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02-19-13 Regular Town Council Meeting Minutes


FEBRUARY 19, 2013

PRESENT Chair Richard F. Kehoe, Vice Chair William P. Horan, Jr., Majority Leader Barbara-Ann Rossi, Minority Leader Eric A. Thompson, Councillors Marc I. Weinberg, Linda A. Russo, Ram Aberasturia, and Patricia Harmon

ABSENT  Councillor Esther B. Clarke


Chair Kehoe called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.  The Chair announced the exit locations in accordance with Connecticut General
Statutes §29-381, after which the Council joined him in the pledge of allegiance.


MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to amend the agenda as follows:

                under New Business, delete Item 8. D., 2013 Golf Course Task Force
                Report and Recommendations.
                Motion carried 8/0.


Mayor Leclerc (1) reported that the town was successful in selling $12,195,000 worth of general obligation bonds; (2) distributed a copy of an article from the Hartford Business Journal regarding Rentschler Field development; (3) will be delivering this year’s budget to the Council on Friday; (4) is continuing the review of safety plans in East Hartford schools with Nathan Quesnel, the Superintendent of Schools; (5) thanked the Public Works and Parks & Recreation Departments for their efforts in clearing the streets during Blizzard Charlotte.


February 5, 2013 Regular Meeting  

MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                        seconded by Eric Thompson
                        to approve the minutes of the February 5, 2013 Regular Meeting, as
                        corrected on February 11, 2013.
                        Motion carried 8/0.


Pension Valuation and Investment Results Presentations:

Joseph Carlson, Town Treasurer, briefly commented on his role investing the Town’s pension fund assets.  Mr. Carlson, who is also Chair of the town’s Retirement Board, stated that the pension fund has been structured with an allocation of 65% invested in equities and 35% invested in fixed income.  Following the advice of the actuary, Mr. Carlson suggested that the town move the Retirement Board’s assumed discount rate from 8 ¼ % to 8%.  He was followed by: Thomas Dawidowicz, Vice President and Consulting Actuary at The Segal Company, who discussed the calculation of the pension contribution for the upcoming budget.  Mr. Dawidowicz stressed the importance of a study to update the various assumptions on which the projected pension costs are based.  The study is estimated to cost approximately $30,000 to $35,000.

There were three areas of concern that the Town Council brought to Mr. Dawidowicz’s attention and asked for clarification: (1) details on the liability increase of $607,000 and how to avoid this type of increase in the future; it was suggested that the annual increase or decrease be based on a multi-year trend rather than an experience over twelve months; and (2) in reviewing the mortality tables, should the population in such tables more closely match the town employee and retiree characteristics.

Next, John O’Connor, President of 3D Asset Management, Inc., presented the returns on the equity side of the Town’s portfolio. Although the returns for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012 were flat, the market values are up significantly since that time.  Anthony Tranghese, Principal and Senior Consultant of Fiduciary Investment Advisors addressed the returns on the fixed income side of the Town’s portfolio, which have out performed expected returns.

Refunding Bond Sale

Michael Walsh, Finance Director, announced the sale of $12,230,000 General Obligation bonds.  This sale allowed the town to save $1,000,282 in interest costs without extending the term of the new bonds beyond that of the old bonds.  Mr. Walsh also stated that the town’s bond rating remains at AA2 as rated by Moody’s Investor Service of New York.  Additionally, Mr. Walsh indicated that the investor service applies more scrutiny to each transaction – a marked difference from previous sales.  He believes this is the result of lessons learned from the 2008-2009 economic downturn.


Recommendations from Ordinance Committee:

Section 10-7: Use of Request for Qualifications for State and Federal Bidding Procedures

MOTION  By Bill Horan
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to amend the Town of East Hartford Code of Ordinances by repealing
                Section 10-7 and to substitute with the October 9, 2012 draft (see below)
                entitled “Ordinance Authorizing the Use of Request for Qualifications for
                State and Federal Bidding Procedures”, as was unanimously approved at
                the January 23, 2013 Ordinance Committee meeting.
                Motion carried 8/0.

