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May 19, 2008 Regular Meeting Minutes
East Windsor Housing Authority
Regular Meeting – May 19, 2008


        The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Karen Boutin, Commissioners LaMay, Lamb, Legassie and Percoski were in attendance, along with our liaison to the Board of Selectman, Dale Nelson.    


        There were no Added Agenda Items


        Regular Meeting – March 17, 2008

        The minutes of the regular meeting of March 17, 20008 were reviewed by all Commissioners present.  A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner Legassie to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of March 17, 2008 as presented.

        Percoski/Legassie               Unanimous


        Karen Nasuta – Apt. 73
        Ms. Nasuta queried the Board as to whether or not since Darrell is working alone would it be possible to bring Eric back.  Chairman Boutin responded that this issue would be covered under Executive Session.
        Harriet Goss – Apt. 11
        Ms. Goss complimented Darrell on the good job he has been doing and to quote her “has been working his butt off to keep up with things”.
        Betty Blondin – Apt. 43
        Ms. Blondin brought to the attention of the Board the fact that #34 has five (5) birdfeeders in their front yard and are strewing bread, etc. all over the place which is making the place look trashy and attracting all kinds of animals.   The Executive Director responded to Ms. Blondin by stating that he had sent them a letter regarding the bird feeders and was under the impression that the problem had been taken care of.  Darrell Barkley spoke up at this point and said that there were indeed many bird feeders in the front yard and that they had just started throwing bread and seeds out.
        After this comment, it was a consensus of the Board members present that the situation with bird feeders has gotten out of hand and something needs to be done to curb the excessive amount of bird feeders at Park Hill.

        Check Register – March 19 – April 16, 2008

        The check register for March 19 – April 16, 2008 was reviewed by all commissioners present and all questions answered.   A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner Legassie to accept the check register of March 19 – April 16, 2008 as presented.

        Percoski/Legassie                               Unanimous

Bank Reconciliation November, 2007

        The Bank Reconciliation of March, 2008 was reviewed by all commissioners present.

Check Register – April 23 – May 14, 2008

        The Check Register April 23 – May 14, 2008 was reviewed by all Commissioners present and all questions answered.   A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner LaMay to accept the check register of April 23 – May 14, 2008 as presented.

        Percoski/LaMay                                  Unanimous

Bank Reconciliation – May, 2008

        The Bank Reconciliation of May, 2008 was reviewed by all commissioners present.


Shooting of cats/squirrels

        There have been a couple of incidents at Park Hill recently.   One involved the shooting of a tenant’s cat with a BB gun.  We do not know who shot the cat but the tenant must also share in some of the responsibility as the cat was left out while the tenant left the premises.   The tenant has been advised that this was a violation of the agreement with Park Hill and that as such the cat must be kept inside at all times.
        The second incident involved the shooting of a squirrel with an air or pellet gun.   The complaint was received in the office and the tenant making the complaint was advised to call the police and the DEP.   The tenant who did the shooting has been sent a letter advising him that actions of this type are illegal and if it continues this person will be in violation of not only his lease but the law.

AT&T has been at Park Hill over the last week rewiring the complex for the new digital programming which will go into effect in February of 2009.   They were here for three days last week and have completed the job.

At this point, the Chairman questioned the Administrative Assistant, Darlene Kelly, as to the progress on the upgrades from CL&P to the apartments here.  Darlene responded to this inquiry by stating that although she has sent several e-mails and made phone calls to our new representative, Ray Mack, there has been no response from him to her inquiries.   The Executive Director stated that he will attempt to call Mr. Mack and get information as to the upgrades.   When any additional information is forthcoming, it will be brought to the attention of the commissioners.

The generator is now completely connected to the Community Hall with the exception of the outlets in the kitchen and these will be done in the very near future.   

The Park Hill handbook was discussed by the Executive Director and the commissioners present and it was a consensus that this discussion should be tabled until the next meeting.   The Executive Director did request of all commissioners present to look over the book and note any suggestions or changes they would like to see in this handbook.

There were no Reports of Committees


A)      PILOT Payment

        There is nothing new to report on the PILOT payment.  The Executive Director will write a letter to the First Selectman requesting a meeting with the entire Board of Selectman.

B)      Health Insurance

        As the issue of Health Insurance and the possibility of the employees of the Housing Authority having to pay a portion, Darrell Barkley, Maintenance, was asked for his opinion.  Mr. Barkley stated that he could not afford to pay a portion of the health insurance due to what he is being paid.   His salary information was not made public as it is confidential.
        At this time, it was a request of the Chairman of the Board to table this discussion to a future meeting.   Any further discussion will be held after Gov. Rell makes a decision as to whether municipalities and small businesses will be allowed to join the same health plan as the employees of the State of Connecticut.

C)      Resident Services Coordinator Program

        Everything is set and ready to go.  At the present time we are trying to find a qualified person to work here as the Resident Services Coordinator.  This is a part time position – 15 hours a week.  We have not gone out to advertise yet but have been contacting other Housing Authorities who have Resident Coordinators to see if one of them would be willing to also work at Park Hill.  If there are no responses to our inquiries, then we will go out to advertise.   We hope to have the Resident Services Coordinator in place by the next meeting.

D)      Apartment Relocation Request

At the current time, we have no double apartments available.   The letter requesting the relocation will remain open until such time as it can be acted upon.

E)      Bus for the mentally challenged/disabled residents

        There is no additional information on this at the present time.   At the request of the Chairman, it has been tabled until the June, 2008 meeting.


A)      Quarterly Report – quarter ending 3/31/08

The Quarterly Report for the quarter ending 3/31/08 was reviewed by all commissioners present and all questions answered.

B)      2008/2009 Budget

        The budget as presented does not include any payroll figures as this will be covered in Executive Session under Personnel Review.
        There was a $40,000 error in the budget as originally submitted, 4160 Pensions and Other Funds was inadvertently overlooked.  To make up the difference, 56% was taken off of account 4159 – other office (a total dollar amount of $5300.00).
        As the budget is incomplete without the payroll figures, no action was taken by the commissioners present.

   There were no new Policies and Procedures.


        A motion was made by Commissioner Lamb, seconded by Commissioner Percoski to leave the regular meeting at 7:54 p.m. for the purposes of the Annual Meeting for the East Windsor Housing Authority.

        Lamb/Percoski                                   Unanimous

        A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner Lamb to come out of the Annual Meeting of the East Windsor Housing Authority at 7:57 p.m.

        Percoski/Lamb                                   Unanimous

Before the Executive Session began, Commissioner LaMay took the opportunity to thank Darrell Barkley for his persistent and hard work during the year, but especially the last three (3) months while Gary has been out on Medical Leave.  He was complimented on his work and told how much he is appreciated by not only the residents but also by the Board.

A)      Personnel Review

        A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner Legassie to go into Executive Session at 8:06 p.m. to include the Executive Director and Administrative Assistant as needed.

        Percoski/Legassie                                       Unanimous

        A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner LaMay to come out of Executive Session at 9:05 p.m.

        Percoski/ LaMay                                 Unanimous

ACTION TAKEN:  A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Legassie to approve the recommendations as presented.

        LaMay/Legassie                                  Unanimous


        A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Lamb to adjourn the regular meeting of the East Windsor Housing Authority at 9:10 p.m.

        LaMay/Lamb                                              Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Steven D. Knibloe
Executive Director

Darlene H. Kelly
Administrative Assistant