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The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Boutin. Commissioners LaMay, Legassie and Percoski were in attendance. Commissioner Mezzetti was not in attendance.

There were no Added Agenda items

Regular Meeting - November 15, 2004
The minutes of the regular meeting of November 15, 2004 were reviewed by all commissioners present. A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay seconded by Commissioner Legassie to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of November 15, 2004 as presented.

Harriet Goss voiced her concerns over single individuals in a couple of apartments having additional people living with them. She felt that this was not fair to the other tenants and that something should be done about it. She also questioned the Executive Director as to what was going to be done about the situation and whether or not he was afraid to do something.
Along the same lines, Commissioner Legassie read a letter from Commissioner Mezzetti expressing her concerns regarding the situation in which Commissioner Mezzetti stated that it was not right that the rules and regulations of Park Hill were not being followed regarding additional people and multiple cats. Commissioner Mezzetti also stated that if this practice was going to continue, she would like a reduction in her rent.

The Executive Director responded to these accusations by stating that there were certain procedures that needed to be followed; that he had spoken personally with one tenant and has sent letters to the other tenant. As far as the feeding of cats goes, if he has proof positive that this practice is continuing he will immediately start eviction procedures.

The Executive Director also spoke to Commissioner Legassie about what her agenda was and that she knew well in advance of the meeting what he has done and is doing as he has always honestly answered any of her questions and/or concerns. The Executive Director also told Commissioner Legassie that people around here needed a hobby or something to do and to leave the running of Park Hill to him and his staff.


Check Register- November 17 - December 22, 2004
The check register of November 17 - December 22, 2004 was reviewed by all commissioners present and all questions answered. A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Percoski to accept the check register of November 17 - December 22, 2004 as presented.

Bank Reconciliation - November, 2004
The Bank Reconciliation of November, 2004 was reviewed by all Commissioners present. No action necessary as this is informational only.


Tenant Association or Social Club
On December 1st several Park Hill residents got together in an attempt to reform the now defunct Park Hill Social Club. The purpose of this organization is to promote activities at Park Hill for all to join in and get to know their neighbors. As of this writing, they haven't decided if they want to call it the Park Hill Social Club or Tenant Association. More to follow.

Street Repaired
The highway department has repaired a sinking manhole on the first level. Gary will now be able to plow snow without hitting the hole and causing the air bags to go off.

Emergency Repairs
The emergency roof repairs to building 2 on the 1st level have been repaired. Several pieces of plywood sheathing had to be replaced due to dry rot. When the second overlay of shingles was put down, they were never sealed around the venting pipes or exhaust pipes, allowing water to seep under the shingles. Without exaggeration it would have been ten times less expensive to have stripped the roof and repaired the damage the first time rather than just putting a second layer of shingles down. This is why when we make repairs it appears to be very expensive but we won't experience repair induced damage and should last longer than we will.

Mysterious Odor
We have received complaints of a mysterious odor inside of apartment 79. This odor, a musty or mildew smell, appeared to be coming from the carpet. We have cleaned the carpet several times to no avail, the odor keeps coming back. We have checked the apartment from top to bottom including the attic, with a moisture meter and a light that shows prior moisture spots, with negative results. As a last resort we are going to replace the carpets in the entire apartment as we cannot pinpoint the cause of this odor. If this does not solve the problem we will have to seek out other alternatives.

Increase in Premium for Reduction in Deductible
The premium for Public Officials and Employee Liability insurance has increased by $695.00 to $2,642 annually. This was done to cause the deductible to go from $25,000.00 to $5,000.00 per incident. Since the inception of the EWHA, we have never made a claim on this insurance. (Ever heard the term "Insurance Poor?) ---..

I am currently, and have been for some time, looking into less expensive insurance coverage including medical. So far they are more costly than what we now have in place.

This lower deductible was requested by the larger housing authorities through the Department of Administrative Services (DAS). These larger authorities are the ones that make claims on these policies subsequently the smaller authorities are stuck with the increased cost.

I am currently in the process of writing a letter to DAS requesting that authorities that do not or have not made claims on insurance in three years or more be given a discount while authorities that consistently make claims be charged more.

Energy Assistance
As you are aware we assist our tenants in applying for energy assistance. The applications are just about completed. This year the asset limit of $7,500 is being strictly adhered to because of the sharp increase in the cost of heating oil most of the money is going for home heating oil. Because of this there are several residents that have been eligible in the past that are now ineligible for energy assistance. Instead of just taking the interest from checking accounts, savings accounts, money market, IRA'S, cd's (anything that can be converted into cash), they are taking the total amount of these accounts causing people to be over the $7500 limit.

Items Disappearing from the Refrigerator in the Community Hall
Because of items belonging to employees and other tenants consistently disappearing from the refrigerator in the community hall, we have been forced to lock the refrigerator during non-business hours. It will be accessible during special functions if arrangements are made ahead of time.

Vacant Apartments
We currently have four (4) vacant apartments in different stages of rehabilitation, and we expect two more; one in February and one in March. The maintenance crew is having a hard time keeping up with these vacancies and the normal calls for repairs and other services. With the inevitable winter snow the situation could get worse.
We have applicants waiting as soon as the apartments are ready.

Community Service
We currently have a young lady working with the maintenance crew to fulfill court required community service hours. She has approximately 10 more hours to fill.

Water Testing
We have received a letter from the State of Connecticut, Department of Public Health requiring that we test for beta particle and photon radioactivity. I am looking into the reasons for this testing and when more information is forthcoming it will be brought to the attention of the Commissioners.

There were no reports of committees.

A). Community Hall/Office Expansion
We will be going out to bid the first of the year and hope to start the expansion in the spring.

There was no New Business.

There were no new Policies and Procedures

Employee Performance - Executive Director

A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Percoski to go into Executive Session at 7:42 p.m. to include the Executive Director.


A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Percoski to come out of Executive Session at 7:56 p.m.

No action taken.

A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Percoski to adjourn the regular meeting of the East Windsor Housing Authority at 8:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,
Steven D. Knibloe Executive Director

Darlene H. Kelly Recording Secretary