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October 16, 2006 Meeting Minutes
East Windsor Housing Authority
Regular Meeting - October 16, 2006


        The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Karen Boutin.  Commissioners LaMay, Legassie, Mezzetti and Percoski were in attendance


        There were no added agenda items.


        Regular Meeting - September 18, 2006

        The minutes of the regular meeting of September 18, 2006 were reviewed by all commissioners present.  A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner Lamay to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of September 18, 2006 as presented.

        Percoski/Lamay  Unanimous


        There were no public comments.


        Check Register - September 20 - October 11, 2006

        The check register for September 20 - October 11, 2006 was reviewed by all commissioners present and all questions answered.   A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner Legassie to accept the check register of September 20 - October 11, 2006 as presented.

        Percoski/Legassie                                       Unanimous

Bank Reconciliation September, 2006

        The Bank Reconciliation of September, 2006 was reviewed by all Commissioners present



Apartment Status

        We currently have two doubles vacant.  One is being renovated and one is still being cleaned out.

        Employee Injury

        Gary has been out for several days on a non-work related injury.  With Gary on “light duty” we are keeping our part-time help on until such time that Gary can return to full duty. We are paying our part-time help minimum wage for 20 hours per week.  We will continue to use him on and off during the winter if he is available.

        Tenant Problem

        We have two tenant problems which will be covered under Executive Session.

        Winter Is Coming

        We are currently gearing up for the winter season.   Although is it is reportedly going to be a mild winter, we are getting machines in shape along with snow and ice removal chemicals.

        Tenants will be warned that if we do not have a key to their vehicle, they will be responsible for the removal of snow and ice and moving the vehicle for snow removal.  If they do not give us a key or do not clean and move their vehicle they could possibly be plowed in by the town and it will be their responsibility to get out.  We currently have better than 90% of the keys to tenant vehicles in our possession.


        Pauline Legassie has currently taken over the kitchen reorganization.    With the help of Marion Coville and Florence LaFountain, she has put down shelf paper, reorganized the cabinets and drawers and has left an organizational chart on the counter top.  The kitchen looks great and we thank all three ladies for their efforts.

        Flu Clinic

        The Flu Clinic sponsored by Visiting Nurses and Health Care will be held at Park Hill on November 14th from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.



I received a telephone call from SLAM (the architectural firm which oversaw the renovations of the community hall) stating that there was an additional $27,905 due them for the over-seeing of the project.  We have already paid them approximately $63,000 for the renovation and this additional monies due will bring the total to almost $100,000 for the renovation of the community hall.   There are enough monies in our reserves if we close out two of our cd’s.  Once this has been done and SLAM has been paid, any monies left over will be deposited into our STIF account which has a higher yield than any of our cd’s.

A motion was made by Commissioner Mezzetti, seconded by Commissioner LaMay to close out two cd’s and to pay the remaining monies owed to SLAM.

Mezzetti/LaMay                                          Unanimous


        There were no Reports of Committees


        There was no Unfinished Business


        a)      2006 Audit Report

        We have received the 2006 audit report from the accountants.  Although our accounting procedures have not changed in 10 years, according to our accountant they are not being done properly.   There is no problem, but our procedures are “not properly done” according to this accountant.   Of course, if we change accountants again, their procedures may be different so things will have to be done differently.  


        a)      Update of Eviction Policy
        b)      06-0034 Drug Policy

        Due to recent events where one of our tenants was arrested in Windsor Locks supposedly with a needle in his arm and 14 bags of heroin on the seat next to him, it is time to expand the eviction policy to include our “0” tolerance towards possession and/or sale of drugs by any tenant of the East Windsor Housing Authority.

        Also, because of the above mentioned circumstances the time has come to include a Drug Policy in our approved Policy and Procedures.   With regards to the Drug Policy, I have had contact with our attorney and although we would be unable to evict anyone for drug activity outside of the 1500 yard limit, we are allowed (by state statute) to send the offending tenant a letter stating that the situation must be remedied within 15 days - if there is no response to this letter and/or no remedy to the problem; at that time we will be able to begin eviction procedures.

        A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Mezzetti to incorporate the “drug policy” into the eviction policy and to accept Policy No:  06- 0034  into our Policy and Procedures.

        LaMay/Mezzetti                                          Unanimous


        A motion was made by Commissioner Mezzetti, seconded by Commissioner LaMay to go into Executive Session at 7:30 p.m. for the purposes of discussion of Pending Litigation - evictions to include the Executive Director and the Administrative Assistant.

        Mezzetti/LaMay                                          Unanimous

        A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Percoski to come out of Executive Session at 8:15 p.m.

        LaMay/Percoski                                          Unanimous


        A motion was made by Commissioner Percoski, seconded by Commissioner Legassie to adjourn the regular meeting of the East Windsor Housing Authority at 8:25 p.m.

        Percoski/Legassie                                               Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Steven D. Knibloe
Executive Director

Darlene H. Kelly
Recording Secretary