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August 18, 2008 Meeting Minutes
East Windsor Housing Authority
Regular Meeting – August 18, 2008


        The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Vice-Chairman Barbara LaMay.  Commissioners Lamb, Legassie and Percoski were in attendance, as well as Dale Nelson, our liaison to the Board of Selectman.  Chairman Boutin was not in attendance.


        There were two Added Agenda Items.

        Under New Business:
                RSC – Final Contract
                Shelley Williams – Request to move to a larger apartment


        Regular Meeting – July 21, 2008

        The minutes of the regular meeting of July 21, 20008 were reviewed by all Commissioners present.  A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner Legassie to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of July 21, 2008 as presented.

        Percoski/Legassie               Unanimous


        Brenda Boland, Apt. 68 took this opportunity to apologize to the Board for not coming to them for permission to repaint her apartment.   She also asked for permission to change the light fixture in her living room.   The final thing she had to say was that if there was a tag sale, bake sale, etc. at Park Hill she would be more than happy to participate.

        Check Register – July 23 – August 13, 2008

        The check register for July 23 – August 13, 2008 was reviewed by all commissioners present and all questions answered.   A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner Lamb to accept the check register of July 23 – August 13, 2008 as presented.

        Percoski/Lamb                                   Unanimous

Bank Reconciliation July, 2008

        The Bank Reconciliation of July, 2008 was reviewed by all commissioners present.


As of t his writing there are three (3) vacancies, one double and 2 singles, in different stages of rehab.   Waiting list will cover the filing of these vacancies as they become available.


We have purchased 2 new portable radios at a cost of $400 total.   This will give us a total of 5 portables, one radio in the office for dispatch, one for the Exec. Director, 3 for maintenance.   The original 3 radios are 10 years old and luckily the only thing that we have replaced is the batteries but it’s only a matter of time.  Prior to this purchase, the only ones to have radios was maintenance (2) and the office (1).


We have decided that temporarily we will hire a part-time replacement to fill our vacancy.  This person will be on a probationary period to see if they work out.  Then, if needed, they will be offered full time employment.   Even though we have several applications on file for this position, we will be placing an employment ad in the paper in hopes of giving us a larger base to choose from.

We have given the title of Maintenance Supervisor to Darrell and he will be assisting me in writing a job description and interviewing potential candidates.  We hope to have a person in place by mid September.  We have already been approved for a full-time position by the State so there are funds in place although the dollar figure for the vacancy will not be as high.

Building Monitors

We are currently looking over our building monitor distribution.   Within the next 2 weeks, with the help of the Park Hill staff, we hope to replace and add people to this roll.

Tenant Informational Booklets

We have only received two booklets from the commission with possible additions and/or corrections.  If we do not receive any further input by the end of August, we will go with what we have and attempt to distribute to all tenants by the end of September.

Board of Selectman Meeting

Just a reminder, the EWHA is on the agenda for tomorrow, August 19, 2008 in regards to the PILOT Program and disabled transportation.   It would be appreciated if all commission members could attend.


Darrell will be attending free training on Sanitary Inspection of Groundwater Systems on Wednesday, August 20th.

Office Closing

Darlene will be on vacation the week of August 25th.  The office will be closed on Friday, August 29, Monday, September 1st and Friday, September 12th.

There were no Reports of Committees


A)      Residents Booklet

        This was covered in the report of the Executive Director
B)      Bus for the Mentally challenged/disabled residents

        This issue is scheduled to be discussed at the Board of Selectman meeting on August 19th.  When any additional information is forthcoming, it will be brought to the attention of the commission.


A)       Quarterly Report - quarter ending 6/30/08 (Revised)

        The revised quarterly report for the quarter ending 6/30/08 was reviewed by all Commissioners present and all questions answered.

B)         Community Hall Rental (Pauline Legassie)

        Pauline Legassie opened up for discussion charging $10.00 to $15.00 more to the security deposit for the rental of the hall, and keeping the extra money to hire someone to clean the kitchen.    
        The reason she has brought this subject up is that she has rented the hall the past two weeks for family parties, and the kitchen was so dirty that she had
to clean it thoroughly before the parties and that there was food in the refrigerator that had started to go bad (or in some instances had gone bad) and that she also had to clean the refrigerator.  She also stated that the oven was extremely dirty, but due to her bronchial problems she could not clean the oven as she cannot tolerate the spray to clean the oven. Her other statement involved the towels and the pot holders wherein she said that it appeared that the towels and pot holders had never been washed, had been put back in the drawer dirty and that she had to wash and dry the towels before the party.
 The Executive Director responded to this by stating that when Darrell had the time he would clean the oven, and the Administrative Assistant responded to the towel issue by stating that most of the residents after a party took the towels home that they had used and washed them and returned them to the hall, and that she had personally done the towels after any Park Hill event.
        There was additional discussion regarding this subject, with the consensus of the board being that there would be no additional monies charged for the security deposit for the hall and that if she was so concerned with the condition of the kitchen, maybe her and some of her ladies could come in once a month or so to clean the kitchen.

C)      Resident Services Coordinator Contract

        When we originally applied to the State for the funding for the Resident Services Coordinator, the resolution and contract was approved and signed by the Board and the Executive Director.   We have received a new contract which includes additional funding ($24,944 for the fiscal year 08/09).   This additional contract will only need to be signed this one time and hopefully, this will be the last time it will have to be signed.
        Commissioner Percoski read the resolution to the Board.   A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner Lamb to accept the resolution as presented with regards to the Resident Services Coordinator.

        Percoski/Lamb                                   Unanimous

D)      Request from Shelley Williams to move to a larger apartment

        The Executive Director started the discussion by informing the commissioners present that he had a letter from Ms. William’s physician stating the need for her to move to a larger apartment.
        Ms. Williams was then asked to speak and she explained to the commissioners present that due to her many medical problems, among them claustrophobia, it would be advantageous to her to move to a bigger apartment; she also explained that she has a hard time carrying groceries from the parking lot to her apartment and if she was allowed to move to Apt. 77 it would be closer to the garden that she has planted and she would be able to park right in front of her apartment thus easing the problem of having to carry groceries, etc. from the front parking lot to her apartment.
        There was discussion regarding this matter among the commissioners present with a couple of the commissioners questioning Ms. Williams.  At this time, it was also explained to Ms. Williams that the apartment she wished to move to was only approximately 4’ bigger than her existing one, Ms. Williams countered this by saying that there was additional storage space in Apt. 77 and it appeared bigger to her.
        After additional discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner Legassie to grant Shelley Williams permission to move from Apt. 13 to Apt. 77 but that this would be her last move.
        Percoski/Legassie                                               Unanimous


There were no new Policy and Procedures
A)      Personnel Matters

         There was no Executive Session


A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner Lamb to adjourn the regular meeting of the East Windsor Housing Authority at 7:42 p.m.

        Percoski/Lamb                                           Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Steven D. Knibloe
Executive Director

Darlene H. Kelly
Recording Secretary