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January 23, 2006 Minutes
Town of East Windsor
Economic Development Commission
11 Rye Street, P.O. Box 389
Broad Brook, CT 06016
Regular Meeting Minutes
January 23, 2006

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. at the Town Hall Annex, 25 School Street, Warehouse Point, CT.


Members Present:        Jim Richards, Sharon Aprea, Josh Kapelner, Eric F. Moffett

Members unable  Richard Covill, Matt Crossen
to attend:      
Also in attendance was Laurie Whitten, Director of Planning & Development       


·       Economic Development Issues

Commission member Sharon Aprea raised questions about the proposed Chapman Apartments as they relate to the issue of the North Road sewer project.  She relayed her concerns and of other residents she has spoken with regarding these matters. Specifically, that the schools need upgrading and that some people have the understanding that Route 140 will become full of apartments and residential use, as opposed to commercial.  Also, Ms. Aprea stated that it appeared from her conversations with residents, they were unaware that the Chapman apartments have been approved and will get built whether the sewer gets approved.  Commission member Jim Richards responded to the questions and concerns, explaining the benefit of the North Road sewers—the prospect for new and expanded commercial business. He also suggested that EDC members participate in the Regulation workshops that are currently being conducted, and to attend the Planning & Zoning meetings.  With respect to location of residential zoning districts and potential apartment development, he reiterated that these issues would be addressed at the Planning & Zoning level.

Town Planner Laurie Whitten also emphasized the need for citizens to attend Planning & Zoning Meetings, along with the Regulations workshops.  She further explained the Special Development District Zone, which is misunderstood by many.  The current regulation workshops are dealing with the residential and open space topics, and these workshop meetings are opportunities for people to attend and express their views.  Ms. Sharon Aprea questioned the advertising for meetings & workshops, the awareness to residents.  Town Planner Whitten cited these workshops are posted on the website, advertised in the newspaper, The

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·       Economic Development Issues  (Continued)

Reminder, and pamphlets are posted around town—that people can also call the offices to find out this information and more.

Discussion continued with all the members noting the need for economic growth, especially the Route 140 corridor.  Existing businesses could expand and new business would occur if North Road were to be sewered, also noting that properties with public sewer are worth more money. Mr. Richards suggested the EDC should periodically plan to meet with the Planning & Zoning Commission to work together and keep abreast of projects and issues in town.  

Further discussion cited the need for additional effort to promote the town, its location to the highway, airport and major cities.  Jim Richards discussed the Chamber of Commerce’s website prop list.htm which is linked to the town’s website:, where realtors and property owners can advertise their commercial properties, i.e., leases, vacant property for sale, etc.  Jim Richards recommended that EDC members begin a project of reviewing prospective properties to post on the Chamber’s free classified listing.  It was further discussed that the EDC doesn’t have a budget that would provide the opportunity for trade shows; however, there is currently a contest for the town’s high school students to produce a DVD promoting the Town.  At some point, the Chamber of Commerce may purchase it to enhance and create their own DVD.  Commission member Eric Moffett raised the issue of a mass mailing as a less expensive marketing strategy.  Mr. Moffett was willing to look into the prospect of a brochure to advertise the town.  Jim Richards suggested the possibility of the brochure being sponsored by a real estate company. It was noted that there might already be digital photos from the creation of the Plan of Conservation and Development.  These will be emailed to Mr. Moffett for possible future use in the brochure.

Jim Richards acknowledged that he receives requests at the Chamber office for town demographic information, along with hotels and other resources.  It was noted that the current information needs updating.  Ms. Whitten noted that the CERC website (  has the 2005 Town Profiles.

The schedule for the Business Dinner for New and Expanded Business owners is April 27th, 2006.  This will be held at LaNotte and follow the same format as last year’s dinner.  Additional details to be discussed at the next EDC meeting to be held on February 27, 2006.

·       Election of Officers

The Commission members expressed their appreciation for Richard Covill’s services as Chairman for the last year; however, it appears that there are some scheduling conflicts due to his job.  A member who is able to consistently attend the meetings would probably best serve the Chair position.

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·       Election of Officers  (continued)


        Jim Richards for Chairman – respectfully declined due to other conflicts.

        Eric Moffett for Chairman – nomination made by Jim Richards; Moffett accepts
nomination. No other nominations for Chairman.

        Sharon Aprea for Co-Chairman – nomination made by Josh Kapelner; Aprea
accepts nomination.  No other nominations for Co-Chairman.

MOTION:  To close nominations for Elections of Officers, made by Jim Richards, seconded by Josh Kapelner.  All members in favor, motion carried.


Chairman:  Eric Moffett
        Vote:  In favor – all members
        So elected.

        Co-Chairman:  Sharon Aprea
        Vote:  In favor – all members
        So elected.


MOTION:  To adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m.  -    Kapelner/Richards-Unanimous

        Respectfully submitted,

        Nancy J. Rudek,
Recording Secretary