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10/19/04 Regular Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Karen Boutin. Commissioners LaMay and Legassie were present. Vice-Chairman Percoski and Commissioner Mezzetti were not in attendance.

Under New Business:
        2005 Meeting Dates
        Quarterly Report - quarter ending 930/04

Regular Meeting - August 16, 2004
The minutes of the regular meeting of August 16, 2004 were reviewed by all commissioners present. A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Legassie to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of August 16, 2004 as presented.
LaMay /Legassie

A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Legassie to recess the regular meeting for the purposes of the Annual Meeting at 7:10 p.m.
LaMay /Legassie

A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Legassie to come out of Annual Meeting and back to the normal order of business at 7:20 p.m.
LaMay Legassie

There were no public comments


Check Register - August 18 - September 15, 2004
The check register of August 18 - September 15, 2004 was reviewed by all commissioners present and all questions answered. A motion was made by Commissioner Legassie, seconded by Commissioner LaMay to accept the check register of August 18 - September 15, 2004 as presented.
Legassie LaMay
Check Register - September 22 - October 13, 2004
The Check Register of September 22 - October 13, 2004 was reviewed by all Commissioners present and all questions answered. A motion was made by Commissioner Legassie, seconded by Commissioner LaMay to accept the check register of September 22 - October 13, 2004 as presented.
Legassie LaMay
Bank Reconciliation - August, 2004
The Bank Reconciliation of August, 2004 was reviewed by all Commissioners present. No action necessary as this is informational only.

Bank Reconciliation - September, 2004
The Bank Reconciliation of September, 2004 was reviewed by all Commissioners present. No action necessary as this is informational only.


We currently have four (4) vacancies, two doubles and two singles. They are in different stages of rehabilitation. There are applicants waiting to take occupancy as soon as they are ready.
This has been a tough year for vacancies; it has really taxes our RM&R funds. We are now doing the basic minimum in rehab work. Re-roofing and gutter replacement on the first level will have to wait until funds are available.
We will be checking with the State and CHFA to see if rehabilitation grants are available.
Water System
The holding tank has been cleaned and disinfected. After the tank was drained it was discovered that almost all of the metal bracing inside the tank, which holds all the piping, has rusted through and had to be replaced with stainless steel bracing. It was also found that the pumps were not working efficiently. More water was being pushed out of the connections than was being pumped into the pressure tanks. Subsequently, the pumps were working harder and longer and cost to operate was higher. These situations have now been corrected and the supply of water to the hill should be more efficient and cost effective.
Rubber gasket material was installed on the galvanized covers to the holding tank to prevent spiders and other insects from entering that tank. These insects are a good source of Coliforms, which we have been plagued with since 2003.
Our water system is now up to date and conforms to all the State regulations, that is until the State changes them again.
New Water Testing Laboratory
We now have a new water testing laboratory, Vallid laboratory out of Agawam, MA.
Vallid is a small laboratory catering to smaller accounts such as us. Although they are small, they are a full service laboratory that will assist us in assessing any problems that may arise.

We were informed in August by Spectrum Lab that we were too small for them, that it cost them money to do our testing. (This didn't happen until we were fined by the State for their error in taking test samples. Spectrum reimbursed us the cost of the fine in water testing. Coincidence? I think not.)

TrainingI Education
Gary has completed a two day seminar conducted by the State Health Department which will recertify him as a conditional water system operator in the State of Connecticut. What this means is that he is certified to operate our water system and no other. Darrell will also attend this seminar in December.

Part-time Help
Although we have more than enough work to be done, we have no more part-time help because of monetary reasons.

Senior and the Law
Seniors and the law seminar will be held on October 25th. Anyone interested in attending, please let me know so that I can send in the registration forms.

Park Hill Rummage Sale
On September 25th an 26th, some of the tenants got together and held a
rummage sale at the Pavilion in Park Hill.
Dave Chase of #71 Park Hill coordinated the effort in which several other tenants participated. Notification was sent to all tenants inviting them to take part.
It is my understanding that the sale was a great success and may take place two or three times a year.
. Telephones
The telephones in the office are old and giving us problems (Le. the hold button doesn't hold and the volume control doesn't work half the time). I am looking into replacing the phones sometime within the next month or so.

Apartment Inspection
A new procedure will be instituted starting this week. When there is a service call for repairs to the apartment, the maintenance crew will take an inspection report with them and inspect the apartment after the repairs are completed. Hopefully, this will speed up the inspection process.
The Department of Public Health sent us a notice that we were in violation of arsenic. I looked at the results of the tests and we were well below the accepted levels. I contacted the Department of Public Health and after they looked into the matter, informed me that the wrong numbers were entered into the computer - oops. They apologized for the error and sent us a letter of explanation and apology.
The contract for auditing services by Bardaglio, Hart and Shuman is up for renewal. I would like the approval of the Commissioners to renew this contract and to continue using their services instead of switching auditing firms every couple of years.
A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Legassie to continue with our current auditor.
When an application is received, we are now checking with their former landlord(s) and the sex offender data base as well as the normal credit and criminal checks.
There were no reports of committees.
Community Hall/Office Expansion
        There is a meeting on Wednesday, October 20th at 11:00 a.m. with the
First Selectman, Linda Roberts, Larry and Nancy Wagner (the grant writers) and Steve Knibloe with regards to the grant. When additional information is forthcoming, it will be brought to the attention of the commissioners.

Quarterly Report - Quarter ending 9/30/04
The Quarterly Report for the quarter ending 9/30/04 was reviewed by all Commissioners present. No action necessary as this report is informational only.
2005 Meeting Dates
The proposed meeting dates for 2005 were reviewed by all Commissioners present. Due to President's Day and Washington's Birthday, the meeting for February. 2005 will be held on Monday, February 28th.
There were no new Policies and Procedures
There was no Executive Session.

A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Legassie to adjourn the regular meeting of the East Windsor Housing Authority at 7:45 p.m.

LaMay/Legassie                                          Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Steven D. Knibloe Executive Director

Darlene H. Kelly Recording Secretary