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June 8, 2006 Meeting Minutes

Town of East Windsor
East Windsor Historical Commission
11 Rye Street
Broad Brook, CT 06016

Minutes – June 8, 2006

A regular meeting of the East Windsor Historical Commission was held on Thursday, June 8, 2006 at the East Windsor Town Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 6:45 P.M.

A quorum was established. Only Marilyn Butenkoff was absent.
There were no minutes to approve.

Correspondence included: A letter from the Ottery Group, a letter from the Town Treasurer setting a June 15, 2006 deadline for all budget requests.

Added Agenda items include: Ottery Group letter, Guest lecturer issues, and Secretary issues.

Old Business:
        District 12 Schoolhouse was discussed, especially the roof repair. Two estimates were obtained. One for $350/day and a second for a 5x5 patch for $375/day or $11,500 for the entire roof, including removal of the dormer. It was discussed as to whether a 3rd estimate should be obtained. It was emphasized that the other estimates regarding the structural work would be necessary to apply for state and other preservation grants that are available. It was emphasized that other estimates regarding the structural work would be necessary in order to apply for state and other preservation grants that are available. Volunteer solicitation for site clean-up was also talked about. Michael Hunt reported that he had been working at the site establishing debris piles by salvage category, i.e. tires, steel, etc. He also stated that he had complained to the First Selectman regarding the danger of the tree on site. The tree needs to be taken down. He also contacted the town road crew about the site clean up and they replied that it would occur when they got around to it. The chair reported that six volunteers requested to help on the sure at the Community Day Booth. These potential volunteers included persons with roofing, contracting and engineering backgrounds. The need to have a primary organizer was discussed. One of the neighbors had expressed an interest but wanted the Commission involved. The possibility of volunteers meeting, possibly in July or August, was discussed with no decision made.
        After much discussion about estimates for patching the roof, it was decided to go ahead with it before further delay. A motion was made by Paul Scannell and seconded by Germain Hoffman to hire Dave Noga to patch the roof; an appropriation was made for $375.00 for the work. The motion was carried unanimously.
        Town Plan Update: The chair provided the town planner and the Planning and Zoning Commission with regulations for historic, environmental and archeological preservation to be considered for incorporation into the present revisions. The regulations proposed were worked out during a meeting with the State Archeologist, Nicholas Bellantoni, along with representatives from the East Windsor land conservation committee and the East Windsor River Commission, as well as the Historical Commission. Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) stated that they would take the input under advisement and directed the planner to do more research on the internet. The PZC has no plans to use the input from our Commission at this time. The regulations proposed by the Historical Commission would lend themselves to a process similar to the request followed by the Ottery Group of Maryland, which was received by the Commission with this month’s correspondence. The type of input the East Windsor Historical Commission is requesting be outlined in the PZC regulations would appear to follow a national trend. The Historical Commission Chair plans to contact the Ottery Group Consultant to verify this.
        Charter Revision: No information at this time.
        Community Day: The Commission’s display went well. Six (6) volunteers came forward for work on the District 12 Schoolhouse and there were three requests for information on barns.
        Demolition Delay: 93 Depot Street: After much confusion with regard to the contractor taking the barn, a letter was received from Virgil Rollins to validate his work and to validate to what use the structural elements were being put to after their removal. The chair of the Commission was researching the matter regarding Mr. Rollins work, but no okay has been given by this commission to release the delay. Then the building department informed the developer based on the Virgil Rollins letter that a permit could be cut on Tuesday. The Chair of the Commission informed the developer’s representatives that the Commission’s release was necessary, but perhaps such a release could be accomplished by the end of the week. The barns, however, were removed before the permit was released and obtained by the developer. The town attorney is being consulted regarding a violation and the $100.00/day fine. Three calls have been placed to the town attorney over the last 1.5 weeks with no response to date. He was informed that the Commission does not meet in July or August and that the 90-day delay expires in July, but still he has not responded.
        Note was made of the article in the Journal Inquirer, regarding the burning of the house at 93 Depot Street. The tone of the article did not acknowledge the Commission’s intense efforts to save the building, but rather emphasized the failure of the Commission to do so.
        It was noted that the developer requested early release of the delay to burn the building, but it was not granted; three days early would not have made a significant difference.
        There was continued discussion of the letter of complaint to the Select Board regarding communication between the historical commission and the Planning and Zoning department, as regarded plans for 93 Depot Street. The letter was reviewed and it was agreed that is be signed and dated as typed.
        Demolition of the 18th Century Saltbox on South Water Street: Vega Property. The Owners of a saltbox on South Water Street have contacted the Chair of the Commission regarding obtaining a demolition permit. They were told by the Planning and Zoning department that they would need to pull the demolition permit before their plans could be discussed. There would be a 30-day window to demolish, if it were issued. We most likely would delay it 90 days for historic and archeological investigations as it is on the river side of South Water Street. After discussion with Paul Scannell, the owner was informed of the need for a title search and a plot plan for the State Archeologist to review in order to determine if the site merited a dig. There was some confusion on the part of the owners as they wanted to live in the present saltbox while building a new home, but Planning and Zoning told the Chair of the commission that this was not legal. Planning and Zoning asked the Historical Commission Chair to tell the owners to contact the Planner to clarify this. The Communications between the Planning and Zoning and the owners seems confused. During discussion with the Planner the Historical Commission Chair emphasized the need for the Historical Commission to be informed when the plans are brought in to them that involve historic properties. Early notification is essential as the 90-day lag time is insufficient to negotiate with owners/developers, despite their 11th hour cooperation. The Planner stated she didn’t know what they did in the building department. “That’s their business.” There appears to be poor communication and cooperation from Planning and Zoning with the Historical Commission and the building department. This is increasing time, effort and cost for the town. Commission members reiterated the need to address this with the Select Board and the need for the Historical Commission to provide the Planning and Zoning with a fact sheet to be given out to owners/developers, when they are developing plans that involve historic properties.
        River Place Planning and Zoning Review: Awaiting a decision from the Planning and Zoning Commission. Archeological dig to be done.
        Schoolhouse Tour: Discussion of information and formation of subcommittee and planning over July and August. Consensus was that the tour was not feasible this year.
        Schoolhouse Articles: Discussion of how little is available.

Added Agenda Items:
        Ottery Group: The Chair will contact them for more information on their review process.
        Guest Lecturers: Wintonbury Schoolhouse, Manchester Schoolhouse Group and the Nathan Hale Schoolhouse Group are interested in presenting in September, October and November. Nothing definite yet.
        Secretary: Paul Scannell made a motion to offer Christine Burkert the position, only for typing the agenda and minutes summaries at $75/hour. The motion was seconded by Michael Hunt. The motion passed unanimously.
        Three News Articles were distributed: Two were on an increasing desire across the country for historic districts and one article on a high school senior’s project on the Roxbury Schoolhouse.

Motion to adjourn was made by Paul Scannell and seconded by Michael Hunt. The motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.