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November 15, 2010
Town of East Windsor
Economic Development Commission
11 Rye Street, P.O. Box 389
Broad Brook, CT 06016

Regular Meeting  Minutes & Discussion
November 15, 2010


Members Present:        Eric Moffett, James Richards, Richard Covill and Josh Kapelner.

Members unable       Matt Crossen
to attend:

Also in attendance:     Laurie Whitten, Town Planner    
                                Mark Simmons, Selectman (Board of Selectmen    liaison to EDC) – arrived at 8:20 p.m.
                                Ryan Nilsson – Guest

Chairman Moffett called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. at the Planning & Zoning Office, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT.  


MOTION: To approve the minutes of October 18, 2010.         
Richards / Covill / Unanimous


Business Event:

The Board members discussed what to do for their next business function and when and where to have it.  Ms. Whitten indicated that last year’s was on January 21st.  Thursday, January 27, 2011 was suggested.  Mr. Richards suggested that they come up with a theme.  In the past they have honored long-standing businesses and new businesses.  Mr. Moffett suggested “Recognizing the past and looking to the future” as a theme.  Mr. Richards suggested having it at the Golden Gavel Auction and noted that it is in the new sewer area.  He said he would get in touch with Patrick Soucy from Golden Gavel.  He will also get in touch with Leslie from Joe’s Fine Wines, also at that location, about possibly having a wine tasting at the function.  Another suggestion was to get the food from the Golden Irene restaurant.

MOTION: To have our semi-annual function on Thursday, January 27, 2011 from 5:30 to 7:00-ish.           Kapelner / Richards / Unanimous

At this point in the meeting (7:20 p.m.) Mr. Richards left the meeting.  There was no longer a quorum and therefore no longer an official meeting.

Economic Development Issues:

Mr. Covill said that on November 5th he attended a session entitled: “Money and Dirt, Funding For Moving Dirt” which was funded by Northeast Utilities and various agencies such as the USDA.  He said one of the seminars, which he got a lot out of, was on grant writing.   He said they are looking forward to doing more grants for rural development, for smaller communities.  Mr. Covill suggested phase 2 of the sewers for a future grant, possibly extending the sewers to Wells Road.

Ms. Whitten noted that the Showcase Cinemas site is now being marketed by Colliers.  She said there are 15 useable acres there.  Mr. Moffett said he would like to find out how to tie in the cinemas site with Geissler’s Plaza.  He said if there were a beautification grant, he would like to see lights and sidewalks.  Ms. Whitten said that the topography there is not conducive to walking.

Route 140 Sewers:

Mr. Moffett indicated that he had attended the combined workshop at the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on November 9th.  Ms. Whitten said it was a brainstorming of ideas and felt that overall the meeting went well. (At this point in the meeting Mr. Simmons arrived).  Ms. Whitten talked about hiring a facilitator for future workshops.  She said they could use funds that are currently in the budget.  They are not asking for any additional funds.  They are asking to have $5,000 reallocated in the budget.  She said the Planning & Zoning Commission supports her in her efforts to seek funding.  She will be going to the Board of Selectmen’s meeting tomorrow night and the Board of Finance the following night.  Ms. Whitten said one person that she had in mind (Glen Chalder
of Planimetrics) did a similar workshop in Tolland.  Mr. Moffett said they need a neutral person that is not biased and not political.  


The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marlene Bauer
Recording Secretary