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10/20/03 EWHA Meeting Minutes
East Windsor Housing Authority

Regular  Meeting – October 20, 2003



The meeting was called to order at 7:21 p.m. by Vice-Chairman Beverly Percoski.  Commissioners Kneeland and LaMay were in attendance.   Chairman Boutin was not present.


        Annual Meeting

        A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Kneeland to post-pone the Annual Meeting of the East Windsor Housing Authority Board of Commissioners until the November meeting.

        LaMay/Kneeland                                  Unanimous


        Regular Meeting – September 15, 2003

        The minutes of the regular meeting of September 15, 2003 were reviewed by all Commissioners present.   A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Kneeland to accept the minutes as presented.

        LaMay/Kneeland                                  Unanimous


        Marion Coville, Apt. 21, queried the Executive Director as to whether or not the situation had been resolved regarding our “mentally challenged”  residents.  Steve Knibloe, Executive Director, responded to her question by stating that the one resident that was causing problems had been formally evicted as of October 8, 2003.

        Pauline Legassie, Apt. 15, spoke on behalf of another resident requesting that the Housing Authority install a shower for her as she has had a stroke and the her left side was affected and she has difficulty getting in and out of the tub.  The Executive Director responded to this by stating that all the resident in question had to do was come speak with him and he would be happy to put her on the list for showers; but that it would take awhile to install a shower as they are quite expensive and we already have a few people on the list for showers.


        Check Register – September 10 – October 15, 2003

        The check register of September 10 – October 15, 2003 was reviewed by all Commissioners present and all questions answered.  A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Percoski to accept the check register as presented.

        LaMay/Percoski                                  Unanimous



        As stated earlier, the tenant causing problems in the last few months was evicted on October 8, 2003.  All of his personal possessions were removed from the apartment and we will be taking him to small claims court to try to recoup some of our out-of-pocket expenses in connection with the eviction and also the past due rent.

NAHRO Training

        I attended PHM (Public Housing Management) training in Hartford last week.   Most of the training dealt with Federal housing; but there was some useful information regarding management of small housing authorities.   I took the test on the last day of the class and am awaiting my certification.


        There is a meeting on October 23, 2003 at the Town Hall for training with regards to the Town web-site which I will be attending.


        The audit is still in the process of being completed.  There have been several meeting between myself and the auditor and it has been discovered that Winn is only paying us a 2% Management Fee and it should be 5%; so I am in discussions with Winn over this issue.


        We have received the Management Fee bills from CHFA.  Since it is a State statute that we pay this management fee to DECD, we are refusing (at this time) to pay these bills.  Also, Gary King the Director of CHFA, stated when he took over CHFA that he would not be charging the housing authorities a management fee.   When anymore information regarding this issue is forthcoming, it will be brought to the attention of the Commissioners.


        The buildings on Levels 2 and 3 have been power washed and with the completion of the power washing we are on track with our five year plans.


        We have four (4) apartments vacant.  One is ready to lease right now, one should be ready by the end of the week and the other two are in various stages of renovation.  One of the vacant apartments needs a total overhaul so it will be awhile before that one is ready.


        We are looking towards reshingling the roofs on Level 3 sometime within the next year or so.  There are 20 year shingles on those roofs and since it has been approximately 17 to 18 years since the roofs were done it is time to do it again.


        There were no reports of committees


A)      Community Hall/Office Expansion

The Housing Authority has been invited to apply for the Small Cities and Towns Grant and we have put together a book on Park Hill and the reasons for the proposed expansion which will be taken to the First Selectman for her additions and then given to the grant writer for him to forward to the State of Connecticut.  When any additional information is forthcoming, it will be brought to the attention of the Commission,

B)      Millbrook Complex

There is nothing new to report on Millbrook as it has once again been postponed until after the November elections.
C)      Petition by residents
a)      Board of Selectman Meeting – October 6, 2003
b)      Meeting with State Representatives – October 15, 2003

There was a special meeting of the Board of Selectman in which our residents were invited to attend to voice their concerns over the “younger mentally challenged” being given residence at Park Hill.  It was well attended, not only by the Management staff, the Board members, our residents and their family members.

On October 15, 2003 there was a meeting at Park Hill with Sen. Gary LeBeau, Rep. Ted Graziani, First Selectman, Linda Roberts and other officials to discuss the problem of the “younger mentally challenged” individuals in residence at elderly housing complexes.  Sen. LeBeau and Rep. Graziani listened to what the people had to say, offered some suggestions and promised to draft legislation for the upcoming session in February.  They also stated that they would have a follow-up meeting at Park Hill in approximately 6 to 7 weeks.


        There was no New Business.


        There was no Executive Session.


        A motion was made by Commissioner LaMay, seconded by Commissioner Kneeland to adjourn the regular meeting of the East Windsor Housing Authority Board of Commissioners at 7:47 p.m.

        LaMay/Kneeland                                  Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Steven D. Knibloe
Executive Director

Darlene H, Kelly
Recording Secretary