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February 9, 2006 Meeting Minutes

Town of East Windsor
East Windsor Historical Commission
11 Rye Street
Broad Brook, CT 06016


    A regular scheduled meeting of the East Windsor Historical Commission was held at the East Windsor Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT on Thursday, February 9, 2006 at 6:30 p.m.
    Commission members and the alternates who are unable to attend the meeting are asked to call the Chairman or Secretary of the Commission before noon of the day of the meeting.

I.      Quorum: Present: Barbara Smigiel, Michael Hunt, Marilyn Butenkoff, Paul Scannell and Irene Clifton.
                    Absent: Germaine Hoffman and Christina Burkert.
        The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by Barbara Smigiel, Chair.
II.     Approval of the minutes for January 12, 2006 were accepted with corrections. Motion by Marilyn Butenkoff, 2nd by Michael Hunt. Passed unanimously.
III.    Correspondence:
·       Letter of resignation from Christina Burkert.
·       Notice from the Building Department of Demolition Permit requests on 94 South Main Street, Warehouse Point, 93 Depot Street, Broad Brook and 225 Melrose Road, Melrose.
·       Notice of meeting for Planning and Zoning, Monday, February 13, 2006, on Regulations Review at East Windsor High School at 6:30 p.m.
·       Letter from Lego Systems Inc.
IV.     Added Agenda:
·       Resignation of Christina Burkert.
·       Demolition request, 225 Melrose Road, Melrose.
Motion made by Paul Scannell to go out of order to address New Business first. 2nd by Marilyn Butenkoff. Passed unanimously.
V.      New Business:
1. 94 South Main Street – Demolition Delay – Discussion: It was noted that the developer states there is nothing of value at the site but the commission agrees as a matter of course and duty to the public trust that all properties that fit the parameters of the ordinance should be viewed. The Chair will arrange a time with the developer to do so and contact all members. Motion made by Marilyn Butenkoff, 2nd by Paul Scannell to issue letter to the Building Department for 90 day delay so that the Commission can view site, photograph and determine whether salvage is necessary. Passed unanimously.
2. 93 Depot Street – Demolition Delay – Discussion: This property is identified in the Historic Commission survey done by the State in 1992 as an historic property and is identified as such on the assessors card. The Commission questioned why the developer was not aware of this during his plan review process with Planning and Zoning. The Commission expressed serious concerns about why they were not notified during the review process and now the only opportunity remaining to try to save the towns heritage is the 90 day window of the Demolition Ordinance and this after many months of preplanning, planning and discussion with Planning and Zoning. It was acknowledged by the Commission that the 90 day delay could have been avoided all together if the Commission had been included earlier in the planning process. The Commission’s opinion is that in these cases where historic built environment is impacted by developers plans the Historic Commission should be consulted by Planning and Zoning. Again, it was reiterated by Commissioners, why did the town create an Historical Commission if they were to be ignored in efforts to protect town heritage. It was decided that a representative of the Commission should speak with the developer and that a formal letter of complaint regarding the Planning and Zoning review process should be filed with the Select Board. Motion was made by Marilyn Butenkoff, 2nd by Irene Clifton to appoint Chair Barbara Smigiel to speak with developer regarding alternatives to demolition. Passed unanimously. Motion was made by Paul Scannell, 2nd by Michael Hunt to lodge a formal complaint with the Select Board regarding process/notification pertaining to demolition of historic buildings as part of developers plans reviewed by Planning and Zoning specifically with regard to 93 Depot Street. Passed unanimously. It was requested that the Chair contact the Town Planner to meet with this Commission at our March meeting. The Commission also discussed possibility of an article to save the building being placed in newspapers, if developer agrees and if not, editorial comment or other press coverage by the Commission.
3. Town Budget for Historic Commission – Commission members reviewed worksheet and decided to leave requests as they are only adding under Education that some of the money helps with programs at the schools like 2005-2006 “Barn Again” events.
VI. Added Agenda:
