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November 26, 2007

November 26, 2007

DRAFT DOCUMENT – Subject to Commission Approval

The special meeting was called to order at 7:36 p.m. in the Cafeteria of the Broad Brook Elementary School, 14 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT.
PRESENT:    Chairman Foster, Commissioners Hayes, Szymanski and Waltiere, Park
Director Green, Groundsman Tetro, Mary Lou Morell from the Park Office, First Selectman Menard, Selectman Hayes, Selectman Simmons and Board of Education Superintendent Howes.  

ABSENT:      Commissioner Simpkins.               
GUESTS:       Members of the public regarding a BMX Skateboard Park and
                        representatives from East Windsor Little League.  


        A quorum was established as four commission members were present.




        MOTION:    To APPROVE the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of
                           October 15, 2007 as written.

Szymanski moved/Waltiere seconded/VOTE:   In Favor:  Unanimous.


        MOTION:    To MOVE Old Business after New Business to
                          address issues the public came to discuss.    

                        Hayes moved/Waltiere seconded/VOTE:   In Favor:

Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           2
Special Meeting – November 26, 2007


a.      BMX Skateboard Park

Mrs. Lynn Stanley handed out material to Commission Members and spoke on behalf of all those present regarding a proposed BMX Skateboard Park.  This park would target children ages 11 to 15.

Following Mrs. Stanley’s presentation, Chairman Foster stated there was a concern for the location (site) for the park, insurance costs and the fact that
the Town of Somers recently closed their facility.  Director Green stated that the Somers facility became a congregating site for the teens and presented issues accordingly.  The towns noted as having parks, Windsor, Enfield and Newington, are 3 to 4 times the size of East Windsor.   Mrs. Stanley did address some of these issues.

The Parks and Recreation Commission suggested that the group develop a plan and a feasibility study to present to the Commission for further consideration.   Issues to be addressed would include:

                Proposed Site for facility
                Site development costs
                Size of park
Cost of equipment
                Equipment life cycle and maintenance costs
                Authority responsible for park after installation
Selectman Hayes inquired whether grants would be available for this purpose and one such grant, Tony Hawkes was mentioned.   Director Green will research whether the Town would be able to make application and if so it was suggested that the Town’s grant writer, Ed Farrell, be consulted for this purpose.

The Commission would consider support of a park and assist in the planning phase.  Chairman Foster commented to the parties in attendance that fundraising would be required to achieve this goal.  

MOTION:    To ESTABLISH a Committee comprising of members
of the Parks & Recreation Commission, Board of Education, Board of Selectman and community adults and
teenagers to develop a feasibility study to implement a
BMX Skateboard Park in East Windsor.

Waltiere moved/Hayes seconded/VOTE:    In Favor:
Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           3
Special Meeting – November 26, 2007

NEW BUSINESS/a)  BMX Skateboard Park  (Continued):

The Commission requested Director Green be place on the next Board of Selectman’s Meeting agenda on December 17, 2007.

b.      East Windsor Little League

Mike Fiaschetti, President of East Windsor Little League and Frank Beaupre, Concessions Director of East Windsor Little League, presented the Commission with a letter requesting waiving of the field use fee for the 2008 Mirage Fast Pitch Softball tournament to take place May 1st and 2nd at Osborn

The Mirage organization approached Director Green to reserve the fields and was quoted a field use fee of $50 per game per Department policy.  There never was a mention of this tournament being co-sponsored by the East Windsor Little League Association.  Games are played from 8:30 am to dark each day and is a 30 – 35 game schedule.   Messrs. Fiaschetti and Beaupre stated that this tournament is co-hosted by the Little League Association and operates the snack bar during the tournament as a fundraiser for Little League.  
The snack bar is serviced by volunteers both days and the Mirage organization is a big drawn and does not take any percentage of the concession revenue.  This revenue goes back into facilities at the Park.

MOTION:   To WAIVE the per game field use fee for the May 1, 2008 to
                    May 2, 2008 Mirage Softball Fast Pitch tournament.

                   Hayes moved/seconded Szymanski/VOTE:    In Favor:

MOTION:    To RETURN to Agenda, Old Business.

                     Hayes moved/seconded Waltiere/VOTE:   In Favor:


        a.   Dog Park

No discussion on this issue this evening.  Town Attorney Pinney has
not responded after four deliveries of letter requesting an opinion.

Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           4
Special Meeting – November 26, 2007

OLD BUSINESS (continued):

        b.   Portable Ice Skating Rink

The rink was installed on Saturday, November 24, 2007.  The original installation site has to be moved as the ground surface was too hard to drive the support stakes into their proper position.  The rink was then installed at a second location out back between two baseball fields.  There was a 4” – 16” pitch in this area which became unsuitable for filling purposes.  Location 3 was chosen behind the snack bar between field #2 and the girl’s field.   This proved to be the best solution.  It will be necessary to install flood lights on the rear of the snack bar with a timer for evening skating hours.

The perimeter boards of the rink are installed first and stay in place until the ground freezes.  The liner is then added and the rink is filled in layers to allow for adequate water freezing.   A minimum depth of 4” of ice is required at the high point for adequate skating surface.

c.      2008-2009 CIP

Director Green reported that the building for East Windsor Park has been moved to a Priority 1 with funding for 2008-2009 at $85,000 to build a three-season building with the balance needed of $85,000 to make it a four-season building to be funded in 2009-2010.

