commence the construction of buildings within one year from the date of approval and complete all improvements within five years of the date of approval, otherwise the approval shall become null and void, unless an extension is granted by the Commission.

9       A Zoning Permit shall be obtained prior to the commencement of any site work.

10      This project shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the filed plans.  Minor modifications to the approved plans that result in lesser impacts may be allowed subject to staff review and approval.

11      Any modifications to the proposed drainage or grading for the site plan is subject to the approval of the town engineer.

12      Additional erosion control measures are to be installed as directed by town staff if field conditions necessitate.

13      By acceptance of this approval and conditions, the applicant, owner and/or their successors and assigns acknowledge the right of Town staff to periodically enter upon the subject property for the purpose of determining compliance with the terms of this approval

14      All required landscaping shall be adequately maintained.

Tyler moved/Menard seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:   Unanimous

BUSINESS MEETING/(1)  Correspondence:  Aslan Enterprises (Narnia Farm) Withdrawal of application:

Town Planner Whitten indicated that the plans that were submitted were really work for a farming application but since they were received at one of our meetings we need to withdraw the Application without Prejudice.  She noted they will be coming in with some Site Plan modifications at a later date but that will be a separate application.

MOTION: To WITHDRAW the Application of Aslan Enterprises (Narnia Farm)          as requested by J. R. Russo & Associates under letter dated April 11, 2007 – Application WITHDRAWN WITHOUT PREJUDICE.

Menard moved/Matthews seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:  Unanimous

BUSINESS MEETING/(2)  Staff Reports:

Town Planner Whitten noted the following:

        *       Article on absenteeism of commissioners in Haddam and other towns.

        *       Connecticut Land Use Academy, 5/2007, West Hartford, CT.


Tabled until the Commission’s next meeting.


        *       David Monaco


MOTION: To ADJOURN this Meeting at 9:00 p.m.

Tyler moved/Farmer seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:   Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Peg Hoffman, Recording Secretary, East Windsor Planning and Zoning Commission