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February 20, 2007 Meeting Minutes
East Windsor Housing Authority
Regular Meeting – February 20, 2007


        The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Karen Boutin.  Commissioners LaMay, Legassie, Mezzetti and Percoski were in attendance.


        Under New Business:

        Discussion – computer program and quotes for audit


        Special Meeting – December 12, 2006

        The minutes of the special meeting of December 12, 2006 were reviewed by all commissioners present.  A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner Lamay to accept the minutes of the special meeting of December 12, 2006 as presented.

        Percoski/Lamay  Unanimous


        Marie DeSousa, who introduced herself as a member of the Board of Finance for the Town of East Windsor, stated that she was at Park Hill checking for possible future relocation and “was appalled” by the condition of the walks and driveways at the complex after the recent storm.   She stated that we should have done a better job in clearing away the ice.

        Lester Norrie also spoke to the fact that he could not understand why the maintenance crew had such a hard time clearing away the ice when he easily did it in front of his apartment.

        The Executive Director responded to this by saying that this last storm was extremely difficult to clean up after due to the amount of ice and the frigid temperatures.   He went on further to say that the maintenance crew was told to concentrate on opening up the doorways on Thursday and  on Friday to clear away as much of the ice as they could.   Today, due to the moderating temperatures, they were able to finish the job and clear away the ice.   Ms. DeSousa then questioned the Executive Director as to why the proper equipment was not used to clear away the ice and why the maintenance crew was not allowed to stay until the job was completed.   The Executive Director responded to this by stating that was no reason for the crew to stay late as there was nothing further that could be done to remove the ice until the temps warmed up; and the only kind of equipment that would be able to break up the ice would also damage the sidewalks and we could not afford sidewalk repairs again this year.

        Ms. DeSousa then questioned the Executive Director and the Board of Commissioners as to why the PILOT payment to the Town of East Windsor had not been paid since 1999, and why was there a deficit of over $69,000 being carried on our books.   She stated that the information she was basing her questions on was contained in our last two audit reports.  Although this was a public session and no response was necessary, the Executive Director attempted to respond to her questions but was continually interrupted by Ms. DeSousa and after several attempts to answer the questions gave up.   The Chairman, Karen Boutin then attempted to respond to Ms. DeSousa and was once again interrupted by her.  Ms. Boutin did not give up and was finally able to respond to Ms. DeSousa by stating that the deficit carried on our books was for the money expended to draw up plans for the refurbishment of the Mill Brook property and it had been our understanding that we would be reimbursed by Hamilton Standard for all monies expended.  Ms. Boutin also stated that this was something that had occurred over 5 years ago and that we were still waiting on the reimbursement.   As to the accusation that the PILOT payment had not been paid since 1999 Ms. DeSousa was informed that the payment is made every year.

        Check Register – December 13, 2006 – January 10, 2007

        The check register for December 13, 2006 – January 10 2007 was reviewed by all commissioners present and all questions answered.   A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner LaMay to accept the check register of December 13, 2006 – January 10, 2007 as presented.

        Percoski/LaMay                                  Unanimous

Bank Reconciliation December, 2006

        The Bank Reconciliation of December, 2006 was reviewed by all Commissioners present.

        Check Register – January 17- February 14, 2007

        The Check Register for January 17 – February 14, 2007 was reviewed by all Commissioners present and all questions answered.   A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Mezzetti to accept the check register of January 17 – February 14, 2007 as presented.

        LaMay/Mezzetti                                  Unanimous
        Bank Reconciliation – January, 2007

        The Bank Reconciliation from January, 2007 was reviewed by all Commissioners present.



        At the present time we have three (3) vacancies, #19, 33 and as of March 1st #55.

        Apartment Switch for Medical Reasons

        The following apartment switches are in the process or have been completed:

        Apartment 33 moving to Apartment 51
        Apartment 12 moving to Apartment 57

        Apartment #45 is being treated for mold.   We have purchased 55 gallons of a mold/mildew eradicator which actually kills the mold and then we paint the area affected with a mold reducing paint.  

        Leak in Community Hall Roof

        A wet spot developed in the ceiling of the community hall, near the pool table.  It appears that it may be a leak in the roof.  We have the contractor that did the addition coming out to inspect and repair, if necessary.   These repairs will be done as soon as weather permits.

        Water System

        The State Department of Health inspected our water system and they were very impressed with our setup.  They could find nothing wrong, so we are good for another two years.  Although our inspection was good, there is a concentration of nitrate in the water; although not above State maximums the State Health Department is requiring extra testing to monitor the situation which means that we will need additional testing for nitrates every quarter.

