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October 15, 2007 Meeting Minutes

October 15, 2007

DRAFT DOCUMENT – Subject to Commission Approval

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. in the Parks and Recreation Office, Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT.
PRESENT:    Chairman Foster, Commissioners Szymanski and Waltiere, Park
Director Green and Mary Lou Morell from the Park Office.  

ABSENT:    Commissioners Hayes and Simpkins and Groundsman Tetro.                 
GUEST:       Kathy Pippin.


        A quorum was established as three commission members were present.




        MOTION:    To APPROVE the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of
                           September 17, 2007 as written.

Waltiere moved/Szymanski seconded/VOTE:   In Favor:  Unanimous.




a.      Dog Park

No discussion on this issue this evening.

b.      Portable Ice Skating Rink

The Scout Troops are holding a pasta dinner fundraiser at Scout Hall on
Friday, October 19th.  An additional fundraiser will be held at Friendly’s in East Windsor on Tuesday, October 23rd from 5:00 – 9:00 pm.   A 50/50 raffle will be held at that event.
Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           2
Regular Meeting – October 15, 2007

OLD BUSINESS/b)  Portable Ice Skating Rink  (continued):

The Commission questioned the amount of donations collected to date.  Director Green did not have the amount total for this meeting.   Parks and Recreation has received $760.00 towards the fundraiser effort.

c.      2008-2009 CIP

Parks and Recreation Department presentation will be Thursday, October 25th at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall.

The items submitted are:

        Storage Building:  $75,000 - $120,000
                We have already been allocated $30,000 and $45,000 is submitted
                for each of the next two years.

        Engineered Analysis for Pool Facility:   $30,000

        Rec. Management Software:    $6,000 the first year
                                             $4,000 the second year

        Department Equipment:   Sand Pro, Tractor, Snowblower:   $47,000
                To be spread over a three year period

The request for a department vehicle for use by the Director is being submitted through the First Selectman Office along with requests from other departments.

d.      East Windsor Park – Well Upgrade Status

An additional quote is being solicited from Aqua Pump as Brennan Plumbing is dragging their feet on this issue.

e.      East Windsor Park – Reservoir Lower Drainage Pipe

Additional quotes are needed.  Some companies contacted either did not respond or did not submit quotes.  The Commission suggested that the Director consult with the Public Works Director on this project.

Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           3
Regular Meeting – October 15, 2007


a.      Financial Accounts Review

The current Budget by Department was handed out and reviewed.

The Commission requested that the Program Account accounting be available for the November meeting.

b.      Abbe Road Soccer Fields Enhancements

The fields will be shut down for a year to perform preventative maintenance and enhancement upgrades such a signage, scoreboard and bleacher installation.   The fields presently have mole and grub problems.

Alternative fields will be set up at East Windsor Park and the Broad Brook Elementary School during this period.

To finance some of the expense, Director Green would like to have the $5,000 presently allocated to Prospect Hill Park in the CIP Budget moved to Abbe Road.   The Treasurer is researching when these funds were appropriated which may have been placed in an incorrect line item.  If the funds can be moved, approval of both the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance would be necessary.

c.      Park Director’s Report

Bids are being solicited from Harp Mechanical and Fahrenheit Mechanical for the installation of a vent system at the East Windsor Park Snack Bar.  

William Raber is home from his operation and doing well.   A fruit basket is being sent from the Commission and Department.

Director Green assisted with Fire Prevention Day with the Fire Departments of both Warehouse Point and Broad Brook.  The Fire Department budget was cut for community involvement and Director Green assisted them with solicitation of businesses and groups for funding of projects.  $1,245 has been collected and approximately $300 was spent for Kid’s Safety Day at school.
Fire hats, stickers and safety rule flyers were distributed to the school children.  The flyers indicated all sponsor’s names and thank you cards were sent to those contributors.  Funds will also be used for the winter Carole Sing at the Broad Brook Fire House.

Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           4
Regular Meeting – October 15, 2007

NEW BUSINESS/c  Park Director’s Report  (continued):

Director Green is going to meet with Tim Howes, Board of Education Superintendent, to change the food vendor for the East Windsor Park Snack
Bar to Thurston’s, which is the vendor the school system uses.  We have also
been offered the use of the refrigerators and freezers at the East Windsor Middle School for food storage during our summer season.    This will allow for one large food order and provide the necessary storage and convenience.

Director Green is looking to upgrade the cell phone for both she and Groundsman Tetro.  Groundsman Tetro needs a new phone every year as the free phone option choice is not heavy duty for his use.  Director Green would like a phone capable of obtaining her emails as she is not always in the office or at a location to retrieve her messages in a timely manner.

Director Green reported that programs are going well.  The Dance Program will have registrations this week with classes to be held on both Tuesday evenings and Saturdays.

A Scarecrow Contest is being held this year.  Seven entries have been received.  Director Green will take pictures of all entries and post them at the Town Hall were the employees will cast their vote.  An article of the event will be in the Reminder.

On October 8, 2007 there was an article in the Hartford Courant detailing the Ice Skating Rink project undertaken by the Girl Scouts.

Leagues/ Abbe Road Soccer Complex/Osborn Park (Warehouse Point)/Pierce Park (Windsorville)/Prospect Hill Park (Warehouse Point)/Broad Brook Pond Park:     

No discussion this evening.

d.      Groundsman’s Report

No Report this evening



Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           5
Regular Meeting – October 15, 2007




The bills were reviewed and approved by Commissioners Waltiere and Szymanski.


        MOTION:   To ADJOURN this meeting at 8:00 p.m.

                          Foster moved/Szymanski seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:

Respectfully submitted, __________________________________
                                      Mary Lou Morell
                                      Recording Secretary