Ordinance Authorizing the Use of Request for Qualifications and State and Federal Bidding Procedures
Section 10-7 of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of East Hartford is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof:
(a) All single purchases and contracts, except for professional services as provided in subsection (c) of this section, in which the amount of expenditure is estimated to be ten thousand dollars or greater, shall be made from or let by sealed bids. All purchases, except for those for professional services and except as provided in subsection (c) of this section of less than ten thousand dollars, but greater than five thousand dollars, shall be substantiated by three written quotations which shall be held as a permanent record for audit and public inspection.
(b) Purchases of professional services estimated to cost ten thousand dollars or more shall be subject to the following requirements:
        (1) The Director requiring [the service(s)] professional services shall (A) prepare a request for proposals defining the specific services to be delivered by the       professional, requiring those responding to set out their professional qualifications, experience and ability to deliver such services, as well as the fee to be charged and containing such other information as may be required by the Director, or (B) prepare a request for qualifications containing a list of services to be provided, requiring those responding to set out their professional qualifications, experience and ability to deliver such services as well as the rates to be charged for each service and containing such other information as may be required by the Director;
        (2) The Director shall appoint a committee of three persons, each of whom shall         be qualified to judge such proposals by having knowledge, expertise and background in the field or subject matter addressed in the proposals. The committee shall review and evaluate such proposals and may, on behalf of the Town, negotiate specific terms, rates and prices with any person who submits a proposal;
        (3) The Committee shall, after reviewing such proposals, submit its report and recommendations to the Mayor and the Director along with copies of the proposals. The Mayor may accept the committee's recommendation, select one of the other proposals, or reject all proposals. If the Mayor selects one of the other proposals or rejects all proposals, he shall document his reason for doing so in writing;
        (4) Notices for requests for proposals shall be published in accordance with Section 10-8(a)(1) of The Code of Ordinances.
(c) The Town Council may waive the requirements of subsection (a) or this section whenever it deems that such waiver is in the best interests of the Town.
(d) The provisions of subsections (a) and (b) of this section and section 10-8 and section 10-9 of the town ordinances do not apply if a single purchase or contract in excess of ten thousand dollars is made or let based on a bid, either through a competitive bidding process or reverse auction process, received by (1) a federal or state government, (2) a regional governmental entity, including but not limited to the Capitol Region Council of Governments; (3) a purchasing consortium of state governments, including but not limited to the Western States Contracting Alliance; or (4) the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities, when such government, governmental entity or purchasing consortium has received such bid through a sealed competitive bidding process and the bidder agrees to offer such goods or professional services at that bid to municipal governments in Connecticut.
(e) The provisions of subsections (a) and (b) of this section and section 10-8 and section 10-9 of the town ordinances do not apply if a single purchase or contract in excess of ten thousand dollars is made or let in connection with a project funding in whole or in part by state or federal funds and (1) the town is required, as a condition of receipt of such funds, to follow state or federal bidding procedures and (2) the Purchasing Agent certifies that such federal or state bidding procedures have been followed.

Sections 5-1, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5 and 14-7: Revising the Amusement Permit Process

MOTION  By Bill Horan
                seconded by Barbara Rossi
                to amend the Town of East Hartford Code of Ordinances by repealing
                Sections 5-1, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5 and 14-7 and substitute with the January 23,
                2013 draft (see below) entitled “Proposed Ordinance Revising the Amusement Permit Process”,
                as was unanimously approved at the January 23, 2013 Ordinance committee meeting.
                Motion carried 8/0.

Proposed Ordinance Revising the Amusement Permit Process

(01-23-13 draft)
Section 1.     Section 5-1 of the East Hartford Code of Ordinances is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof:
No person shall conduct an outdoor amusement event where alcoholic beverages are served without first obtaining a permit from the Chief of Police pursuant to section 5-3 of the town ordinances.
[Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), no person shall conduct a parade, fireworks display, airshow, outdoor carnival, ordeal, circus, tent show or an outdoor amusement event where (1) there is a musical performance and more than one hundred people are anticipated to attend, or (2) where roads or sidewalks in the town, or portions thereof, are closed to public use, without first obtaining a permit from the Town Council pursuant to section 5-4 of the town ordinances]  No person shall conduct an outdoor amusement event or an event where roads or sidewalks in the town are closed to public use without first obtaining a permit pursuant to section 5-3 and section 5-4 of the town ordinances.
No person shall conduct an outdoor amusement event on town property or conduct an outdoor amusement event sponsored or co-sponsored by the Town of East Hartford without (i) obtaining a permit from the Chief of Police with approval of the Town Council pursuant to Section 5-4 of the town ordinances; (ii) executing a contract delineating the responsibilities of the town and such persons, in a form acceptable to the Corporation Counsel’s office; and (iii) obtaining a certificate of insurance consistent with the requirements of section 5-5

