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July 17, 2006 Minutes

Regular Meeting
July 17, 2006

As APPROVED by Commission

Commission Szymanski called the Meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. in the Park and Recreation Office, Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT.

PRESENT:   Chairman Foster, Commissioners Briggs, Hayes and Szymanski; Director Green,
                Groundsman Tetro and Mary Lou Morell from the Park Office.  

ABSENT:      Commissioner Simpkins.



        A quorum was established as four Commissioners were present.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES/Regular Meeting of May 15, 2006:  

                MOTION: To APPROVE the Minutes of the Regular Meeting dated
May 15, 2006 as amended to state the Dance Recital held on
May 19th was held at the “EAST” Windsor High School.      

                Hayes moved/Foster seconded/VOTE:      In Favor:  Hayes, Foster                                                                                           and Szymanski.        

                Minutes of Regular Meeting dated June 19, 2006 not available for this meeting.

ADDED AGENDS ITEMS:             None.

OLD BUSINESS/a)   Osborn Field Snack Bar Renovations:

Renovations completed and All State Fire Equipment approved the final inspection
of the ansul system.    

Town of East Windsor
Park & Recreation Commission                            2
Regular Meeting – July 17, 2006

OLD BUSINESS/b)   East Windsor Tennis Courts Reconstruction:

Old tennis courts excavated and the new base has been laid.  The new blacktop will need 21 days to cure and then 5 good days of weather to paint surface.  

NEW BUSINESS/a)  Financial Accounts Review:

The Monthly Budget by Department was handed out and discussed.

In preparation for the 2007-2008 Capital Improvement Budget, new equipment needs must be identified and substantiated with reports of equipment repairs.

An accounting of the revolving Program Account was requested for the next commission meeting.  All summer camp salaries and supplies should be charged
to this account where possible.

NEW BUSINESS/b)  Volunteer Park:

                The Volunteer Park Committee is looking for suggestions for needs at this Park.
                The Commission suggests the following:

a.      Lights for security purposes
b.      Plant a butterfly garden as proposed in the original plans
c.      The Parks and Recreation Department will not be responsible for
                               weeding at the Park.     

NEW BUSINESS/c)  Park Director’s Report:


                Summer Camp at East Windsor Park started July 11, 2006.  Director Green noted                   there is a facility need for supply storage for all the supplies needed for camp and                    other programs that would be secure and have convenient access.  Current                                structures at the Park are not suitable.  The Commission will look into suitable                       storage possibilities.

Town of East Windsor
Park & Recreation Commission                            3
Regular Meeting – July 17, 2006

NEW BUSINESS/c)  Park Director’s Report:  (continued)


Director Green opened discussion to increase pay for the Snack Bar Supervisor to be retroactive to July 1, 2006.   

MOTION: To APPROVE an increase in pay of $1.00 an hour for the Snack            Bar Supervisor due to additional role and responsibilities at the               waterfront.

Foster moved/Hayes seconded/VOTE:     In Favor:  Unanimous

Director Green reported a complaint was received regarding the guards taking break
together on Friday, June 14, 2006.  This required the waterfront to be closed down for 15minutes each hour.  It was necessary as only 3 guards were on duty which did not allow for rotational breaks.   Director Green is presently verifying references for a new lifeguard applicant to fill the present open vacancy.

Director Green suggests that the Commission consider reimbursement of one-half the recertification fee for one guard to be paid at the end of the season.  

Director Green inquired whether it would be possible to apply for a business credit card at Sam’s Club to facilitate purchases for Parks and Recreation programs.  Chairman Foster will discuss this issue with the Town Treasurer.

Director Green expressed concern for the continual use of her private vehicle for business purposes.  Use, expense, depreciation and insurance costs for park business are not fully compensated under the mileage reimbursement policy.  The Commission will pursue availability of a town vehicle for the Park Director for park business.

Leagues/Abbe Road Soccer Complex/Osborn Park (Warehouse Point)/Pierce Park (Windsorville)/Prospect Hill Park (Warehouse Point)/ Broad Brook Pond Park:

                No Discussion this evening.

Town of East Windsor
Park & Recreation Commission                            4
Regular Meeting – July 17, 2006

NEW BUSINESS/d)  Groundsman’s Report:  

                Groundsman Tetro reported the gas grill at the East Windsor Park Snack Bar is out               for repair.  Our gas supplier was called for assistance but was uncooperative and
                Groundsman Tetro suggests we look for a new vendor for gas service.  



APPROVAL OF BILLS:      The bills were reviewed and approved by Commissioners Hayes and Briggs.

ADJOURNMENT:               MOTION:      To ADJOURN this Meeting at 8:16 p.m.

Hayes moved/Briggs seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:  Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,   __________________________________________
                                         Mary Lou Morell
             Recording Secretary