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February 2, 2009 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order on Monday, February 2, 2009 at 6:05 p.m. at the East Windsor Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook


Denise Menard, First Selectman, Chairman
Dale Nelson, Vice Chairman
Marie DeSousa
Mark Simmons
Len Norton
Blaine Simpkins
Joe Pellegrini
Rand Stanley

Also in attendance:  Cathy Cabral, Town Treasurer

Ms. Menard and Ms. Cabral distributed a form with the CIP projects, the amounts requested, as well as compiled opinions of members as to priority of projects for assistance in this work session.  The following details the Committee’s suggestions for projects funded for 2010.  The Plan is still a work in progress and these are not final results but the Committee’s discussions at this time.  The Committee will meet again on February 11 at 5:30 p.m. to finalize the CIP Plan.


The group as a whole discussed the fire department requests and a schedule of replacement for many of the items and the idea of having compatible equipment for both departments – requests from these Departments as a whole.  Extensive discussion took place regarding the requests vs. the needs of scot packs and thermal imaging cameras. It was noted that CIP items have to be funded for specific items and monies funded cannot be spent elsewhere.  It was suggested to schedule an amount of $20,000 for each department for five years out for Scot packs so this gets the Department on schedules and alleviate the problems currently faced.  The line item will be “Fire Department – Scot Air Packs for Broad Brook and for Warehouse Point”  It is the intent that the departments buy the same equipment and it is an equal division.   Four Scott packs for Warehouse Point and four Scott paks for broad brook for each fiscal cip year.  

For 2010 two cameras will be funded – one for Warehouse Point, one for Broad Brook – again these are to be the same equipment in equal division.  This is done in case Broad Brook does not get the grant. It is expected that if Broad Brook receives a grant, this item will be removed from the Plan for 2010.   Two more will be funded in 2012.  



Town Hall Clerk Vault Dehumidification project was removed from the Plan as it was not within the parameters of the dollar amount.

Town Hall Boiler Asbestos removal and Boiler Replacement (two projects combined into one).  The timing of the asbestos removal and boiler replacement and logistics of the whole project was discussed in detail. It was suggested to put this project over three years, starting in 2010 ($80,000; $80,000 and $90,000) which totals $250,000 and spread the project out over three years.  

Town Annex Storage and Roof – This item was changed to “Town Hall Annex Projects” It was suggested to fund the monies over two years  – that way whatever the decision is made regarding the building, funding will be present.  It was noted that the ambulance bay needs heat – if the request was made $60,000 and spread out over two years $30,000 and $30,000 there would be heat for the ambulance bay if they remain at that location.  Mr. Norton has a quote for the ambulance bay heating unit.   

Town Hall renovation projects was funded for 2010, as submitted.  (40,588)


For 2010 the 8500 parking lot north Broad Brook school is to finish an existing project


For 2010 the Assessors revaluation was funded as it is a contracted item.


The public works heating unit project was increased in scope to include outfitting the garage with the capacity to do oil changes and tire changes that in the long run would save money and plan ahead for a more professional garage.  This includes a lift, high speed wheel balancer and tire changing machine all at State contract prices.  Currently these items are sent to a garage.    This makes this item at $48,165 spread out over two years.    With funds in reserve: $18394 (2010) $13595 (2011)

The drainage ($50,000) and trucks and equipment ($65,000) for this request was left as requested for 2010.  The Public Works Chip Sealing ($75,000)  was funded as there is LOCIP money received back.

Mr. Norton stated the sidewalk request for 2010 could be removed as there is money in reserves and there are grant monies available.  


Park and recreation equipment purchase is not good timing as the position for Recreation Maintenance combined with Public Works there may be some overlapping of equipment and requests.   It was felt prudent to hold off on funding this CIP request when their might be a duplication of equipment between the two departments.   Mr. Norton commented that some items requested, such as the Sand Pro,  the Public Works does not currently have.  It was also commented that Ms. Green was asked to investigate other tractors rather than John Deere.  Mr. Norton indicated that this will be part of public works budget, but separate line items, so there is a true accounting of what the parks and recreation maintainer portion costs.  It was stated that the Public Works director is in a great position to order equipment and utilize it for several town services.   It was felt this item would be moved up to Public Works – Parks and Recreation Equipment Purchases.   ($19,750) only projected for one year.

Parks and Recreation Boundless Playground request was discussed, including donations, grant monies and grant matching and time restrictions on grant.  The fact that Broad Brook has a brand new playground and there is a Prospect Hill playground – it was felt that the economic times do not warrant spending the kind of money requested due to the potential of $25,000 received.   Also the location was discussed and the other more viable sites in town for such a project.  The $25,000 grant will end up costing the Town $225,000 to finish the project.   It was reiterated that the grant is for a boundless playground only.  It was the consensus to remove this project from fiscal year 2010.    

No other Parks are Recreation request were funded.  The software piece was removed as discussed at the former meeting.


The locker room request it was felt could be pushed out to another year and not funded in 2010

Police vehicles. The Department received one vehicle this year due to a crash and it was mentioned that the department may be able to make due with two.  That being said, it was also mentioned that it would be nice to get back to a schedule and not veer off schedule due to the fact that there was an accident on the fleet – keep with the same schedule.  It was the consensus to keep the requested as submitted for the 2010 request.  (75,219)


There were no projects funded for 2010 .


MOTION:  The Capital Improvement Planning  Committee minutes of November 12, 2008, as submitted.
Made by Mr. Pellegrini, seconded by Ms. DeSousa

MOTION:  The Capital Improvement Planning  Committee minutes of December 3, 2008, as corrected.
Made by Mr. Pellegrini, seconded by Mr. Norton

MOTION:  The Capital Improvement Planning  Committee minutes of January 6, 2009, noting that Mr. Simpkins was not in attendance at this meeting.
Made by Ms. DeSousa, seconded by Mr. Norton

MOTION:  The Capital Improvement Planning  Committee minutes of January 21, 2009, as submitted.
Made by Ms. DeSousa, seconded by Mr. Norton

MOTION: To adjourn at 8:05 p.m.
Made by Mr. Norton, seconded by Ms. Nelson

Respectfully submitted,

Cynthia D. Croxford
Recording Secretary