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October 16, 2006 Minutes

Regular Meeting
October 16, 2006

DRAFT DOCUMENT – Subject to Commission Approval

Chairman Foster called the Meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. in the Park and Recreation Office, Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT.

PRESENT:   Chairman Foster, Commissioners Briggs, Hayes and Szymanski; Director Green,
                Mary Lou Morell from the Park Office and Selectman Gilbert Hayes.   

ABSENT:      Commissioner Simpkins and Groundsman Tetro.



        A quorum was established as four Commissioners were present.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES/Regular Meeting of September 18, 2006:  

                MOTION: To APPROVE the Minutes of the Regular Meeting dated
September 18, 2006 as amended October 12, 2006.         

                Foster moved/Szymanski seconded/VOTE:      In Favor:  Unanimous.        

ADDED AGENDS ITEMS:             Athletic Hall of Fame

                Commissioner Szymanski stated the 2006 Athletic Hall of Fame dinner takes
                Place on Friday, November 11, 2006 at LaNotte Restaurant, East Windsor.  Six new                inductees will be honored.  Social hour is at 6:30 p.m. with dinner at 7:30 p.m.                        Cost is $20 per person and tickets will be available at the Parks and Recreation                        Office. 

Town of East Windsor
Park & Recreation Commission                            2
Regular Meeting – October 16, 2006

OLD BUSINESS:           None

NEW BUSINESS/a)  Financial Accounts Review:

        Monthly Budget by Department was handed out and discussed.

        Director Green stated efforts to collect outstanding debt re: Summer Camp
        are on-going.

NEW BUSINESS/b)  2007-2008 CIP:

        The deadline to submit CIP information is October 30, 2006 with the hearing
        date being November 9, 2006.

        Items to be submitted:   1.  Storage Building at East Windsor Park

                                        Discussion took place as to size and layout of
                        building suitable for everyone’s needs.    Morton Buildings of
                        Westfield, Massachusetts will be approached to submit a quote.

2.      Town Vehicle for Park Director

                                        A request for a used vehicle valued at $12,000 will
                        be requested.  

3.      Large Mower replacement

                                        A request to complete funding for this replacement.

4.      Pool at East Windsor Park

                                        A request to fund a feasibility study for a pool facility
                        at East Windsor Park.

        Chairman Foster will check with the Treasurer for substantiate of the amounts on the    current CIP report.

Let the Record show that Selectman Hayes left the meeting at 7:30 p.m.

Town of East Windsor
Park & Recreation Commission                            3
Regular Meeting – October 16, 2006

NEW BUSINESS/c)  Annual Report:

                The Annual Report for 2006 needs to be prepared and submitted electronically
        to Marie DeSousa.  Items for inclusion are:  Expansion of Summer Camp Program,  expanded Parks and Recreation programming and the installation of new tennis courts at  East Windsor Park.

NEW BUSINESS/d)  Park Director’s Report:


                Director Green will be out on sick leave for 2-3 weeks starting
                October 31, 2006.

                Director Green requested permission to attend the two-day Connecticut Recreation                and Parks Association Conference taking place on November 20 and 21, 2006 at the                Convention Center in Hartford.  Cost is $240.00.

                Director Green presented T-shirt options to the Commission to choose a style and                        color to be ordered and used for special event purposes.        
                Director Green advised the Commission of the following:

                        Dance Program – starts Tuesday, October 17, 2006

                        Tiny Tykes Program – cancelled for the fall and postponed to spring

                        Halloween Event -  Friday, October 27, 2006 at East Windsor Park

                Town Hall Annex Park (Warehouse Point):

                        Discussion took place regarding the construction of a basketball court
                within the park area as opposed to using the parking lot area.  Being that the                  baseball field is in such disrepair and is no long used, take out that field and
                install the basketball court in its place.   If the funds in the current CIP report are
                accurate, funds would be available for this project.    

                Groundsman’s Equipment:   

                        Director Green submitted a condition evaluation of the grounds equipment
                to the Commissioners as Groundsman Tetro could not attend this evening’s                        meeting.
 Town of East Windsor
Park & Recreation Commission                            4
Regular Meeting – October 16, 2006

Leagues/Abbe Road Soccer Complex/Osborn Park (Warehouse Point)/Pierce Park (Windsorville)/Prospect Hill Park (Warehouse Point)/ Broad Brook Pond Park:

                No Discussion this evening.

NEW BUSINESS/e  Groundsman’s Report:

                No report this evening.

Leagues/East Windsor (Reservoir) Park/Abbe Road Soccer Complex/Osborn Park (Warehouse Point)/Pierce Park (Windsorville)/Prospect Hill Park (Warehouse Point:

                No Discussion this evening.



APPROVAL OF BILLS:      The bills were reviewed and approved by Commissioners Hayes and Szymanski.

ADJOURNMENT:               MOTION:      To ADJOURN this Meeting at 8:26 p.m.

Hayes moved/Szymanski seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:  Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,   __________________________________________
                                         Mary Lou Morell
             Recording Secretary