Groundsman Tetro informed the Commission that there will need to be a source of water to this building and he will also need to have a fuel source/
storage as all his equipment will then be housed at East Windsor Park and not at the Highway Garage where the fuel pumps are located.

There was no further comment on the other items submitted to CIP.
d.      East Windsor Park – Well upgrade status

Director Green reported that two quotes have been received.

Eastern Drill Company is quoting $5,406.30 but the price does not include a secured above ground box cover for the well head.  The Commission requested Director Green to get this quote from Eastern Drill Company for bid comparison purposes.

The other bid was from Aqua Pump Company indicating a range from $5,000 to $9,000.  Director Green was directed to seek a more firm quote.

Groundsman Tetro also asked to inquire of both contractors as to the size of the pump needed to supply water to the proposed new building at East Windsor Park.
Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           5
Special Meeting – November 26, 2007

OLD BUSINESS (continued):

e.      East Windsor Park – Reservoir Lower Drainage Pipe

Director Green reported that two quotes were received for this project.

Herb Holden quoted $10,500 and Cota Construction quoted $17,330.
The East Windsor Public Works/Highway Department cannot assist on this project.

MOTION:   To ACCEPT the quote of Herb Holden of $10,500 to install a
                    12” pipe for drainage at the reservoir at East Windsor Park.

                    Hayes moved/Szymanski seconded/VOTE:    In Favor:


c.      Financial Accounts Review
                  Budget by Department for October was handed out, reviewed and
              approved by the Commission members.       

d.      2008 Meeting Schedule

The proposed meeting dates for 2008 were discussed.  The Commission is
moving the regular meeting date from the 3rd Monday of the month to the 2nd
Monday of each month.

MOTION:   To APPROVE the proposed meeting dates for the calendar
                   year 2008.

                    Hayes moved/Szymanski seconded/VOTE:   In Favor:

e.      Park Director’s Report

Director Green is preparing for the 2008-2009 budget.  She suggests including
an additional full-time person for grounds.  This position would mirror a Public Works, Maintainer-1 position and the Treasurer’s Office would calculate the salary and benefits package cost.  

Director Green suggested that the Commission consider putting together a 5-10 year plan for grounds supervisor succession in anticipation of retirement in that time period.

Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           6
Special Meeting – November 26, 2007

NEW BUSINESS/e)  Park Director’s Report (continued):

Director Green stated that the Department wage increase for the coming year will be 3%.

Director Green reported that the gate receipts at East Windsor Park for the 2007 season were $18,496 and the snack bar revenue for the same period was $7,038.  The gate receipts do include pavilion guest gate fees but do not include the rental fees for the pavilions as they are reported on a separate revenue line item.

Director Green identified the following upcoming programs:
        Festival of Lights Contest
        Wreath Decorating Contest
        North Pole Connection, 5-7 p.m. on December 11, 2007
        Carol Sing at the Broad Brook Fire Department – December 16, 2007
        Winter Festival at Warehouse Point Park – February 9, 2008, noon -3 p.m.
             to include:   ice skating, face painting, DJ, bounce house and

MOTION:   To SUPPLY a port-a-let at Warehouse Point Park for use
                    during ice skating and Winter Festival activities.

                     Waltiere moved/Szymanski seconded/VOTE:   In Favor:

Director Green stated that the East Windsor Parks and Recreation Department will host the CRPA Hartford County Hot Shot Contest at the East Windsor High School on February 2, 2008.

Director Green reported that the $5,000 earmarked in CIP for Prospect Hill
Park could be moved to the East Windsor Park line item in CIP.  The Commission asked Director Green to seek approval of the Board of Selectmen to move these funds.

Director Green reported that the basketball season is under way.

Director Green attended a two-day CRPA conference for recreational professionals.  She was a presenter on behalf of CRPA, along with South Windsor, at a workshop regarding the role of youth sports in today’s society.  She reported the conference was informative and beneficial.

Leagues/Abbe Road Soccer Complex/Broad Brook Pond Park/East Windsor (Reservoir) Park/Pierce Memorial Park (Windsorville)/Propsect Hill Park (Warehouse Point)/Warehouse Point Park:

No discussion this evening.
Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           7
Special Meeting – November 26, 2007

NEW BUSINESS (continued):

f.      Groundsman Report

Groundsman Tetro reported that the following:
        Soccer has concluded
        Water has been shut off at both East Windsor Park
             and Osborn Field   
        Leaf pick up is on-going
        The light pole at East Windsor Park has been installed
         with the assistance of the Highway Department.  The
            lights now need to be installed.

Groundsman Tetro requested a letter be sent to East Windsor Little League Association to clean out the grease pit at the Osborn Snack Bar.  The Commission requested this be accomplished by December 31, 2007 and must be cleaned annually henceforth.  It was suggested that the North Central Health District be consulted on the proper process for this task.
Leagues/Abbe Road Soccer Complex/Broad Brook Pond Park/Pierce Memorial Park (Windsorville)/Propsect Hill Park (Warehouse Point):

No discussion this evening.






The bills will be reviewed by Chairman Foster at the Parks and Recreation Department Office directly following this meeting.  Commissioner Hayes will be the second approved signer of the bills on Thursday evening, November 29, 2007.

Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           8
Special Meeting – November 26, 2007


        MOTION:   To ADJOURN this meeting at 9:17 p.m.

                          Foster moved/Hayes seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:

Respectfully submitted, __________________________________
                                      Mary Lou Morell
                                      Recording Secretary