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August 20, 2007 Meeting Minutes

August 20, 2007

DRAFT DOCUMENT – Subject to Commission Approval

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman Foster in the Parks and Recreation Office, Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT.
PRESENT:  Chairman Foster, Commissioners Hayes, Simpkins, Szymanski and
Waltiere, Director Green, Groundsman Tetro and Mary Lou Morell from        the Park Office.

ABSENT:    None           
GUESTS:     Margaret Hoffman, Kathy Pippin and Girl Scout Troops 123 and
                      154, leaders and scouts (see attendance list annexed to these minutes).
                  Selectman Simmons arrived at 7:35 p.m., First Selectman Filipone arrived
                  At 7:39 p.m. and Selectman Crouch arrived at 7:58 p.m.                


        A quorum was established as all five commission members were present.




MOTION:    To APPROVE the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 21,
                2007 as written.        

Hayes moved/Szymanski seconded/VOTE:    In Favor:  Hayes,      Simpkins, Szymanski and Waltiere.

MOTION:    To APPROVE the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 18,
                2007 as written.

                          Waltiere moved/Foster seconded/Vote:   In Favor:  Unanimous

        MOTION:    To APPROVE the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 16,
                           2007 as written.

Hayes moved/Waltiere seconded/Vote:   In Favor:  Foster,  
 Hayes and Waltiere.                    

Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           2
Regular Meeting – August 20, 2007



OLD BUSINESS/a)  Dog Park:

Tabled, pending response from the First Selectman and Town Attorney.

OLD BUSINESS/b)  Portable Ice Skating Rink:

Chairman Foster conveyed information received from the Town of East Hartford regarding their experience with an ice rink.   Skate blades may cut the liner which would then need to be replaced, may need to resurface the ice throughout the season, the rink may be difficult to install and they used their rink for only one season.

Commissioner Waltiere stated she was aware of a private party that owned a portable ice rink and used heavy duty landscape fabric as the liner instead of using the rubber membrane supplied by the manufacturer.  This would reduce the cost of replacement liners.

Chairman Foster reported that Selectman Simmons talked with the East Windsor Police Chief regarding the use of the land behind the Town Hall Annex for the location of the ice rink.   The Chief did not have any issues with that proposal.   It may be prudent to notify residents of the area should this be the proposed site.

The Scouts were asked to follow up with the manufacturer of the ice rink as to the warranty of the product, talk to towns who had success with ice rinks, check with the Fire Department to see if they could assist with the resurfacing of the ice during the season, and inquire of the Building Department as to whether a site plan is necessary and permits for installation required.

It was noted that a port-a-potty may be necessary along with lighting.

A discussion took place as to the proper location for the rink – Warehouse Point Park versus the Town Hall Annex.   After discussing the pros and cons of each site it was agreed that Warehouse Point Park was a more appropriate  
site but placing the rink in the area where the tennis courts were removed.  There would be less ground preparation needed, lighting already exists and the
Warehouse Point Fire Dept. is close for ice surface maintenance.   

Groundsman Tetro suggested that if there is a choice of liner color, a lighter color would be more appropriate as a darker color would cause ice to melt more quickly.

Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           3
Regular Meeting – August 20, 2007

OLD BUSINESS/b) Portable Ice Skating Rink (continued):

Let the record show that Selectman Simmons arrived at 7:35 p.m.

             Chairman Foster recapped the meeting for Selectman Simmons.

Let the record show that First Selectman Filipone arrived at 7:39 p.m.

             Chairman Foster recapped the meeting for First Selectman Filipone.

             Director Green reported after checking with CIRMA there would be no
             additional liability for the Town to have the ice skating rink.    

MOTION:    To ACCEPT the proposal of the Girl Scout Troupes 123 and
                   154 for a portable ice skating rink, approximately 50’ by 100’,
to be installed at the former tennis court site at Warehouse Point Park.  The Girl Scout Troupes will raise the fund for the purchase of the rink and the Parks and Recreation Department will absorb the cost of the installation during the 2007-2008 fiscal year.

Hayes moved/Waltiere seconded/VOTE:   In Favor:   Unanimous

The Scouts were asked to report back to the Commission in two weeks, September 6, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. at the Parks and Recreation Office, as to the status of progress to date.

NEW BUSINESS/a)  Financial Accounts Review:

The final report for the 2006-2007 Budget was handed out and discussed.

The 2007-2008 Budget by Department for the month of July was handed out
and discussed.  

NEW BUSINESS/b)  2008-2009 CIP:

The Capital Improvement Budget for 2008-2009 is due October 1, 2007.

The Commission will review what was submitted in prior years to prepare for this report:         Pool feasibility study
                         Director vehicle
First Selectman Filipone stated that in preparing for the Department Budget for 2008-2009 he will be asking for a status quo budget proposal and also a “needs” budget proposal.        
Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           4
Regular Meeting – August 20, 2007

NEW BUSINESS/b)  2008-2009 CIP (continued):

Let the record show that Selectman Crouch joined the meeting at 7:58 p.m.