As used in this section, “outdoor amusement event" means [a]
  • Parade
  • Road race
  • Fireworks display
  • Airshow
  • Outdoor carnival
  • Rodeo
  • Circus
  • Tent show
  • planned gathering of people that is open to the public, or members of an organization whether or not there is an admission fee, where there is entertainment, such as music or a theatrical performance, and the event is held, wholly or in part, outdoors provided it shall not include any family life event celebration where attendees must be invited, such as weddings, birthdays, bachelor parties or anniversaries.
Section 2.  Section 5-3 of the East Hartford Code of Ordinances is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof:
Upon receipt of the application, the Chief of Police shall forward a copy of said application to the directors of the following Town departments: Fire, Health, Public Works, [and] Parks and Recreation, the Office of the Corporation Counsel and Finance.
The Chief of Police and the Directors of Fire, Health, Public Works [and] Parks and Recreation Departments, the Office of the Corporation Counsel and Finance shall review the application. Within two weeks of the date the application was filed, each Director shall provide to the Chief of Police written comments pertaining to the impact the proposed amusement would have on the areas under such department's purview and any recommended changes in the planned operations. The comments from the Fire Department shall also include a statement as to whether the Town can provide adequate fire protection for the proposed amusement.

In reviewing the application, the Chief of Police and the Directors of Fire, Health, Public Works and Parks and Recreation Departments shall consider, but not be limited to, the following: the type of amusement proposed; the suitability of the site for the amusement proposed; access to amusement site by emergency vehicles; the provision for notification of proper authorities in the event of an emergency; public safety; the anticipated crowd size; crowd control; traffic; parking; noise; litter control, including, but not limited to, sufficiency of proposed trash receptacles, dumpster space, and general clean-up during and immediately following amusement; sufficiency of sanitary facilities; compliance with the requirements of the State Public Health Code, other state laws and regulations, and local laws and regulations; and the general impact on the surrounding community and town as a whole.

If the application is submitted pursuant to subsection (a) of section 5-1 of the town ordinances, the Chief of Police may approve such application if the amusement can be conducted in a safe manner consistent with the public safety and public welfare of the town and subject to such conditions as the Chief of Police deems necessary.

If the application is submitted pursuant to subsection (b) of section 5-1 of the town ordinances, within one week of receipt of written comments from the Directors, the Chief of Police shall forward those comments to the Town Council. The Chief of Police shall also forward to the Town Council written comments pertaining to the impact the proposed amusement would have on the areas under the purview of the Police Department and any recommended changes in the planned operations, as well as a statement as to whether the Police Department can supply adequate police protection. If the activity involves an application to utilize Town Property as set forth in subsection (b)(2) of section 5-1, the Chief of Police shall also forward to the Town Council a copy of the contract and  certificate of insurance [agreement referenced n subsection (b)(2) of 5-1 which agreement shall be executed by applicant].

Section 3.  Section 5-4 of the East Hartford Code of Ordinances is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof:

(a)  In addition to any other notice required by law, any person who submits an application pursuant to subsection (b) of section 5-1 to conduct a fireworks display, airshow, outdoor carnival, rodeo, circus or tent show shall post a sign on the property where such activity will be conducted which shall be clearly visible from the street for a period of at least ten consecutive days before the Town Council meeting at which the application will be considered.  The sign shall state that an application is pending before the Town Council. The applicant shall provide to the Town Council at the Town Council meeting a signed affidavit attesting that the applicant has complied with the sign-posting requirement of this section. The sign, which is available at the office of the Town Planner, shall not be removed until the completion of the Town Council meeting, and must be returned to the office of the Town Planner within seven business days following the Town Council meeting.

        (b) After submission of comments by the Chief of Police and the posting of a notice pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, if applicable, the Town Council may vote to approve or disapprove an application submitted pursuant to subsection (b) of section 5-1. In the discretion of the Town Council, approval of the application may be made on certain conditions in order to address public safety, health or welfare concerns presented in the written comments of the Chief of Police or other Directors.

        (c) If the application is approved by a majority vote of the Town Council, the Clerk of the Town Council shall forward written approval, including any conditions of such approval, to the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall thereafter issue a permit to the applicant for the proposed amusement. Such permit shall clearly state the nature of the amusement, the approved location, date(s), hours of operation and any conditions of approval imposed by the Town Council.

(d) Approval of the application does not relieve the applicant of the obligation to pursue any other permits or licenses that may be required by the State or Town.

(e) If the application is not approved by a majority vote of the Town Council, the Clerk of the Town Council shall notify the applicant in writing of the denial of the application.

