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March 02, 2005 Minutes



Mr. Catino called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the East Windsor High School cafeteria.
Present:  Board of Finance Members Catino, Dove, Farrell, Floyd, Hayes, Mannette, Sabotka, Nelson; Board of Selectmen Roberts, Balf, Crouch, Regina, Sinsigallo and recording secretary Nolan.    

Board of Education Chairman Pica presented Interim Superintendent of Schools Gallucci.  

Dr. Gallucci presented a budget scenario that represented 95% of the 2004-2005 budget.  The Board of Finance had requested this scenario from all town departments.  The superintendent emphasized that neither he nor the Board of Education supported this scenario.  

Dr. Gallucci reported that East Windsor’s per pupil expenditure of  $8,389 in ranked 163rd out of the 169 towns in Connecticut.

Dr. Gallucci presented the proposed $15,997,071 Board of Education budget for 2005-2006.  This is a request for an 8.6% increase over the current budget.  Salaries and fringe benefits make up 76% of the budget.  He presented requests for new positions and items.

Mr. Howes reported on what the district is doing to keep costs down on health insurance, electricity and trying to adequately fund the pension plan.  Ms. Roberts said new figures have been received from the actuaries.  Mr. Howes will get the new numbers.

Mr. Catino said the Board wants to be able to tell the voters what they would lose if the budget were not passed.  Questions the Board would like answered at the next meeting with the Board of Education are:

What would be the impact on the students if items were not funded?

Break down custodial and building maintenance costs, substitute line, merit pool, fixed costs.

More than 30 special education students who cannot be adequately serviced in town schools are sent out of district to receive those services.  Dr. Gallucci explained that law dictates that the school system must provide for the needs of those students. The money is expended and the town receives approximately 70% reimbursement.  How are those schools chosen?  

Questions were asked about salaries.  Mr. Howes said that the district must offer competitive salaries in order to attract good teachers.  Mr. Mannette will meet with Mr. Howes to further discuss salary increases.

The Board does not want to see a “sky is falling” depiction.  

Mr. Catino asked the Board of Education to come to back later in the month with a status quo base budget and a list of mandated items and a list of contractual items that would maintain the current budget.  

Upon motion by Ms. Sabotka, seconded by Mr. Hayes, it was unanimously

VOTED:  To adjourn at 9:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Nolan
Recording Secretary