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November 10, 2008 Meeting Minutes




The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. East Windsor Board of Education conference room.


        Present:  Chairman Cliff Nelson, Bill Grace, Jim Borrup, Joseph Sauerhoefer, Joe Pellegrini, Skip Kement.  Also present were Town Engineer Len Norton and Recording Secretary Slate

        ABSENT:   Jim Thurz, Elzear Rodrigue and Steve Pilch


Upon motion by Mr. Pellegrini seconded by Mr. Borrup, it was unanimously

VOTED:  To approve the minutes of October 20, 2008

A.      East Windsor High School Boiler Replacement Project

Chairman Nelson discussed Mr. Rodrigue’s recommendation on the application for payment from the last Building Committee meeting. Chairman Nelson also read the update from Mr. John Aulisio as to the status of the project per his visit on November 10, 2008.  Mr. Aulisio’s update stated that the controls were in the process of being installed, the phone line for the gas meter has been set up for the change-over option, the Power Flame unit has been ordered and he is awaiting the wiring diagrams so that he can put out the RFP for the installation.  Mr. Aulisio’s update also stated that the Hartford Steam Boiler inspection had been performed and the boilers passed inspection.  The town inspector performed an inspection but the report has been received yet.  The seismic bracing also needs to be installed.   

        B.      East Windsor Town Hall Annex Storage/Offices
Selectman Menard was not available but gave Chairman Nelson an update.  All is going well with the sorting and organizing of the rooms in the Human Services Department.  Selectman Menard will report at next month’s meeting.  Mr. Grace discussed the hot water situation at the Police Department.  There is a large hot water heater that needs to be connected to the locker room for hot water.  This was submitted by the Police Department in their C.I.P. request.

The committee discussed the recommendations of Mr. Rodrigue and Mr. Aulisio regarding payment of the Application for payment #5, $15,993.25.  It was decided to revise the amount by -$2,000 for line 13, Install new boilers, as this has not been completed yet.

Upon motion by Mr. Sauerhoefer, seconded by Mr. Pellegrini it was unanimously

VOTED: to approve Register #14, $13,993.25, Central Mechanical Services, Inc. as revised.


A.      Various Town Building Repairs

Chairman Nelson thanked Mr. Grace for visiting the various locations in order to give Selectman Menard an updated report on the cost of flooring, etc. for C.I.P.  Some items may be maintenance rather than major repairs.  A discussion followed regarding the plumbing issues in the Human Services Department and the VNA area.  Mr. Grace spoke to a representative from the prison regarding using prison labor to perform needed tasks for the town buildings.  East Windsor needs to have an agreement with the prison in order to use their labor.  Mr. Grace will follow up on the agreement.  Chairman Nelson will check with Mr. Rodrigue to see if he obtained any information on the shelving from the East Hartford company.  


Mr. Sauerhoefer inquired as to the status of the bid opening for sub contractors to do various types of work for the town.  The Board of Selectman will act on the results at their next meeting.

Mr. Norton discussed the activity at the old mill site in Broad Brook.  The area was being walked and a timeline was being discussed to cap off the area.  The area will be cleaned and capped after fill is put down.


Mr. Pellegrini discussed an idea the C.I.P. committee has in order to keep funding for items that the town needs to plan for in the coming years.  The committee would like to set a percentage of the approved budget each year aside for C.I.P. items.  That would guarantee funding for items that are usually the first to be cut when the budget needs to be adjusted.


Upon motion by Mr. Sauerhoefer, seconded by Mr. Kement, it was unanimously

        VOTED:  To adjourn at 7:51 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laurie Slate
Recording Secretary