        Quotes for Audit and Financial Software

        Request for quotes for our required audit and a financial software upgrade have gone out to six (6) CPA firms in the general area.  Response cutoff is February 1, 2007.

        Two separate quotes were requested, one for the audit and one for financial software installed and the training needed to use it.

        We are currently paying $4,000/yr for the privilege of using the CHAS accounting system.  A new in-house system should pay for itself in the first year and still do everything we need it to do.   By the second year we should be able to save two to three thousand dollars a year.

        Applications for Housing

        Our application list is still closed.   We may possibly start accepting applications again in the spring.

        Resident Death

        One of our residents, Patrick Godin, #19, was killed in a fiery crash in Enfield on February 2, 2007.

        Apt. 32

        Apt. 32 has been inspected and there is a 100% improvement in the condition of the apartment.   The entrances are no longer blocked with “stuff” and the piles of newspapers, magazines, etc. have been removed.   We will continue to inspect this apartment periodically.

        Bank of America

        The company checking account is through Bank of America.   We recently received a bill in the amount of $306.41, which as it turns out is an accumulation of service charges for the year 2006.  We have spoken with a representative from Bank of America and she is going to get a waiver for the 2006 charges, but as of January 1, 2007 we will have to pay the monthly service charges.   The reason for the service charges is that we do not keep a minimum monthly balance of $24,000 in the checking account.   It was a strong suggestion from the Bank of America representative that we look for a smaller bank for our checking account and that we close out our savings accounts as we are too small of an account.  A letter will be sent to the CEO of Bank of America regarding this turn of events.

        We will be looking into changing banks and when any additional information is forthcoming it will be brought to the attention of the commission.

        Apt. 44

        We went to Housing Court with regards to this eviction.  Under the decision rendered by Housing Court, she has another year to remain here as long as she stays out of trouble and on her medications.  If there are any more incidents the agreement will be null and void and the process will go ahead without having to go to court.

        An arrest warrant was served on Saturday, February 17th.  She was released on bond and has a court appearance in March.


        There were no Reports of Committees


        There was no Unfinished Business


a)      Quarterly Report – quarter ending 12/31/06

The quarterly report for the quarter ending 12/31/06 was reviewed by all commissioners present and all questions answered.

b)      Public Hearing and discussion – Base Rent Increase

CHFA has suggested that due to the increase in operating costs, our base rent should be increased.   Base Rent is defined as the amount of money necessary to operate this complex.

After looking into this, the proposal is to increase the base rent as follows:

        Single                  From $75.00 to $80.00
        Double          From $90.00 to $95.00

A motion was made by Commissioner Mezzetti, seconded by Commissioner Percoski to raise the base rent from $75 to $80 for a single apartment and $90 to $95 for a double apartment to go into effect on July 1, 2007.

        Mezzetti/Percoski                               Unanimous

c)      Accounting and Computer Program

We received 3 responses to our bid requests.   They were from Mahoney & Sabol out of Glastonbury, Bardaglio, Hart and Shuman out of Windsor Locks and Lagana and Company out of Enfield.  The request was for the cost of the 2 year audits for the next 3 periods and for the installation and training of an accounting program for the Computer.

The bids received are as follows:
        Mahoney & Sabol 
                1st period      $7,000
                2nd period      $7,750
                3rd period      $8,500
        Accounting program for computer (Quick Books) $500.00 with no training.

        Bardaglio, Hart & Shuman
                $6,000 every two years

        No accounting program.

        Lagana & Company
                1st period      $6,200
                2nd period      $6,800
                3rd period      $7,200

        Lagana & Company works with Bookkeeping Solutions out of Suffield on the accounting program.   Bookkeeping Solutions specifically recommends Quick Books and has quoted approximately $1860 to install the program, adapt the program to meet our needs and to have the capability of filing the necessary reports with the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority, transfer all information presently on the CHAS program, and to train the office staff on the new program.

        After a discussion among the Commissioners present and the Executive Director, a motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Mezzetti to leave the decision for the computer program and audit firm up to the Executive Director.

        LaMay/Mezzetti                                  Unanimous


a)      07-0033 Tenant Selection Policy

The Tenant Selection Policy spells out the procedure(s) for accepting
applications and the process that is followed in selecting tenants for the East Windsor Housing Authority.  

        After a short discussion regarding this policy, a motion was made by Commissioner Legassie, seconded by Commissioner Percoski to accept Policy 07-0033 Tenant Selection Policy.

         Legassie/Percoski                                      Unanimous


         There was no Executive Session.


        A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner Mezzetti to adjourn the regular meeting of the East Windsor Housing Authority at 8:20 p.m.

        Percoski/Mezzetti                                               Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Steven D. Knibloe
Executive Director

Darlene H. Kelly
Recording Secretary