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January 5, 2006 Meeting Minutes
East Windsor
Emergency Management Advisory Council

Thursday, January 5, 2006
Town Hall Annex

Present:  Linda Roberts, First Selectmen, Blaine Simpkins, Acting Emergency Management Director, Advisory Council Members:  Jonathan Towle, Christina Ware and Joe Roberts.

7:45 PM meeting called to order by Blaine Simpkins:

Linda Roberts, First Selectman indicated the meetings have been posted in the Town Clerk's office for the year.  Tonight's meeting is a Special Meeting.  

Minutes from meeting of December 27, 2005 were read and approved with corrections.  A motion was made by Joe Roberts and second by Jonathan Towle.


Linda Roberts, First Selectman gave Blaine Simpkins who accepted the Acting Emergency Management Director position,  a memo form the State of Connecticut Emergency Management and Homeland Security Titled  – Traffic Control Points dated January 5, 2006 for perusal and take any action necessary.

Linda Roberts initiated a discussion regarding the capacity in which each member of the advisory council would serve.

These positions are Director, Warrant Officer, Shelter Coordinator and Communication Officer.

Christina Ware indicated she would not be able to accept Shelter Coordinator but will be glad to serve temporarily in an advisory capacity on shelters and will access information from FEMA and the Red Cross in this area.  

Reviewed briefly places for emergency shelters in town.  There appears to be three solid possibilities:  

1.      Scout Hall, Abbe Road, East Windsor
2.      Senior Center, Main Street, Broad Brook
3.      Town Hall Annex, School Street, East Windsor

Linda Roberts indicated that there will be a need for the Town to develop an evacuation plan as requested by State Emergency Management.  Also Connecticut Conference of Municipalities has sent a bulletin dated December 6, 2005 regarding Response Plans that are available from the Federal and State government.

There was also a discussion of the following:

1.      CERT (Connecticut Emergency Response Team) Blaine indicated that there are people interested in this concept.  He will look into this.

2.      Training – Christina Ware feels that the more training you do the better prepared you are when an actual disaster happens.  She also feels that the reason to have training is to save time and to see other ways a situation can be handled.

        Blaine indicated there is training available that encompass all aspect  of Emergency Management.  Linda felt attending workshops through        the State of Connecticut Emergency Management and Homeland      Security gives confidence to the planning in the event of an    emergency.  Blaine also indicated that there is a program through       Capital Region Council of Governments called CRABES that has    simulated exercises where everyone can attend as an observer.

3.      Radio Communication – Jonathan Towle agreed to be the radio communication officer and be a representative on the Public Safety Committee.  Jonathan is also a Ham Radio Operator thru MARS (Military Affiliated Radios).  He will review all of the radio equipment with Ed Endee and present a status report when this has been accomplished.

4.      Departmental Cooperation – Blaine indicated that cooperation between the Fire Department was exemplary during the flooding throughout the town .  He also indicated both fire departments were working very cooperatively together with cross training.

5.      Grants – Linda Roberts indicated it would be important to pursue grants if possible.

6.      Space – Linda Roberts indicated when the police department
renovation is completed, there will be new office space which will accommodate emergency management and it's equipment.  Also there is space currently at the Public Works garage for large items that need to be stored.

Linda Roberts indicated Tom Gavaghan, State of Connecticut Office of Emergency management Area III Coordinator was impressed with East Windsor Communication Plan.  He felt it was excellent for a small town.

Also Blaine set the tone for the group by his statement that we all need to work together as there is no I in TEAM.  Everyone agreed.

Motion to adjourn at 8:45 PM by Joe Roberts.  

Second by Jonathan Towle

Respectfully Submitted,

Elizabeth Burns
Acting Secretary