Section 4.  Section 5-5 of the East Hartford Code of Ordinances is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof:

[(a) In addition to the application requirements set forth in subsection (1) of Section 5-2, the applicant for a permit to conduct an outdoor amusement event where alcoholic beverages are served shall provide a Certificate of Insurance indicating that the applicant has obtained a Liquor Liability policy in the limit and with such coverages as may be set by the Finance Director in consultation with the Risk Manager. The insurance policy shall be endorsed to add the Town as an additional insured on all such policies.]

        (a) In addition to the application requirements set forth in subsection (b) of Section 5-2, the applicant for a permit to sponsor, produce or conduct an [parade, road race, fireworks display, airshow, outdoor carnival, rodeo, circus or tent show] outdoor amusement event shall provide a Certificate of Insurance indicating that the applicant has obtained a Comprehensive General Liability (CGL) insurance policy and, if required, a liquor liability policy in the limit as set by the Finance Director in consultation with the Risk Manager, to cover any injury to persons or damage to property resulting from such [parade, road race, fireworks display, airshow, outdoor carnival, rodeo, circus or tent show] outdoor amusement event. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Article, no permit to sponsor, produce or conduct an [parade, road race, fireworks display, airshow, outdoor carnival, rodeo, circus or tent show] outdoor amusement event shall be issued unless the Town's Finance Director or his representative has reviewed and approved such Certificate. The insurance policy shall be endorsed to add the Town as an additional insured. In addition, no permit to conduct an outdoor amusement event sponsored or co-sponsored in whole or in part by the Town of East Hartford where alcoholic beverages are served shall be granted without the express consent of the Mayor after the purchase by the Town of a Liquor Liability policy in the limits set by the Finance Director in consultation with the Risk Manager.
        (b) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Article, the Town Council shall not approve application for any permits under 5-1 hereof without written [to sponsor, produce or conduct a parade, fireworks display, airshow, outdoor carnival, rodeo, circus or tent show in the absence of written] notification from the Town's Finance Director or his or her representative that the Certificates of Insurance required by subsection (a) [and (b)] of this section [has] have been reviewed and found acceptable.

Sec. 14-7. Permit Subject to Rules; Liability of Permittee.

(a) All permits issued by the Director of Parks and Recreation shall be subject to the park rules and regulations and Town ordinances.
(b) The [Director] Chief of Police, after consultation with the Mayor may, by permit, authorize the sale or dispensing of alcoholic beverages within a designated area of a town park or recreational facility, provided (1) such sale or dispensing is in conjunction with an event; (2) the permittee has obtained a liquor permit for such sale from the state of Connecticut; [and] (3) the permittee maintains liquor liability insurance as required by the Director of Finance in consultation with the Risk Manager; (4) the Chief of Police determines that the event can be conducted in a safe manner consistent with the public safety and public welfare of the Town.  The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any outdoor amusement event permitted pursuant to Section 5-3 of the town ordinances.
(c) The permittee shall be liable for any loss, damage, or injury sustained by any person by reason of the negligence of the permittee or his agents or employees, as well as for any breach of Town rules, regulations and ordinances, and the permittee shall be liable to the town in case the Town becomes liable to the person injured.                                                    (effective 04-15-08)

Section 7-8 a.: Withholding Building Permits on Delinquent Tax Property

MOTION  By Bill Horan
                seconded by Barbara Rossi               
                to amend the Town of East Hartford Code of Ordinances by adding a new Section 7-8 a.,
                consistent with the January 23, 2013 draft (see below) entitled “Ordinance Authorizing the
                Town to Withhold Building Permits on Delinquent Tax Property”, as was unanimously
                approved at the January 23, 2013 Ordinance Committee meeting.
                Motion carried 8/0.

Ordinance Authorizing the Town to Withhold Building Permits on Delinquent Tax Property
The Code of Ordinances of the Town of East Hartford is amended by adding a new section 7-8 a. as follows:
  • No building permit shall be issued by the Director of Inspections and Permits or designee until: (1) the Director or designee determines that taxes, interest and lien fees on the property for which the Building Permit would be issued are current; or (2) if taxes are delinquent, (A) the Collector of Revenue or designee has informed the Director in writing that the owner of such property has entered into a delinquent tax repayment plan approved by the Collector of Revenue; or (B) the Director of Inspections and Permits certifie[d]s in writing that the construction, repair or improvement described in such permit will address a health or safety emergency affecting the occupants of the building that is the subject of the permit.
  • As used in the section, “building permit” shall include a building permit, certificate of occupancy, electrical permit, mechanical permit, and all other permits and certificates issued by the Director of Inspections and Permits or designee under the State of Connecticut Building Code.

