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January 17, 2006 Minutes

Regular Meeting
January 17, 2006

DRAFT DOCUMENT – Subject to Commission Approval

Chairman Foster called the Meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. in the Park and Recreation Office, Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT.

PRESENT:   Chairman Foster and Commissioners Briggs and Szymanski; Director Green,
                       Groundsman Tetro and Mary Lou Morell from the Park Office.
ABSENT:      Commissioners Hayes and Simpkins.



        A quorum was established as three Commissioners were present.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:     Ted Szymanski – representing East Windsor Recreation

Mr. Szymanski asked the Commission to reconsider its annual contribution to the Basketball Program as enrollment has increased by 50 to 350 participants for the 2005-2006 season, insurance costs have risen and new balls must be purchased.  After discussion the Commission agreed to review the budget for reconsideration to contribute to the operating expenses for staff to open the gym.


                The approval of minutes of the December 19, 2005 meeting is tabled to the
                February, 2006 meeting.

ADDED AGENDS ITEMS:             None.

OLD BUSINESS/a)   Part-Time Salary Review:

Tabled until the February, 2006 meeting.

NEW BUSINESS/a)  Financial Accounts Review:

The Monthly Budget by Department was handed out and discussed.
Part-time salaries need to be projected out to June 30, 2006, the close
of the fiscal year, to be sure that the expenses to open East Windsor
Park for the month of June will be covered.
Town of East Windsor
Park & Recreation Commission                            2
Regular Meeting – January 17, 2006

NEW BUSINESS/b)  Park Director’s Report:    


                        Hot Shot contest held January 12, 2006
                                40 participants
                                Male and female winners of each age bracket now
                                compete in to the Hartford County level.  Those winners
                                will then move to the State level.

                        Kickboxing will be offered at the Middle School beginning
                        February 2, 2006.


·       Superintendent Gallucci has reconsidered his position on the distribution of flyers from the Parks and Recreation Department regarding Christmas and Easter events.  Flyers can again be attached to the schools’ weekly newsletters.

·       Broad Brook Pond
At the request of a town resident, UCONN Landscape Architecture Program prepared a Community Design of the Broad Brook Pond area
to address streetscape, park and trail.  They will also help East Windsor with any grant writing got
funding to establish trails.

NEW BUSINESS/c)  Groundsman’s Report:  


·       Barn rubble at East Windsor Park has been removed by Kement.

·       Ten new picnic tables have been constructed.

·       Broad Brook Dam Repair:   Waiting to hear from the First
Selectman’s Office re:  cost.

·       A new wet marker liner for field lining will be needed.   Estimated cost to replace is $2,300.

Town of East Windsor
Park & Recreation Commission                            3
Regular Meeting – January 17, 2006

NEW BUSINESS/c)   Groundsman’s Report   (continued):

·       The new truck for the Department came without air conditioning as it is part of an upgrade package which includes electric windows, electric door locks, etc. which was not requested.  After-market air conditioning can be installed for less than $2,000.   $25,000 was allocated for the new truck which came in at $22,000.   The Department will seek approval to have the air conditioning installed.

·       Groundsman Tetro is investigating ways to clarify the pond water at East Windsor Park.  Barley straw to filter the water is one option.   Groundsman Tetro is seeking additional information on this and other possible options.

Leagues/ /Abbe Road Soccer Complex/Osborn Park (Warehouse Point)/Pierce Park (Windsorville)/Prospect Hill Park (Warehouse Point):

        No discussion this evening.



APPROVAL OF BILLS:      The bills were reviewed and approved by Commissioners Briggs and Foster.

ADJOURNMENT:               MOTION:      To ADJOURN this Meeting at 8:13 p.m.

Szymanski moved/Briggs seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:  Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,   __________________________________________
                                         Mary Lou Morell
             Recording Secretary