Chairman Foster requested Groundsman Tetro to submit a list of equipment needs to be considered for both the CIP Budget and Department Budget for

Chairman Foster asked First Selectman Filipone who was on the CIP Committee.  First Selectman Filipone will get the list of CIP Committee members to Director Green for the Commission.

NEW BUSINESS/c)  East Windsor Park – Field #2 Backstop repair:

Groundsman Tetro reported a quote of $1,450 was received by Hartford Wire Works to repair the backstop on Field #2 at East Windsor Park.  This is the company presently doing backstop/fencing work at both Warehouse Point Park and Prospect Hill Park.  This company was the lowest bidder on those two projects.  

MOTION:   To ACCEPT the quote of Hartford Wire Works for $1,450
                    to repair the backstop of Field #2 at East Windsor Park.

                    Hayes moved/Foster seconded/VOTE:    In Favor:  

NEW BUSINESS/d)  East Windsor Park – Reservoir Lower Drainage Pipe:

Groundsman Tetro reported that the lower drainage pipe at the upper pond needs to be removed and a new tile pipe with a gate valve installed.  This will stop the upper pond from draining while the lower pond is drained.  Groundsman Tetro would like to seek a quote for this project.  Chairman Foster suggested that specifications be drawn for the bid and inquire as to whether any involvement of Inlands/Wetlands is required.

Deviation from Agenda order:

NEW BUSINESS/f)  Groundsman’s Report:

First Selectman Filipone questioned Groundsman Tetro on the status of the light repair on Field #1 at East Windsor Park.  Groundsman Tetro is aware of
a wire break somewhere that will require the services of an electrician.  It is not a burned out bulb.   Groundsman Tetro will monitor this repair.
Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           5
Regular Meeting – August 20, 2007

NEW BUSINESS/f)  Groundsman’s Report (continued):

Groundsman Tetro reported on the status of the basketball court installation at East Windsor Park.   The hoops are up and the court is being used every day.   What remains to be installed is the pole and lights.  The light base has been poured and lights are presently on order.   

A new spring mate was installed at both the East Windsor Park and Warehouse Point Park.  Warehouse Point Park also has a new slide.   Fiber carpet mat was installed in each of these locations.

The Men’s Softball League at East Windsor Park ends this evening and soccer season is beginning.  Lining of the soccer fields began today.

Groundsman Tetro inquired as to whether information has been received from the State of Connecticut regarding the well head at East Windsor Park.   Director Green stated she is waiting for this information.   Brennan Plumbing will design the plan to bring the well head and pit to code which needs to be submitted to the State for approval.

Abbe Road Soccer Complex/Pierce Park (Windsorville)/Prospect Hill Park (Warehouse Point)/Broad Brook Pond Park:     

  No discussion this evening.

NEW BUSINESS/e)  Park Director’s Report:
Director Green reported that Summer Camp collected camper fees of $16,227,
issued refunds of $271, incurred payroll through August 4, 2007 of $6,688.44,
incurred camp expenses, including field trips, of $2,138.74 for net camp income to date of $7,128.82.   There have been 42 six-to-twelve year olds and 10 four-to-five year olds attending camp on a weekly basis.

This is the final week for camp and she has received positive comments from parents.  

Director Green reports the waterfront personnel did a great job this season and swim lessons have end.  Requests have been received for more swim lesson sessions for next year.

The Fall Brochure of programs will be out next week.  It will cover programs
from September to December.

Director Green stated she was contacted by Scout Connecticut who would like to do a story on East Windsor Park.   They will meet with Director Green and would also like to talk with the First Selectman.   Director Green referred them to the First Selectman’s Office for that purpose.
Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           6
Regular Meeting – August 20, 2007

NEW BUSINESS/e)  Park Director’s Report  (Continued):

The storage container has been delivered to East Windsor Park   It serves the purpose for which it was intended.

Chairman Foster directed to the Selectmen in attendance the issue of removing the file cabinets in the Parks and Recreation Department office that belong to other departments.  Chairman Foster suggested the paper information could be put on microfiche or on CD’s for permanent storage purposes.  First Selectman Filipone stated that when the voting machines are removed from the building, the file cabinets may fit in that storage area.   Selectman Crouch suggested that the Commission put their request in writing to the Board of Selectmen.

Leagues/Abbe Road Soccer Complex/Osborn Park (Warehouse Point)/Pierce Park (Windsorville)/Prospect Hill Park (Warehouse Point)/Broad Brook Pond Park:     

  No discussion this evening.

Return to Agenda order:




Commissioner Szymanski reported there will be fall High School Baseball play using the field at the High School.  A schedule of play, when available, will be provided to Groundsman Tetro.   He has been told that Little League will probably have a fall league also.  

Basketball will have sign ups starting in October.  

Commissioner Szymanski passed along comments he has received from the public regarding the great condition of our fields.   This speaks well of the work performed by Groundsman Tetro and his staff.


The bills were reviewed and approved by Commissioners Hayes and Waltiere.

Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           7
Regular Meeting – August 20, 2007


        MOTION:   To ADJOURN this meeting at 8:39 p.m.

                          Hayes moved/Szymanski seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:

Respectfully submitted, __________________________________
                                      Mary Lou Morell
                                      Recording Secretary