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03-07-13 Public Hearing/Budget


MARCH 7, 2013


PRESENT Chair Richard F. Kehoe, Vice Chair William P. Horan, Jr., Majority Leader Barbara-Ann Rossi,
Minority Leader Eric A. Thompson, Councillors Marc I. Weinberg, Linda A. Russo, Ram Aberasturia,
and Patricia Harmon

ABSENT  Councillor Esther B. Clarke


Chair Kehoe called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.  He announced the exit locations in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes
§29-381 after which the Council joined him in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Chair gave a brief overview of the Mayor’s recommended 2013-2014 budget totaling $170,252,851 which represents a 1.2% increase in expenditures. The major driver for the increase in expenditures is the town’s $1.3M contribution to the employees’ pension plan.
That portion of the Mayor’s recommended budget which is allocated to the Board of Education is $87,266,419 which represents $1.5M increase over last year’s budget.

Additionally, the Chair stated that monies have been set aside in the proposed budget for studies relative to the town’s Plan of Conservation and Development, which, by state statute, has to be updated every ten years.  The monies will be for the hiring of a consultant to modify that plan and also to assist the town in developing better opportunities for its core areas – Main Street, Burnside Avenue, Silver Lane and the riverfront properties.

Chair Kehoe stated that the Mayor’s recommended budget will equate to a tax increase of 2.6% which, for the average taxpayer, will be an approximate increase of $112.00 a year in their property taxes.

The following citizens came forth to speak:

Edith Lacey, 1 Marjorie Lane, Manchester, District Library Media Specialist for the East Hartford Public Schools, addressed the Council on the importance of funding the library section of the budget.  Ms. Lacey stated that since funding has been flat over the last several years, the school libraries – particularly the elementary schools – have relied on donations for books.  To emphasize her point, she brought with her some of the books used by the students which were torn and in poor condition. Ms. Lacey also stated that three of the district’s elementary schools are below state and national standards for materials per student.

Tim Coppage, 235 East River Drive, President of the East Hartford Chamber of Commerce, spoke on behalf of the Mayor’s budget and for the support of the East Hartford Chamber of Commerce.  He introduced members of the Board of Directors who were in attendance this evening: Bill Dokas, President and CEO of American Eagle Federal Credit Union, Heather Summerer, of Pratt & Whitney, who is the out-going Chairperson of the Chamber of Commerce, and Joe Bierbaum, who is the in-coming Chairperson of the Chamber of Commerce and the new CEO of Stone Academy.

Kim Tipton, 147 Kingston Drive, who is also a teacher, believes that funding for the schools should be a top priority and the $480,000 allotment for supplies and text books should not be cut.

Franklin Kucza, 87 Greenlawn Street, spoke to the issue of registering vehicles in the town of East Hartford.

Mary Symkowicz, 805 Tolland Street, President of the East Hartford Paraprofessionals, stated that East Hartford’s future is the children and asked that no cuts be made to the funding of supplies and text books.


MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded Bill Horan
                to adjourn (7:50 p.m.).
                Motion carried 8/0.

                                                                       Angela Attenello
                                                                     Town Council Clerk