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August 21, 2006 Minutes

Regular Meeting
August 21, 2006

As APPROVED by Commission

Commission Szymanski called the Meeting to order at 7:09 p.m. in the Park and Recreation Office, Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT.

PRESENT:    Commissioners Szymanski, Briggs and Hayes; Director Green,
                Groundsman Tetro and Mary Lou Morell from the Park Office.  
                Chairman Foster arrived at 7:12 p.m. and Commission Simpkins
                arrived at 7:14 p.m.

ABSENT:      None



        A quorum was established as three Commissioners were initially present.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES/Regular Meeting of July 19, 2006:  

                MOTION: To APPROVE the Minutes of the Regular Meeting dated
July 19, 2006 as amended.         

                Hayes moved/Briggs seconded/VOTE:      In Favor:  Hayes, Briggs                                                                                           and Szymanski.        

                Minutes of Regular Meeting dated June 19, 2006 not available for this meeting.

ADDED AGENDS ITEMS:             None.

OLD BUSINESS:           None

Town of East Windsor
Park & Recreation Commission                            2
Regular Meeting – August 21, 2006

NEW BUSINESS/a)  Financial Accounts Review:

The Monthly Budget by Department was handed out and discussed.

Commissioner Hayes will set up a program for the office to track the revolving Program Account.  Commissioner Hayes will work with Mrs. Morell on this project.
NEW BUSINESS/b)  Park Directors Report:


                        Summer Camp has one week remaining.

                        All other summer programs are completed.

                        Direct Green stated she is working with Ms. Drake to set up two or three
                        lifeguard training classes over the fall/winter months to prepare for the
                        summer of 2007.   A discussion took place regarding the year’s lifeguards                               performance and lock of team work.


                        Director Green discussed a request from First Selectman Roberts to the
                        Commission to consider the availability of a WPCA worker to be utilized
                        for the fall for Parks and Recreation purposes.  The Commission stated the
                        grounds crew was fully staffed for mowing until October.  The Commission
                        will review their needs after that time.

                        Renovations to the Parks and Recreation Office will take place once the
                        the current renovations of other Town Hall offices are completed.  The
                        renovations would include desks and work partition stations.

                        Director Green inquired whether the Commission would support a proposal
                        to the Finance Commission to put money received from the East Windsor
                        Snack Bark into a revolving account.   The Commission discussed the                             matter briefly and took no further action.

Leagues/Abbe Road Soccer Complex/Osborn Park (Warehouse Point)/Pierce Park (Windsorville)/Prospect Hill Park (Warehouse Point)/ Broad Brook Pond Park:
                                No Discussion this evening.
Town of East Windsor
Park & Recreation Commission                            3
Regular Meeting – August 21, 2006

NEW BUSINESS/c)  Groundsman’s Report:  

                Groundsman Tetro reported there were three separate vandalism incidents the
                past month at East Windsor Park:

                        East Windsor Park perimeter fence damaged.  It is estimated to cost
                        $1,700 to repair the damage.

                        Garbage cans thrown into the pond and the lifeguard chair was broken
                        and also thrown into the pond.

                        On another occasion, the lifeguard chair was thrown over the dam.

                The insurance coverage carries a $1,000 deductible.  Chairman Foster will approach
                First Selectman Roberts to recover the deductible amounts.

                Groundsman Tetro had a meeting with the State of Connecticut regarding repairs to               be made on Mill Street.  The State is requesting that the Broad Brook Pond be                   drained down in September and that the gates be shut so that no water flows over
                the dam.

                Groundsman’s Tetro would like to request a sign for the Broad Brook Pond to state:                      “Please Do Not Feed the Geese”.

                A complaint was received regarding the East Windsor Park to also have signs in

                Groundsman Tetro is requesting that play at the Abbe Road soccer fields be                      suspended during the summer of 2007 for adult leagues as the fields are becoming
                over used and need to be over seeded and rested.

                Groundsman Tetro has had a discussion with the adjoining property owner to the
                Abbe Road soccer fields to seek permission to use his pond to drain our fields.                         This is a consideration for the future.

Osborn Park (Warehouse Point)/Pierce Park (Windsorville)/Prospect Hill Park (Warehouse Point):

                                No Discussion this evening.
Town of East Windsor
Park & Recreation Commission                            4
Regular Meeting – August 21, 2006



APPROVAL OF BILLS:      The bills were reviewed and approved by Commissioners Hayes and Briggs.

ADJOURNMENT:               MOTION:      To ADJOURN this Meeting at 8:06 p.m.

Hayes moved/Briggs seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:  Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,   __________________________________________
                                         Mary Lou Morell
             Recording Secretary