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July 16, 2007 Minutes
Town of East Windsor
Economic Development Commission
11 Rye Street, P.O. Box 389
Broad Brook, CT 06016
Regular Meeting Minutes
July 16, 2007

Chairman Moffett called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall Annex, 25 School Street, Warehouse Point, CT.


Members Present:        Eric F. Moffett, Richard Covill, Jim Richards, Josh Kapelner and Michael Maloney

Members unable       Sharon Aprea and Matt Crossen
to attend:

Also in attendance:     Laurie Whitten, Director of Planning & Development


  Meeting Location

The Commission members discussed the possibility of changing the meeting location to the town hall.  It was questioned whether a political party committee has preference over a town board.  Ms. Whitten noted that these committees have been meeting at the town hall for many years.  Mr. Moffett asked if they want to have the meeting in the hallway.  Ms. Whitten felt that the Fire Marshal would have a problem with that.  Mr. Richards suggested meeting in the Planning office.  Ms. Whitten said there are other locations such as Scout Hall and the library.  She suggested possibly changing the meeting night when they do the scheduling at the end of the year.  She said she will review the calendar and report back to the Commission as to what is available.

MOTION: To table this for further investigation to present at another meeting and to have this item appear on the agenda each month.                            Covill / Maloney / Unanimous

Ms. Whitten informed the Commission members that a projector and smart board have been ordered for the meeting room so that they would be able to have presentations there.

  Economic Development Issues

Mr. Moffett said that he will be meeting with the MetroHartford Alliance at the town hall on Wednesday, July 25, with Ed Filipone.  They will be driving around town to see what the town has and get the lay of the land.  Among the places they will be going are the industrial park and along Route 5, Route 140 and the 2 exits off I-91.

Mr. Moffett indicated that they have to get the EDDI (Economic Development Data and Information) form filled out and on the system.  Various pages were given to Commission members to be filled out.

Ms. Whitten noted that the State has approved a bond to clean up the Broad Brook mill site.  (A draft schedule was included in the meeting packet.)

Mr. Moffet has sent a letter to the WPCA regarding the sewer service area map draft (copy included in packet).

Mr. Covill referred to a list of economic development training opportunities and said he would encourage the members to attend.


        MOTION: To approve the minutes of June  18, 2007.
                                                        Covill / Moffett / Unanimous


MOTION:  To adjourn the meeting at 8:14 p.m.              
Kapelner / Richards / Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

        Marlene Bauer
Recording Secretary