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September 20, 2010
Town of East Windsor
Economic Development Commission
11 Rye Street, P.O. Box 389
Broad Brook, CT 06016

Regular Meeting  Minutes
September 20, 2010


Members Present:        Eric Moffett, James Richards, Richard Covill and Josh Kapelner.

Members unable          Matt Crossen
to attend:

Also in attendance:     Laurie Whitten, Town Planner    

Chairman Moffett called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. at the Planning & Zoning Office, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT.  


MOTION: To approve the minutes of July 19, 2010.            
Richards / Covill / Unanimous


New Ordinance Establishing EDC

This item was briefly discussed.  Mr. Moffett indicated that the Town Attorney has to approve this first.  Ms. Whitten noted that it is a standing item on the Board of Selectmen agenda.

Route 140 Sewers

Ms. Whitten presented proposed flyers to the board members for their review and comment.  She said that the Town Meeting will be on October 6th and the referendum will be on October 13th.  She indicated that there will be a presentation and informational session before the Town Meeting.  At the Town Meeting they will be voting on the time of the referendum.  Ms. Whitten said the Board of Selectmen will have to approve the flyer by resolution at their meeting on September 21st.  She said after that, we may distribute the flyers as we see fit.  It was agreed that the flyer should go into the Reminder on October 7th.  It will also be posted on the Town website.   Mr. Kapelner suggested that they should start referring to it as “wastewater” rather than “sewers.”

Incentive Housing Zone:

Ms. Whitten said that today she got the first draft of the feasibility study.  They will be discussing it at the next Planning & Zoning Commission meeting.  She said they are trying to get it done within six months.  It is contingent on getting the sewers approved.

DCF Facility:

Ms. Whitten indicated that there is no new information.


This was discussed briefly by the EDC members.  Ms. Whitten said we have low tax rates and we get applications through the approval process quickly.  That is the incentive.

MOTION: That the EDC urge that no incentives be offered at this time.
                                                                Richards / Covill
In Favor:       Richards; Covill; Kapelner
Opposed:        Moffett

Mr. Moffett said he didn’t want to have an edict out that they won’t have incentives.  Mr. Richards felt that at this point in time the Town of East Windsor should not offer incentives.

Vision for EDC – (Route 140)

Mr. Moffett noted that they are interested in mixed use.  He said they need to have a town center, which is something they don’t really have.  He suggested something with stores, mixed use such as medical facilities or professional services with a residential component.  Mr. Richards said part of their vision should be for the benefit of the existing businesses in the area. He suggested they just call it the Route 140 Business Corridor.   Mr. Moffett said they should make sure their vision doesn’t include a DCF facility anywhere near that area.  

Temporary Sign Regulations

Ms. Whitten explained that the regulations for temporary business signs is due to expire at the end of December, 2010.  She said the Planning & Zoning Commission will be discussing it at their next meeting.  She said they will take it away if no one uses it.  So far, only one business has applied for a temporary sign permit.

MOTION: That we urge the Planning and Zoning Commission to make the new temporary business signs regulations permanent.  
                                                        Kapelner / Covill / Unanimous

Mr. Covill will write a letter to the Planning and Zoning Commission.  Ms. Whitten said from the PZC perspective, if the businesses complied, they would be more open to be more lenient.  


MOTION: To adjourn.                                     Kapelner / Covill / Unanimous

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marlene Bauer
Recording Secretary