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September 17, 2007 Minutes
Town of East Windsor
Economic Development Commission
11 Rye Street, P.O. Box 389
Broad Brook, CT 06016
Regular Meeting Minutes
September 17, 2007

Chairman Moffett called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall Annex, 25 School Street, Warehouse Point, CT.


Members Present:        Eric F. Moffett, Richard Covill, Jim Richards and Josh Kapelner

Members unable          Sharon Aprea, Matt Crossen and Michael
to attend:                              Maloney 

Also in attendance:     Jeff Vose, MetroHartford Alliance


  Economic Development Issues

Mr. Richards gave an update on recent activities concerning the Chamber of Commerce.  He noted that there will be a Business and Community Expo on Sunday, October 21st at the East Windsor High School from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m.  The new Starbucks has joined the Chamber.  Stylez for the Aisles is sponsoring a fashion show.  The Chamber will be sponsoring the Selectmen’s Forum at the high school auditorium on Wednesday, October 10th at 7:00 p.m.  Sam Buca’s Restaurant in Broad Brook will be setting up a grand opening.

Jeff Vose, of MetroHartford Alliance passed out copies of a letter from  Eddie A. Perez, Mayor of Hartford and Andy F. Bessette, of MetroHartford Alliance regarding the Urban Land Institute (ULI) who provides an Advisory Services panel.  They are a “nonprofit education and research organization that fosters and encourages high standards of land use planning and development.”  Mr. Vose explained that they are a big study panel, and this is a good way to bring outside expertise.  They can do one or two day panels.  

Mr. Moffett asked how they can reach out to the Chamber.  Mr. Vose suggested that breakfast meetings work out well.  He pointed out that a recent business breakfast that was held in South Windsor was geared toward financing, to help businesses as to where they can get money as well as information about tax abatement.  The Commission members discussed when and where to hold the breakfast.  Places suggested were the Holiday Inn Express or the town hall.   November 15th was the date suggested.  

¾         Meeting Schedule & Location   

MOTION:         That we move the October meeting to the Planning & Zoning Office and have meetings at that location until further discussion.                           Richards / Kapelner / Unanimous

MOTION: To eliminate the August meeting for 2008.
                                                Richards / Kapelner / Unanimou

¾       Community Movie Showcase

MOTION: To endorse the efforts of our First Selectman regarding the Community Movie Showcase.   
                                                Richards / Kapelner / Unanimous         

        MOTION: To approve the minutes of July 16, 2007.
                                                                Covill / Richards / Unanimous


MOTION:  To adjourn the meeting at 9:08 p.m.              
Richards / Kapelner  / Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

        Marlene Bauer
Recording Secretary