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October 15, 2007 Minutes
Town of East Windsor
Economic Development Commission
11 Rye Street, P.O. Box 389
Broad Brook, CT 06016
Regular Meeting Minutes
October 15, 2007

Chairman Moffett called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall Meeting Room, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT.


Members Present:        Eric F. Moffett, Richard Covill, Jim Richards and Josh Kapelner

Members unable          Sharon Aprea, Matt Crossen and Michael
to attend:      Maloney 

Also in attendance:     Ed Filipone, First Selectman
                                Tim Howes, Superintendent of Schools
                                Laurie Whitten, Director of Planning & Development


  CGI Communications, Inc. Movie Showcase Agreement

Mr. Filipone indicated that the Town has signed the contract with the company for the Community Move Showcase.  He explained that there will be an icon on the Town website that brings us to their server.  They will do six one-minute film clips on topics chosen by the Town.  Mr. Filipone said that although the movie spots are free to the Town, they sell ads to local businesses to be placed as links on the site.  The Town has the final say as to what sponsors will be on the site.  Mr. Filipone noted that they will be filming on May 14 and 15, 2008.  CGI does the filming, editing and script writing.  

Mr. Filipone distributed packets of material to the Board members regarding the Movie Showcase.  One item was a list of topics to choose from for the movies.  Mr. Filipone noted that the Town of Fairfield already has this in place.  Using the “Smart Board” in the meeting room, Mr. Filipone went to the Town of Fairfield website to show examples of this service.  

  Economic Development Issues  
Mr. Moffett pointed out that they have a breakfast meeting coming up on November 15th with the MetroHartford Alliance and local businesses.  Mr. Richards suggested having the meeting at the town hall with coffee and donuts.

Mr. Moffett noted that the MetroHartford Alliance wants to have a seminar some time next year and invite representatives from each board and commission in Town.  Ms. Whitten said she will get lists of all board and commission members.

Mr. Richards said that the Rockville Bank will have a ribbon-cutting on October 23rd at 10:00 a.m.  Also, Staffmark is opening up an office, at the plaza where Sean Patrick’s is located, on October 26th at 4:00 p.m.

Mr. Covill said he wanted to take this opportunity as a board to congratulate Tim Howes on his appointment as Superintendent of Schools.

¾       Movie Showcase Topics:

After some discussion by the Board members, Mr. Filipone, Mr. Howes and Ms. Whitten, the following topics were chosen for the movie showcase:  
Quality of Life
Business & Industry and Economic Development
Dining & Shopping
Real Estate & Relocation

Mr. Filipone indicated that they need a Town contact, someone that they can call or email.  It was agreed that Mr. Moffett will be the primary contact and Mr. Richards will be the secondary contact.

¾       Discussion on Members Not Attending Meetings

A brief discussion was held regarding EDC member Sharon Aprea who hasn’t been attending meetings.       

MOTION:         To send a letter to Sharon Aprea thanking her for her service and stating that if she is not going to be on the board to resign and free up a position on the board.       Richards / Kapelner
In Favor:       Richards;  Kapelner;  Moffett
Opposed:        Covill

¾       Election of Officers

MOTION: To nominate Eric Moffett for Chairman.
                                                        Richards / Kapelner / Unanimous

MOTION: To nominate Rich Covill for Co-Chairman.
                                                        Richards / Kapelner / Unaninous


MOTION: To approve the minutes of September 17, 2007 with one correction:  On page 2, change the meeting to November 15, 2007.                          Covill / Richards / Unanimous


MOTION:  To adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m.              
Kapelner / Richards / Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

        Marlene Bauer
Recording Secretary