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July 19, 2010
Town of East Windsor
Economic Development Commission
11 Rye Street, P.O. Box 389
Broad Brook, CT 06016

Regular Meeting  Minutes
July 19, 2010


Members Present:        Eric Moffett, James Richards, Richard Covill and Josh Kapelner.

Members unable       Matt Crossen and Michael Malone
to attend:

Also in attendance:     Mark Simmons, Selectman (Board of Selectmen liaison to EDC); Robert Lyke and Laurie Whitten, Town Planner       

Chairman Moffett called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m. at the Planning & Zoning Office, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT.  


MOTION: To approve the minutes of June 21, 2010.            
Covill / Richards / Unanimous


New Ordinance Establishing EDC

The EDC members reviewed and discussed a proposed draft: “An Ordinance To Amend the Ordinance Creating the Economic Development Commission.”  Mr. Moffett noted that this would change the number of members from 7 regular members to 5 regular members and 2 alternates.   He said that once the EDC members vote on this, it would then go to the Board of Selectmen and then to the Town Attorney for review and finally to a Town Meeting.  Mr. Richards expressed concern and suggested that they leave it alone.  Mr. Moffett said that this is in accordance with State statutes.  He explained that originally they were called the Development and Industrial Commission and in 1965 the State of CT gave the authority to the town to call it the Economic Development Commission.  Mr. Lyke pointed out that they need to be able to have a quorum at every meeting.  After review and discussion, a few minor changes were made.

MOTION: That we vote on the proposed ordinance, as amended, that it be presented before the Board of Selectmen.
                                                Covill moved; Richards seconded
In Favor:       Covill, Kapelner, Moffett
Abstain:        Richards

Route 140 Sewers

Ms. Whitten noted that everyone is working on their own portion of the presentation for the upcoming town meeting.  They will be doing a Power Point presentation.  Ms. Whitten indicated that she will have maps from the Plan of Development, including zoning and wetlands maps.  She said she will be talking about Route 140 as the business corridor.  She pointed out that apartment complexes are not allowed currently.  They are going to consider mixed use development there, which is commercial use along with residential.  

Mr. Kapelner asked how many acres would benefit from this.  Ms. Whitten said there are approximately 500 acres in that area but there would be less developable acres because of the wetlands constraints in that area.  

Ms. Whitten noted that the flyer is going into the Reminder on July 21st.  Mr. Moffett suggested that they could have one more flyer if necessary.

Incentive Housing Zone:

Ms. Whitten informed the EDC members that they have selected Milone and MacBroom as the consultants to do the feasibility study for the Incentive Housing Zone.  She said the Planning & Zoning Commission interviewed four consultants in executive session.  They had a hard time coming to a consensus.  She said in the end they decided to go with a larger firm to get a fresh perspective.  She said that every one of them would have done a great job.  They will start doing the studies and look at each site.  She felt that the EDC should be involved when they have the workshops.

DCF Facility:

Mr. Simmons said that this is very preliminary; there is nothing on paper.  He said there are five areas in Connecticut that they are looking at.  Mr. Moffett said they are trying to put mixed use and commercial use in that area.  He wouldn’t want to have that type of facility nearby.  He said they need to have a plan; they need to educate everyone.


The EDC members briefly discussed this.  Mr. Richards said they need to investigate how many incentives have been given in the past.

MOTION: That we request from the Town of East Windsor all information regarding all incentives given to both commercial and residential properties over the past 30 years and what process was followed.
                                                        Richards / Kapelner / Unanimous


MOTION: To adjourn.                     Richards / Kapelner / Unanimous

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marlene Bauer
Recording Secretary