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July 14, 2008 Meeting Minutes


MINUTES OF July 14, 2008


The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. East Windsor Board of Education conference room.


        Present:  Chairman Cliff Nelson, Jim Borrup, Elzear, Rodrigue, Joseph Sauerhoefer, Jim Thurz, Skip Kement.  Also present were First Selectman Denise Menard, Selectman Dale Nelson, Betsy Burns, Human Services, and Recording Secretary Slate

        ABSENT:  Steve Pilch and Joe Pellegrini




Chairman Nelson stated that in the previous minutes, EDM’s invoice was discussed and an explanation was requested for the additional time.  As explained in the revised invoice, in the amount of $4,769.61, submitted by EDM, the original invoice included charges that were part of the original contract and were not due to extra time.  Chairman Nelson suggested changing the prior minutes to reflect that the charges were reduced because they were part of the initial contract for EDM and not for extra time.  

Upon motion by Mr. Sauerhoefer, seconded by Mr. Thurz, it was unanimously

VOTED:  To approve the minutes of June 9, 2008 as amended

A.      East Windsor High School Boiler Replacement Project

A field report by John Aulisio, EDM, was distributed to committee members.  A discussion followed regarding Change Order #1 submitted by Central Mechanical Services, Inc.  Mr. Rodrigue recommends requesting a breakdown of labor and materials for the change order before approving it.  

Upon motion by Mr. Rodrigue, seconded by Mr. Kement, it was unanimously

VOTED:  To proceed with the change order once a breakdown of materials and labor has been approved by Mr. Rodrigue.

Mr. Rodrigue will inquire about the breakdown of the change order at the job meeting on Wednesday, July 16, 2008.  Mr. Rodrigue will also request necessary changes to the payroll records that were submitted for work completed to date as they did not follow the specifications outlined for the project.

        B.      East Windsor Town Hall Annex Storage/Offices
First Selectman Menard discussed a time line with Betsy Burns, Human Services, for clearing things out.  The Human Services Department will keep the first room with the possibility of having part of a second room.   The second room may be used for record storage for other departments.  Mr. Rand Stanley is going to check with the state surplus for shelving units.  There are various file cabinets that need to have the contents sorted.  Selectman Menard will proceed with the clearing/sorting of the storage areas.  Selectman Menard inquired as to the procedure for having the roofing flashing budgeted for and repaired.  Selectman Menard would like to have it taken care of before winter.  Chairman Nelson asked about splitting the heat off between the Annex and the old portion of the building.  Mr. Thurz offered to call Mr. Pilch and discuss that along with lowering the temperature of the loop of heat to the old portion of the building.  Chairman Nelson will total the estimate from Mr. Pilch to the estimate for the roof/masonry repairs, storm window installation, etc. and give a grand total to Selectman Menard.

Security will be necessary for various departments’ records.  Priority is to ge the building weather tight on the first floor and then move on to other areas.


Upon motion by Mr. Rodrigue, seconded by Mr. Thurz it was unanimously

VOTED: to approve Register #8, revised total $59,992.11, including the invoice from Central Mechanical Services in the amount of $55,222.50 and the invoice from EDM in the amount of $4,769.61.


First Selectman Menard discussed the ordinance creating the permanent Building Committee and mentioned some of the deadlines for duties of the Building Committee, including but not limited to checking on the condition of all town buildings and creating a 5-year plan for CIP.  This could be accomplished by having each department give a report to the Building Committee with the major repairs that are needed in their department.  The Town Engineer or Building Inspector can investigate any questionable repairs.  A study was completed years ago on the condition of all eleven (11) of the town buildings.  A memo from the Building Committee will go to each building’s department head asking about the condition of the building and any recommended major repairs.  These memos will be sent to the First Selectman for distribution to the various departments.




Upon motion by Mr. Kement, seconded by Mr. Sauerhoefer, it was unanimously

        VOTED:  To adjourn at 7:43 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laurie Slate
Recording Secretary