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April 6, 2006 Minutes

East Windsor
Emergency Management Advisory Council

Thursday, April 6, 2006
Town Hall Annex

Present:  Blaine Simpkins, Acting Emergency Management Director, Advisory Council Members:  Jonathan Towle, Christina Ware

7:45 PM meeting called to order by Blaine Simpkins:

Minutes from the meeting of January 5, 2006 were read and approved. Motion to approved made by Jonathan Towle and second by Blaine Simpkins.


Unfinished Business

1.      Radio Update
        Per Blaine Simpkins.  He has requested that Ed Endee review the         status  and conditions of the radios at his earliest convenience as they        have been made available to him.  

        Also there is $1,500 left in the Emergency Management budget which      a portion could potential be used for the transfer of the base station.

        At the next meeting the new radios will be distributed to advisory      council members.

        There is also a new mobile radio to be utilized in an aircraft for search       and rescue.

2.      Status on Shelter Plan

        Per Blaine Simpkins during the December 2005  flooding, a shelter       was set up at the Town Hall Annex and it worked well.

        The State of Connecticut requirements have been meet for the shelter    plan and emergency evacuation has been coordinated with the police      plan.   The bus contract is with Smyth Bus Company.

        Per Blaine Simpkins, he was attending a meeting on emergency issues     and had the opportunity  to learn from Thomas Gavaghan, State of        Connecticut Office of Emergency Management Area III Coordinator         that the State had acquired 1800 cots which will be available at a cost         of $32.00 per cot to local municipalities.  Also available will be      blankets and pillows.

        There is storage space available for items on the third floor at the    Town Hall Annex.

        Christina Ware discussed ordering responsibilities and the shelter plan         and compliance in regards to square footage for shelter per person.

        The plan includes twenty square feet for one  to two days per person    and forty square foot for more than four days per person.

New Business

Vehicle Discussion

        Per Blaine Simpkins the vehicle has had a through inspection and is in  excellent condition.

Added Agenda Items

        Headquarters -

        The plans are to move into the new office on Friday, April 7, 2006.     This new office will be the Emergency Operation Center and the  documentation for the following plans will be available there.

1.      Natural Disaster Plan
2.      State of Connecticut Incidents with Chemical Agents.
3.      Federal National Plan
4.      Pandemic Influenza Plan
5.      Hazard Material Response Plan
6.      Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

        All of these plans are also available on CD's

        He also mentioned that there are potential grants available to  assisted with office expenses from the State of Connecticut.

Training Opportunities

1.      CERT – Community Emergency Resource Team

        There are currently 1000 people available through out the State of      Connecticut trained and certified as CERT volunteers.  There are        currently none in East Windsor but this could be a future training      possibility.

        CERT members also are volunteers for animal rescues

        Christina Ware feels all of the advisory council members should do      CERT Training.

2.      Capital Regional Emergency Planning has no cost training opportunities.

3.      There will be the Pandemic Influenza Table Top Training on June 13, 2006 at the Connecticut Fire Academy located at Bradley Airport.  Blaine will notify members of any training as it becomes available.

Christina Ware indicated she would like some basic training in the following areas:  radio education and CPR.

Per Jonathan Towle the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has ICS (Incident Command System) class which can be done online.

Blaine will look into a class on how to safely start the generator.


Blaine advised everyone that there are copies of the 10 page Connecticut Guide to Emergency Preparedness available at Town Hall for our residents
Blaine will also follow through on the availability of Ham Radio operators in East Windsor in case of emergency.

Jonathan Towle has cones and blue lights that have been used during storms and the Veteran's Day Road Race.

Motion to adjourn at 8:38 PM by Jonathan Towle.  Second by Blaine Simpkins.

Respectfully Submitted,

Elizabeth Burns