Outdoor Amusement Applications:

26th Annual Memorial Mile

MOTION  By Ram Aberasturia
                seconded by Barbara Rossi
                to approve the outdoor amusement permit application submitted by
                Ted Fravel, Director of the East Hartford Parks and Recreation
                Department and the East Hartford Board of Education Physical
                Education Department to conduct the 26th Annual Memorial Mile
                Road Race on Monday May 27, 2013, from approximately 10:20AM
                to completion, with race registration from 8AM to 9AM at the VFW
                Post #2081.  The race will start at the intersection Burnside Avenue
                and Scotland Road and finish on Hillside Street across from Hillside
                Cemetery, the race location will ultimately be determined by the
                parade route; subject to compliance with adopted codes and
                regulations of the State of Connecticut, the Town of East Hartford,
                and any other stipulations required by the Town of East Hartford or
                its agencies.
                Motion carried 8/0.

29th Annual Riverfest 5K Road Race

MOTION  By Marc Weinberg
                seconded by Barbara Rossi
to approve the outdoor amusement permit application entitled “29th
Annual Riverfest 5K Road Race”, submitted by Ted Fravel, Director
of the East Hartford Parks & Recreation Department, to hold a 5K
run, in conjunction with the July River Fest, beginning and ending
at Goodwin Park in East Hartford on Saturday, July 6, 2013 from
6AM to 11AM, subject to subject to compliance with adopted
codes and regulations of the State of Connecticut, the Town of East
Hartford, and any other stipulations required by the Town of East Hartford
or its agencies.
Motion carried 8/0.

17th Annual Sounds of Summer Concert Series

MOTION          By Linda Russo
                        seconded by Barbara Rossi
                        to approve the outdoor amusement permit application, entitled
                        “17th Annual Sounds of Summer Concert Series” submitted by Ted
                        Fravel, Director of the East Hartford Parks and Recreation
                        Department to conduct regularly scheduled outdoor concerts on the
                        East Hartford Town Green, located on Main Street, from 6:00PM to
                        8:00PM on the following Thursdays in 2013:
                        July 11, 18 & 25
                        August  1, 8, 15, 22 & 29

                        subject to compliance with adopted codes and regulations of the
                        State of Connecticut, the Town of East Hartford, and any other
                        stipulations required by the Town of East Hartford or its
                        Motion carried 8/0.

Concert of Praise

MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Pat Harmon
                to approve the outdoor amusement permit application entitled, Concert of
                Praise”, submitted by Shakera Brown, Event Coordinator for The
                Pentecostals, to conduct a free outdoor music conference for town
                residents to be held on the East Hartford Town Green, located on Main
                Street, on Sunday, September 15, 2013 from 10AM to 3PM, with music
                from 12PM (Noon) to 2PM, subject to compliance with adopted codes and
                regulations of the State of Connecticut, the Town of East Hartford, and any
                other stipulations required by the Town of East Hartford or its agencies,
                and to waive the associated permit fee under the provisions of Town
                Ordinance 5-6 (c) as this is a charitable organization.
                Motion carried 8/0.

Refund of Taxes

MOTION  By Marc Weinberg
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to refund taxes in the amount of $11,834.37   
                pursuant to Section 12-129 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
                Motion carried 8/0.

Prop Loc/Vehicle Info.
 Over Paid
 $          (29.14)
$           (64.82)
 $            (7.79)
 $          (51.63)
 $          (64.18)
 $          (21.52)
 $          (46.69)
 $          (73.39)
 $     (4,098.86)
 $          (51.64)
 $          (64.18)
 $          (58.53)
 $          (53.01)
 $          (39.62)
$        (495.08)
 $        (105.05)
 $          (25.98)
 $        (114.76)
 $          (64.18)
 $            (5.13)
 $          (23.15)
$     (2,255.25)
 $     (3,998.51)
$   (11,812.09)
$    (11,834.37)


Barbara Rossi praised the efforts of the employees of the Public Works and Parks & Recreation Departments for a job well-done during Blizzard Charlotte clearing the town’s roads.


Mayor Leclerc responded to Councillor Clarke’s question from the February 5th Town Council meeting regarding the installation of a No Right on Red sign at the intersection of Main and Brewer Streets.  Denise Horan, Town Engineer, has asked the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation for the installation of such a sign on the northbound lane of Main Street at the corner of Brewer Street.  


MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to adjourn (9:55 p.m.).
                Motion carried 8/0.

The Chair announced that the next regular meeting of the Town Council would be on March 5, 2013.  The Chair also indicated that the budget workshops will start next week.

                                                        Angela M. Attenello
                                                          TOWN COUNCIL CLERK