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February 11, 2009 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. at the East Windsor Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook


Denise Menard, First Selectman, Chairman
Marie DeSousa
Mark Simmons
Len Norton
Blaine Simpkins
Joe Pellegrini
Rand Stanley

Unable to attend:  Dale Nelson, Vice Chairman

Also in attendance:  Catherine Cabral, Town Treasurer

Meeting Minutes of February 2, 2009

MOTION: To accept the meeting minutes of February 2, 2009, as submitted
Made by Mr. Pellegrini, seconded by Ms. Desousa

The Committee discussed last weeks meeting and the framework of the Plan.  The Committee discussed items that will be funded in future years, those which were  not determined an immediate priority by Committee members.  

Ms. Cabral provided the Committee with several spreadsheets which included C&R funds designations, former projects and current projects scheduled out. The committee reviewed the C&R fund 08/09 to determine what, if any, projects may be done and have monies to be reallocated.  Some projects have monies set aside, some projects have funds left over.   The possibility that some items in former CIP plans that were funded, but not continued in the Plan was discussed.  The Committee was able to use the Board member resources to determine the status of projects of many projects, but not all.  Ms. Menard will go the appropriate departments to determine the status of projects in the C&R that may be completed and report back to the board.  The purpose of C&R was discussed.  

Mr. Norton explained to Ms. Cabral uses of road resurfacing accounts as overlaying, patching, resurfacing.  Redoing the whole road is reclamation – which there is no money to do.

After extensive discussion, it was determined that the CIP committee will need to meet again to finalize the five year plan after the Treasurer and First Selectmen have done some more leg work and provide the committee with additional information on the former plans and potential monies available from former completed CIP projects.

The Treasurer will investigate the following items to determine the fund amount remaining, if it is allocated for an ongoing project, or remaining monies from completed/discontinued projects:

BB Fire Department Hummer $5,222.45
Emergency Pre-Em, $20,850.00
The money in public works Emergency Pre – Em is for the Public Works Rt. 5 and Rt 140 push the button for the traffic lights for emergency vehicles.    The idea that this was funded through State/Federal assistance or grants – possibly due to homeland security will be investigated.
Public Works Windsorville $ 76,890.94
Public Works Boiler Controls $2,900.00 – this is possibly money left over, Ms. Cabral will speak with Ms. McDonald in the Selectmen’s office.
If this is money left over The CIP is recommending that the item on C&R entitled Public Works Boiler Controls for $2900.00 is going to be put in reserves for the 2010 Town Hall Asbestos Removal and Boiler replacement project.

The CIP is recommending that the item on C&R entitled Public Work Annex Renovations $2,463.34 is going to be put in reserves for the 2010 Town Hall Annex Projects

Senior Center Van Replacement – this money is remaining from a former project that was paid, so this money is not earmarked for any project currently:  This amount $34,715.00 will go to the unassigned fund of the CIP.   

It was noted that the Public Works BB Flashboards $65,000 should be add to the current CIP Plan as there is $65,000 in reserves for this project.

The board discussed the unassigned/undesignated terminology in the C&R. It was thought that if a project has money left over – it goes to the unassigned line item. If it is a project that is done, and money left over, it goes to unassigned so it does not get put over to the general fund.  Ms. Cabral will research what has been done historically.

Ms. Menard will schedule another CIP meeting, once she and Ms. Cabral have finished their research regarding the above items, it was noted that this is a tricky time of year due to the budget crunch and ongoing budget activities.  

The Committee at the last meeting had determined what was to be funded for this year’s CIP request. It was felt the committee could vote on the 2010 CIP recommendations and then finish the five year portion before the budget is completed.   

MOTION: To Recommend to the Board of Selectmen the Capital Improvement Plan for FYE 2010 in the amount of $581,651.  After applying the LOCIP grant in the amount of $75,000 and the transfer of funds from WPCA in the amount of $350,000 – the net amount of the FYE 2010 Capital Improvement Plan will be $156,651.  
Made by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Simpkins

Ms. Menard is going to do the FYE 2010 CIP presentation to the Board of Selectmen.  The final CIP meeting to discuss the five year plan will be held by the end of February and Ms. Menard will notify the members as to the date.

MOTION: To adjourn at 6:55 p.m.
Made by Mr. Pellegrini, seconded by Mr Stanley

Respectfully submitted,

Cynthia D. Croxford
Recording Secretary