Letter of Resignation of Christina Burkert – Her resignation was acknowledged by the Commission and the Commissioner’s expressed their gratitude for all of her dedicated efforts while serving on the Commission especially with regard to the 2005 Barn Tour and Barn Again Community Day Display. It is sad for all to lose such an asset to our work. She will be missed but we understand that she must move on and we wish her well.
2. 225 Melrose Road Demolition Permit – Discussion: The Chair advised the Commissioner’s that although the building is identified as a barn it is actually an 18th Century house that had been converted for use as a garage by a previous owner. The building was used as a home as recently as the 1930’s. The present owner had said to Planning and Zoning during discussions that she planned to restore the building but evidently these plans have changed. There was at one time a restorer who expressed desire to dismantle the building and work on it as a project. The Commission agreed to try to contact the restorer and to place a 90 day delay on the demolition so as to view, photograph, explore alternatives and salvage as appropriate. Motion to issue a 90 day delay letter by Marilyn Butenkoff, 2nd by Paul Scannell. Passed unanimously. The owner will be contacted to set up a time to view the building and Commissioner’s will be notified of the day and time. It was agreed to endeavor to get viewing days and times together for all properties.
VII. Old Business:
1. Scenic Road Ordinance – Irene Clifton reported efforts to contact First Selectman Linda Roberts were unsuccessful as she is out of town until 2/5/06.
2. District #12 Schoolhouse – Marilyn Butenkoff had a letter from Wal Mart regarding how to apply for granted monies but stated cost estimates on schoolhouse work were necessary. She also reported grant monies were available through Ted Graziani’s office but cost estimates are needed before Commission can proceed with application process. Commission requests that chair Barbara Smigiel get back in touch with consultant contractor Paul Cigal to prepare such estimates.
3. Town Plan Update – Commission requested Barbara Smigiel meet with Town Planner and resubmit information regarding subdivision regulations obtained from State Archeologist Nick Bellantoni. They also requested that it be emphasized that subdivision regulations should reflect more protection for historic/archeological/cemetery sites per Nick Bellantoni. Also the Chair will obtain Planning and Zoning regulations now under review.
4. Letter to Local Representatives and State Legislators – Tabled.
5. Link-up with East Windsor Schools – Tabled awaiting report from Germaine Hoffman regarding prizes for coloring contest.
6. Website – Tabled – awaiting report from Germaine Hoffman.
7. Calendar of Speaker for 2006 – Need to acquire directory from Sandy Elgy. Chair Barbara Smigiel will call to order.
8. Articles and Responsibilities – Commission members should have articles ready for April meeting on 5 schoolhouses in town assigned.
9. Charter Revision – Concerns over lack of media coverage on the subject.
10. East Windsor Historical Commission Trust Fund – Continued to item 16.
11. Proposed Apartments (192) at 124 South Water Street – Paul Scannell presented an article from January 26, 2006 Journal Inquirer “Residents oppose apartment complex despite scale back”. Paul Scannell stated that the State Archeologist has contacted the Town Planner with regard to the archeological sensitivity of the area. It is possible that a dig could be conducted at the site. Paul Scannell stated that during the hearing process he stated that the area is both archeologically/historically sensitive and stated that there was discussion about the historic character of South Water Street including narrow nature of the street. Traffic was a very serious problem it was felt during the hearings. The Planning and Zoning continues to meet. There are 200 signatures presently on a petition opposing the complex. Paul Scannell will continue to keep the Commissioner’s up to date on hearings.
12. East Windsor Historical Commission Barn Tour – Thank you letters completed. Commission should think about beginning September Schoolhouse.
13. Barns of East Windsor – CT Preservation Trust – Nothing new to report.
14. Historic District Update – Recall needs to be done.
15. Nominations and Elections – Commissioners wish to not hold elections at this time due to loss of membership and absent members. Request to have Commission status quo.
16. Fundraising – Commissioners are requested to review Trust Documents again. The Chair will contact the Hazardville Institute Trust to come and discuss their work. Paul Scannell will contact an attorney regarding Incorporations of Trust organizations.
17. Windsor Locks Historical Commission – Meeting with Joe Bonito for May 2006. Agreed by Commissioners. Marilyn Butenkoff to contact Joe Bonito.
VII.    Adjournment – A motion to adjourn at 8:40 p.m. by Paul Scannell, 2nd by Mike Hunt, carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Christina Burkert