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December 18, 2006 Minutes

Regular Meeting
December 18, 2006

DRAFT DOCUMENT – Subject to Commission Approval

Chairman Foster called the Meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. in the Park and Recreation Office, Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT.

PRESENT:   Chairman Foster, Commissioners Hayes and Simpkins; Director Green,                              Groundsman Tetro and Mary Lou Morell from the Park Office.
                Commission Szymanski arrived at 7:20 p.m.

ABSENT:      None



        A quorum was established as four Commissioners were present.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES/Regular Meeting of October 16, 2006:  

                MOTION: To APPROVE the Minutes of the Regular Meeting dated
October 16, 2006 as written.    

                                Szymanski moved/Hayes seconded/VOTE:      In Favor:                                     Unanimous.      

ADDED AGENDS ITEMS:             None

OLD BUSINESS:           None

Town of East Windsor
Park & Recreation Commission                            2
Regular Meeting – December 18, 2006

NEW BUSINESS/a)  Opera House Players:

        Bill Stepansky and Sharon van Dine presented the Commissioners with the registration    brochure for their summer 2007 Junior Theater program.  The summer performing arts      program began last summer and targets ages 8 -15.   It is a three-week intensive program
        in July and encompasses dance, singing, performing, costumes, masks, sets and lighting.         The program runs from 9:00 am to 4:00 p.m. each day and costs $450 per student.

        As the Opera House Players has lost their sponsor for the 2007 program, the representatives
        are asking for sponsorship/scholarship money for the town residents that attend this    program.  Last year three students were from town.  The prior sponsor contributed $5,000.

        The Commission informed the representatives that Parks and Recreation has their own     theater program and is not in a position to contribute to the Opera House Players program.
        The Commissioners suggested that the Opera House Players make contact with town         organizations such as the Lions Club, Rotary Club and corporations such as the Baron    Institute for financial support.

NEW BUSINESS/b)  Financial Accounts Review:

        Monthly Budgets by Department for October and November were handed out and      discussed.

        It was noted that the funds earmarked for Prospect Hill Park must be used.  A discussion
        followed as to what would be needed for this Park. A new swing set was suggested.
        Commission Foster will take pictures of the present condition of the equipment to further       assist with the equipment purchase decisions.

        A discussion took place to use Site Development funds to remove the baseball backstop at
        the park at the Town Hall Annex in Warehouse Point and construct a new basketball court
        with fencing in the park area therefore removing it from the blacktop parking area.   As a      slide was removed from this park in 2006 a new slide would be warranted.

        The Warehouse Point Park was then discussed as to its needs for new equipment and       repairs.  Field #4 needs a new backstop and fencing, a new slide should be installed to         replace the metal one removed several years ago and a new basketball court and hoops
        would be justified.

        Items discussed during the October meeting have been submitted to CIP for funding.

Town of East Windsor
Park & Recreation Commission                            3
Regular Meeting – December 18, 2006

NEW BUSINESS/d)  Park Director’s Report:

                Director Green distributed the Fall/Winter program flyer to Commissioners.
Leagues/East Windsor (Reservoir) Park/Abbe Road Soccer Complex/Osborn Park (Warehouse Point)/Pierce Park (Windsorville)/Prospect Hill Park (Warehouse Point)/ Broad Brook Pond Park:

                No further discussion.

NEW BUSINESS/e  Groundsman’s Report:

                Discussion took place regarding the purchase of a new 16’ cut mover.

                MOTION:   To APPROVE the purchase of a new 16’ cut Toro over-the-road
                                      mower as approved through CIP.

                                  Foster moved/Hayes seconded/VOTE:         In Favor:  Unanimous

                It was suggested that sealed bids be received to sell the used mower when the
                new mower is delivered.

                East Windsor (Reservoir) Park:   

                Groundsman Tetro informed the Commissioners that the pond was drained but is
                filling back up.  It is felt that the pipe in the concrete dam, which drains the pond,                  must be blocked.  Groundsman’s Tetro has been unsuccessful in clearing the pipe.
                In order to proceed further it would be necessary to obtain the original construction
                plans for the dam.   Chairman Foster suggested that contact be made with the prior              Park Director who was employed at the time of construction for any historical                   information.  Groundsman Tetro will further investigate the problem.

                Groundsman Tetro informed the Commission that he will be on vacation from
                December 23, 2006 returning on January 2, 2007.  It was requested that the Director             of Public Works be informed of this vacation so that the Highway Department will
                Cover the snow removal services provided by Groundsman Tetro.   
Leagues/Abbe Road Soccer Complex/Osborn Park (Warehouse Point)/Pierce Park (Windsorville)/Prospect Hill Park (Warehouse Point:

                No Discussion this evening.
Town of East Windsor
Park & Recreation Commission                            4
Regular Meeting – December 18, 2006


MISCELLANEOUS:  A request for a contribution to the East Windsor Youth
                                Basketball program to help offset janitorial expense was
                                requested by Ted Szymanski.  He is asking for the same
                                amount that was granted last year.

                                MOTION:     To APPROVE a contribution of $700 to the East                                                       Windsor Youth Basketball program for janitorial

                                                Simpkins moved/Hayes seconded/VOTE:    In                                                       Favor:  Commissioners Simpkins, Hayes and                                                        Foster.   Commissioner Szymanski abstained.

APPROVAL OF BILLS:      The bills were reviewed and approved by Commissioners Hayes and Szymanski.

ADJOURNMENT:               MOTION:      To ADJOURN this Meeting at 8:26 p.m.

Hayes moved/Szymanski seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:  Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,   __________________________________________
                                         Mary Lou Morell
             Recording Secretary