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December 21, 2005 Minutes
December 21, 2005

The Board of Finance meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m. at the East Windsor Town Hall.

Members Present:  
Paul Catino, Chairman
Dale Nelson
Leo Szymanski
Maria DeSousa
Tammy Sorensen-Duray
Holly Roberts
William Dove
Linda Roberts, First Selectman
Mary Szabo, Town Treasurer

Members Absent:
        Albert Floyd, Secretary


Motion:  To accept Leo Szymanski as a full time member replacing Al Floyd for this evening.

        Ms. Nelson / Ms. DeSousa/ Unanimous


Regular Meeting  - November 16, 2005

Motion:  To accept the minutes of the November 16, 2005 Board Meeting.

        Ms. Nelson / Mr. Dove / Unanimous



A.      Joe Kask of Scully & Wolf to Present the June 2005 Audit Report.

Present was Joe Kask, the Auditor for the Town of East Windsor from Scully & Wolf, who presented the Audit Report.  He provided the Board of Finance with two (2) packages, which consisted of the Financial Statements and Supplemental Schedules and the Management Representation Letter, which lists the best business practices for the Town.  These two documents are marked as Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof and may be viewed in the Town Clerk’s Office.  Mr. Kask briefly walked through each report with the Board and advised that the Town was issued a clean opinion for the year ending June 30, 2005.

It was noted that regarding the Retirement System on page 32 of the Audit Report that the Actuary recommends a yearly contribution and that it was not made.  The contribution made was less than recommended and a shortfall now has been recorded as a liability on the balance sheet.  Further discussions on this matter indicated that it was not believe that there was an issue with the retirement benefits and any payouts anticipated.  However, the contributions going further will be looked at.

Mary provided her Treasurer’s Report and noted that the amount of Education funds received thus far is $1,137,522.

Motion:  To accept the Treasurer’s report dated December 21, 2005 as is.

        Ms. DeSousa / Ms. Nelson / Unanimous



B.      Proposed Developers Agreement (Proposal to refer issue to a Town Meeting for voter consideration).

First Selectman presented that the Board of Selectman endorsed acceptance of the Proposed Developers Agreement.  After Public Hearing the Board of Selectman proposed a Motion to forward the Development Agreement, which is marked Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof, to Town Meeting to approve.  The Motion was passed 4-1.
The question was raised if we could try to fund the project ourselves instead of through the developer.  The end result was that a cost figure was done 2 years ago and it would not be beneficial for the Town to fund with interest and bonding, construction, etc.  

Motion:  To recommend to Town Meeting the Proposed Developers Agreement.  

        Ms. Nelson / Mr. Dove / Mr. Szymanski Abstention/ Chairman Catino Nay
                Motion Passed 4-1-1 Majority Rule

A.      To recommend to the Board of Finance that the monies ($1,361.00) generated at the Town Auction be deposited into the Fuel Bank.

Motion:  To deposit into the Fuel Bank the sum of $1,361 collected from the Auction.

        Ms. DeSousa / Ms. Sorensen-Duray / Unanimous



Letter to Town department, agencies and commissions regarding input for Annual Report.  Annual Report to be provided.

Four (4) copies of the Annual Report are 99.99% ready to go.  A few minor changes will get 1 dozen to the Town Clerk by the end of the years.  It was advised that six (6) copies are needed by Tuesday, December 27th.  The Annual Meeting is Thursday, December 29th and the Charter states that the copies need to be provided prior to the meeting.

Participation in Charter Revision.

It was indicated that the Board should discuss some items the Charter Revision has on the table. Main points:

Timing of budget preparation (big item) urge as a group not to be in favor of a referendum.  The Board is not seeing enough participation in a referendum.  Suggested that process start late November with sending letters to departments.  
Request from Charter Revision any changes being considered that they plan to have on ballot for next November.


Department Audits for Discussion – Fire and Cemetery – 3-Tier Audit Requirements and Final Structure of Fire Departments.

Board decided to leave as is for next budget session and will draft language for a Charter revision.

Appointment of Representatives to Pension Board (need three replacements, 4 total)

The following Board members volunteered to be replacements:
Dale Nelson
Marie DeSousa
Tammy Sorensen-Duray
Paul Catino is still on the Board.

The Board of Finance needs representatives on the following:
Volunteer Incentive
Ambulance – Marie DeSousa
Public Safety

Linda Roberts will provide a list of Commissions needing Board representation.

Appointment of Replacement for Position Vacated by Al Floyd.

The Board of Finance needs to replace Al Floyd as a Board of Finance member, to fill in for term of 2007.  It was decided to hold a Special Meeting on Thursday, December 29th at 7:00 before the Annual Meeting.

Things that the Board needs to do:
Budget Calendar
Joint Meeting with the following:
Capital Improvement Plan
Auditors Recommendations
Set parameters of budget

January – third (3rd) Tuesday and instead of Wednesday have a joint meeting with the Board of Selectman, cancel the regular meeting and have a Special Meeting.  The Agenda cannot be changed once it is posted.  Will hold a regular meeting after the joint meeting with the Board of Selectman.


Warehouse Point Fire Commission – needs direction on preparing their budget.  Need to check the contract between them and the Ambulance to check on the fee structure for the dispatching.


Motion:  To adjourn at 9:15 p.m.   

Ms. DeSousa / Ms. Nelson / unanimous