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1/16/2008 Board of Finance Minutes


Ms. Farmer called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. at the East Windsor Town Hall.

Members Present: Noreen Farmer, Jason Bowsza, Marie DeSousa, Robert Little, Jack Mannette, Kathy Pippin, Alternate.

Others Present: Mary Szabo-Town Treasurer, Denise Menard-First Selectman.

Absent Members:  Joanne Kubick


Motion to appoint Kathy Pippin to full voting member due to the absence of      JoAnn Kubick.

        Upon Motion by M. DeSousa, seconded by J. Mannette,
        VOTE:  Unanimous.


        A.  Regular Meeting-December 12, 2007

        Motion: Approve the minutes of the December 12, 2007 Regular Meeting as         presented.

        Upon Motion by M. DeSousa, seconded by J. Bowsza
        Vote: Unanimous

        B.  Special Meeting-December 26, 2007

        Motion: Approve the minutes of the December 26, 2007 Special Meeting as         presented.

        Upon Motion by M. DeSousa, seconded by R. Little
        Vote: Unanimous

        C.  Special Meeting-January 10, 2008

        Motion: Approve the minutes of the January 10, 2008 Special Meeting with        spelling correction.

        Upon motion by M. DeSousa, seconded by J. Bowsza,
        Vote: Unanimous


Legal Bills - Distributed.
Park & Recreation Invitation - Distributed.
FYE 09 Budget Schedule-Revised 1/9/08 - Distributed.
Legal Suit - Distributed.
ACIR Correspondence - Distributed.
Budget guideline letter - Distributed.
Correspondence- Mary Szabo - Distributed.


A.      Contract Negotiations
B.      Pending Litigations

        Motion: To enter Executive Session at 7:42 P.M., to include First Selectman.
        Upon motion by M. DeSousa, seconded by R. Little,
        Vote: Unanimous

        Motion:  To leave Executive Session at 8:10 P.M.
        Upon motion by M. DeSousa, seconded by J. Bowsza,
        Vote: Unanimous


        Ms. Szabo reported a current cash balance of $6,248,830 and a total tax collection      of $15,079,385.08.  The town has requested reimbursements from the State of             Connecticut of $4,930.49 for the Adkins Printing for ballots and forms for the  November Elections.  A reimbursement request was also sent for $840.00 to cover         the salaries paid to the people who participated in the election audit, which was       required by the Secretary of State’s Office.  


A.      Oil/Gas Expenditures.

The Board reviewed documents and calculation regarding gas/oil expenditures. The figures are based on actual gallon usage for the preceding four years.  Due to issues relative to the original delivery of gasoline and diesel, the holding of bills   from previous fiscal years which resulted in incorrect budgeting and the need to correct the appropriations.  The added appropriations will correct the on-going issue and accounts will have sufficient funds for the remainder of the fiscal year.  The gas/oil accounts and procedures will be closely monitored going forward.

        Motion to transfer $10,000.00 from Contingency Account 1-01-50-                         8410-8-890-0000-0 to the Highway Department Gas/Oil Line 1-01-25-                               3180-6-620-0000-0

        Upon motion by M. DeSousa, seconded by R. Little
        Vote: Unanimous

        Motion to transfer $19,000.00 from Contingency Account 1-01-50-                         8410-8-890-0000-0 to the Police Department Gas/Oil Line 1-01-                                   15-2145-6-620-0000-0

        Upon motion by M. DeSousa, seconded by R. Little
        Vote: Unanimous

        Motion to transfer $2400.00 from the Contingency Account 1-01-50-                               8410-8-890-0000-0 to the Senior Center Gas/Oil Line 1-01-10-1130-6-                             620-0000-0

        Upon motion by M. DeSousa, seconded by R. Little
        Vote: Unanimous

           B. Sub-Committee Assignment-Pension Board

        Noreen Farmer volunteered to be on the Pension Board.


        A.      Personal use of Police Vehicle-Referral to Board of Selectman

         Motion to forward item to the Board of Selectman.
       Upon Motion by K. Pippin, seconded by J. Bowsza
        Vote: Unanimous

B.       Annual Report

Jack Mannette reported on the status of the Annual Report.  It has been                         completed and is available at the Town Hall.  He acknowledged the help of               Judy Rajala and Becky McDonald for all the help they were in completing                 the task.  He suggested that although the Annual Report is a function of                        the Board of Finance it would be helpful to utilize Town staff in regard to                        departmental reports and beginning the process in July to facilitate timely                     completion

           C.  Charter Revision Commission

        A representative for the Board of Finance will be needed for the upcoming               Charter Revision.  Jack Mannette volunteered for the position.

D.      CRRA Distribution of Funds

The town received a check from the CRRA Class Action suit in the                                amount of $193,889.00.  The funds will be held until all appeals are             concluded and we are assured that funds will not need to be returned.                  

E.      Annual Budget Appropriations –Added Appropriations and Transfers

              A draft memo was distributed relative to line item added appropriations                         and transfers.  This item will remain on the agenda for February Board of                               Finance meeting.


A.      Police Cruiser (2) -$46,940.00

Police Chief Edward Demarco Jr. and Captain Roger Hart were present to answer questions from the Board of Finance.  There was a discussion between the Board members and the police department regarding the current fleet of vehicles and the need for the additional vehicles.  Board members discussed available funding options.

                Motion to recommend to Town Meeting a transfer from Capitol &                           Non-recurring Town-Unassigned account 1-08-55-1025-7-799-0658-0                                 in the amount of $23,470.00 to the Capitol & Non Recurring Police                               Cruiser line 1-08-55-1025-7-799-0470-0 for the purpose of purchasing                                1 line cruiser.
                Upon motion by M. DeSousa, seconded by Jack Mannette    
                   Vote: Unanimous

B.      Broad Brook Fire Department-Purchase of Pick-up utility truck

Cal Myers, David Lockwood and Tom Arcari were present from the Broad                                  Brook Fire Department to answer questions from the Board of Finance. There was discussion regarding a previous determination through the CIP process that the purchase of a new vehicle needed to proceed through regular channels.

Motion: To recommend to Town Meeting a transfer of $50,000.00                        received from the sale of the Hummer to an account to be determined for the purchase of a utility truck.

              Upon motion by J. Mannette, seconded by R. Little
               Vote:    In Favor:  J. Mannette, R. Little
               Opposed:  J. Bowsza, M. DeSousa, N. Farmer, K. Pippin.

               MOTION FAILED

C.      Legal Fees

                The Board of Finance reviewed the recommendation from the Board of                              Selectmen.

                Motion to recommend to Town Meeting a transfer of $70,000.00 from                               Contingency Account 1-01-50-8410-8-890-0000-0 to the Town Counsel                       & Legal Fee Account 1-01-10-1015-3-350-0000-0.

                Upon motion by R. Little, seconded by M. DeSousa,
                Vote: Unanimous


                Upon Motion by Kathy Pippin, seconded by Jason Bowsza,
                Vote: To adjourn at 10:15PM