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December 15, 2008 Meeting Minutes
East Windsor Housing Authority
Regular Meeting – December 15, 2008


        The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Boutin.  Commissioners LaMay, Lamb, Legassie and Percoski were present along with Dale Nelson, our liaison to the Board of Selectman.


        There were no Added Agenda items.

Regular Meeting – November 17, 2008

        The minutes of the regular meeting of November 17, 20008 were reviewed by all Commissioners present.   A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner Legassie to accept the minutes of November 17, 2008 as presented.

        Percoski/Legassie       Unanimous

Check Register – November 19 – December 10, 2008

        The check register for November 19 – December 10, 2008 was reviewed by all commissioners present and all questions answered.   A motion was made by Commissioner Legassie, seconded by Commissioner Percoski to accept the check register of November 19 – December 10, 2008 as presented.

        Legassie/Percoski                                       Unanimous

Bank Reconciliation November, 2008

        The Bank Reconciliation of November, 2008 was reviewed by all commissioners present.


        There were no Public Comments


Vacant Units

We currently have one (1) vacancy which should be ready for occupancy by the end of the month.

Christmas Party

The annual Park Hill Christmas party was held last Thursday, December 11th and we had approximately 50 residents, friends and family who attended.  The grandson of one of our former tenants, Jackie Hastings, sang and played his guitar in memory of his grandmother and all enjoyed listening to him.


We had anticipated replacing the roofs on the first and third levels before Winter hit and had received 8 or 9 bids for replacement.  In conversations last summer with the State of Connecticut, it was brought to our attention that we might be able to get a loan at 3% interest through the State; but unfortunately due to the current economic climate there are no monies available for this loan.  Since we cannot do the planned replacement we are patching the roofs with tar etc. as best we can until money is freed up for the replacement.

Minimum Wage

As of January 1, 2009 the minimum wage is being increased and wages here at Park Hill will be adjusted accordingly.

Policies and Procedures

As of January 1, 2009 there are some additions to the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act which will go into effect.  Accordingly, some of the policies for the operation of Park Hill will be changed and others added.

New Tractor

At this time, we are still looking into acquiring a new tractor, but have no definitive answer.  As soon as any additional information is available, it will be brought to the attention of the commissioners.

There were no Reports of Committees


A)      Ruth Medeiros, Apt. 32

        ServiceMaster was hired by the State of Connecticut, Protective Services for the Elderly to clean up Ruth’s apartment.   They were here on Friday, December 5th and spent the entire day cleaning the apartment.  Our maintenance supervisor, Darrell Barkley, inspected the apartment last Wednesday, December 10th and other than a slight odor from the carpet, the apartment is clean.   The walls, ceilings and windows as wells as floors and counter tops have all been washed and all debris taken care of.

        A fax was received from Ruth’s attorney regarding the clean-up of the apartment and although the apartment is clean at this time – it would be a prudent measure to have another agreement drawn up by our attorney, Ralph Alexander, stipulating that the apartment be kept clean and be inspected every month or so and if the same incident occurs again, we will take the necessary action.    


B)         Hearing – Gary Koehler

        There is an informal hearing before the Workmen’s Compensation Commission on Monday, December 29, 2008 at 2:30 regarding Gary’s claim against the Housing Authority.  It appears that he is looking for the Housing Authority to pick up his full medical coverage.   The Housing Authority paid for his full medical coverage for 4 months after he was no longer receiving a pay check; and also for an additional 2 months after his termination of employment.  After his coverage from the Housing Authority was terminated, he was offered Cobra by the Town of East Windsor.  When any additional information is forthcoming, it will be brought to the attention of the Commissioners.


 A)         2009 Meeting Dates

The proposed 2009 Meeting Dates were reviewed by all commissioners present.  A motion was made by Commissioner Legassie, seconded by Commissioner Lamb to accept the 2009 meeting dates as proposed.

        Legassie/Lamb                                   Unanimous


There were no Policy and Procedures


        There was no Executive Session.


A motion was made by Commissioner Legassie, seconded by Commissioner Lamb to adjourn the regular meeting of the East Windsor Housing Authority at 7:25 p.m.

        Legassie/Lamb                                           Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Steven D. Knibloe
Executive Director

Darlene H. Kelly
Recording Secretary