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October 15, 2008 Meeting Minutes
East Windsor Board of Finance

Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 15, 2008

Chairman DeSousa called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Conference Room.

Present:  Chairman DeSousa and Finance Board Members Bowsza, Floyd, Kubick, Little, Mannette and First Selectman Menard.  Absent: Alternates Pippin and  Szemanski




        Upon motion by Mr. Mannette, seconded by Mr. Bowsza, it was unanimously

        VOTED:  To move Public Participation to the No. 2 place on the agenda from      here on.


Regular  Meeting – September 18, 2008

              Mr. Bowsza moved, and Mr. Mannette seconded a

              MOTION:  To approve the minutes of September 18, 2008, as presented.

              Voting for the motion:  Bowsza, Floyd, Little, Mannette,
              Abstaining:  Kubick

              The motion passed.


        Legal Bills

                Information distributed

B.      State of Connecticut General Assembly Letter

        Chairwoman DeSousa presented a letter which assured towns that the      legislature would extend public housing Pilot funds to 2009.

C.      Audit Meeting - E-mail Update


D.      Annual Report Procedures

        Ms. DeSousa presented an E-mail from Selectwoman Menard in which        she stated that Judith Rajala is waiting for the material so she can get        started .  She  said that all information should be in to Ms. Rajala in a       short time.  Ms. DeSousa presented annual report procedures and         timelines.

E.      Town Treasurer Position Job Description and Posting

        The job description was presented.

F.      Foreclosure Sale - Wells Road
        The Wells Road property now belongs to the Town.


        A report from Linda Sivitsky was presented.  She reported that the audit is     scheduled to start November 3.  Mr. Mannette asked if in November, the Board    could include a discussion regarding unassigned balance.

        Upon motion by Mr. Bowsza, seconded by Ms. Kubick, it was unanimously

        VOTED:  To put this item on the November agenda.




        Warehouse Point Fire District – Proposed Replacement of Engine 238      Financial Options
                Chris Caruolo from Webster Bank presented options to consider in                        purchasing a new engine truck.  She explained the mill rate impact of a                         five year serial note and a 10 year serial note.  With the economy the way              it is, the Board should be aware that the fire truck companies could                     become unstable.  Ms. Caruolo commented that the Board could borrow                     the money before it needs to be spent.  Ms. Caruolo left the meeting.

                The Board agreed that it has received all the information it needed to                  make a decision on purchasing the engine.

Mr. Mannette was concerned that this would have an effect on the mill rate. Some townspeople have asked him not raise the debt.  He'd like to wait to see how the economy does.  Mr. Little wants to wait.  Chairwoman DeSousa said that if businesses begin to close up in East Windsor we could have trouble paying for the engine.  Selectwoman Menard stated that the current engine is unfit and should something happen while it was moving the Town would be liable.  The Board discussed the cost now and what it could be later.  The exact bonding amount will be calculated for the Town Meeting based on current  banking trends.

Mr. Bowsza moved, and Ms. Kubick seconded, a

MOTION:  To put forth to town meeting the principal cost of $641,000 in appropriations for the replacement vehicle for the Warehouse Point Fire Department under a five year plan.  The interest would be $96,500.  zThe interest was calculated at 5% subject to market trend.   

        Voting for the motion:  Bowsza, Floyd, Kubick
        Opposing:  Little, Mannette
        The motion passed.

        Mr. Dean Saucier from the Fire Commission said that he would like to    work with the person putting the facts together for the vote.  Ms. DeSousa      told him to bring his PowerPoint presentation and all handouts that he  has.

        Ms. Sivitsky will be at the next Board of Finance meeting.

B.      Explanation of the CNR Account

        A clarification will be presented at next months Board meeting.

C.      Annual Report for FY 2007-2008 Update

        Ms. Judith Rajala will type set the report then it will be edited.  More than   500 will be ordered.

D.      Discussion of Financial Disclosures from all Town Agencies Requesting   Funding from the Town

The Board discussed financial statements for those agencies that aren't required to do an audit.  The board discussed whether it will expect financial statements from every town agencies.  The Board will not entertain a request for money until the Board receives a financial statement.

        E.      Compensation Time Liability

Ms. Menard is working on this and will have a report at the next Board meeting.


        A.      Budget 2009-2010 Process Discussion

        The joint Board of Finance/Board of Selectmen joint meeting will be held        at 7:00 p.m. on November 19, at the Town Hall Conference Room.   The
Board would like to see a 10 year history of grand lists and mill rates and another page comparing East Windsor with other towns.





X.              ADJOURN

        Upon motion by Mr. Floyd, seconded by Mr. Mannette, it was unanimously

        VOTED:  To adjourn at 9:04 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Nolan
Recording Secretary