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09-19-12 Regular Town Council Meeting Minutes
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Size: 3.1M
Last Updated: 2012/9/24


SEPTEMBER 19, 2012

PRESENT Chair Richard F. Kehoe, Vice Chair William P. Horan, Jr., Majority Leader Barbara-Ann Rossi, Minority Leader Eric A. Thompson, Councillors Marc I. Weinberg, Linda A. Russo, Ram Aberasturia, Patricia Harmon and Esther B. Clarke


Chair Kehoe called the meeting to order at 7:59 p.m.  The Chair announced the exit locations in accordance with Connecticut General
Statutes §29-381, after which the Council joined him in the pledge of allegiance.


MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to amend the agenda as follows:

                add, under New Business, Item 8.F.3. Enforcement of the Town’s Blight
                Ordinance; and

                move Item 8.A. 2013-2016 Collective Bargaining Agreement: East Hartford
                Board of Education and the East Hartford Education Association before
                Communications and Petitions.
                Motion carried 9/0.


Charles Casella, 22 Brookline Drive, supports the appointments to the Library Commission that are on the agenda tonight.  Also, Mr. Casella spoke in favor of the Raymond Library Expansion project and recognized Deb Arrieta and Rosalie Tavtigian, Library Commission members who were present in the Chamber, and who also support the expansion project.

Susan Kniep, 44-46 and 50 Olde Roberts Street, (1) commented on the dedication of the town’s teachers; (2) suggested that the Council approve the contract for just one year because of the poor economic conditions; and (3) stated that 85% of taxpayer dollars goes toward employee compensation.

Frank Leone, 40 Knollwood Road, a member of the Board of Directors of the Raymond Library Company, supports the Raymond Library Expansion.

Ray Tubbs, 35 Central Avenue, President of the Friends of Center Cemetery, is very enthusiastic about the Raymond Library Expansion and looks forward its completion.

Deb Arrieta, 6 Sunset Ridge Drive, fully supports the Raymond Library Expansion and urged the Council to do the same.

Chair Kehoe stated that the Raymond Library Expansion project is on the agenda as an update only – no action will be taken on this issue.  The Chair further stated that the Council had fully supported the expansion project through approval of the bond issue that was passed in November 2008.

Mayor Leclerc (1) thanked Ed Chaves and Stacey Krechko for their involvement in the United Way Campaign; (2) supports the Prescription Drug Take-Back Day; (3) thanked Valerie Scheer for her service on the Library Commission and acknowledged the appointments of Mary Mourey and Sally Pelletier to that Commission; (4) fully supports the 3 referrals to the Ordinance Committee; and (5) asked that the Council support the town’s decision to use Webster Bank as the new provider for a Visa credit card.

MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                        seconded by Ram Aberasturia
                        to take the United Way Campaign Presentation, under Communications
                        and Petitions, out of order to accommodate those present.
                        Motion carried 9/0.


United Way Campaign Presentation
Ed Chaves, a 911 dispatcher for the Town of East Hartford, and Stacy Krechko, Youth Services Secretary, co-Chairs of the United Way campaign, this year’s campaign starts October 1st.  Mr. Chaves pointed out that last year, along with a few other municipalities, the town was recognized for their work on the United Way Campaign by holding a dinner at Rentschler Field. The employee contributions last year totaled over $2300.  Mr. Chaves and Ms. Krechko read statistics that proved how the United Way funds programs in the East Hartford community, among which are early childhood programs, career skills, home healthcare services, and FoodShare.  

At this point, the Council returned to the order of the agenda.


September 4, 2012 Public Hearing/Improve East Hartford Program

MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                        seconded by Marc Weinberg
                        to approve the minutes of the September 4, 2012 Public Hearing on the
                        Improve East Hartford Program.
                        Motion carried 8/0. Abstain: Horan

September 4, 2012 Regular Meeting  

MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                        seconded by Eric Thompson
                        to approve the minutes of the September 4, 2012 Regular Meeting.
                        Motion carried 8/0. Abstain: Horan

Councillor Clarke recused herself from discussion and vote on the following agenda item:


2013-2016 Collective Bargaining Agreement: East Hartford Board of Education and the East Hartford Education Association

MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                seconded by Linda Russo
                to approve the 2013-2016 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the
                East Hartford Board of Education and the East Hartford Education
                Association which was ratified by the Union and approved by the Board of
                Education on August 27, 2012.
                Motion carried 8/0.  Clarke out of Chamber

A copy of this agreement follows these minutes. See attached.

At this point, Councillor Clarke returned to the Chamber and the Council returned to the order of the agenda.


Development Department Update

John Choquette, Development Director, along with Mayor Leclerc, offered the Council a PowerPoint presentation of the many areas of town that show economic development progress. Mr. Choquette highlighted the grand list growth and the job creation benefits over the past year.  A printed copy of this presentation is on file in the Town Council office.

Raymond Library Expansion Update

Mary Martin, Project Coordinator for the Raymond Library Expansion Program, introduced Bruce Tuttle, the architect hired by the Raymond Library Company, who directed a PowerPoint presentation which showed the plans for the expansion.  The main building, and the front entrance, will stay intact.  The addition, which adds 14,000 square feet, will start at the east end of the building.  When finished, the new Raymond Library will be approximately 41,000 square feet.

Ms. Martin indicated that the town has submitted a grant application to the Connecticut State Library Construction Program for distressed municipalities for $1M to cover the cost of the HVAC system and roofing replacement.  Additionally, the town has begun a grant application to the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving which would be in the amount of $300,000.00.

Pat Jones, Director of Libraries, addressed the Council about the expansion project and how it will factor into the downtown center.  

Prescription Drug Take-Back Day – September 29th

Chair Kehoe announced that this year’s prescription drug take back day will be Saturday, September 29th at the Public Safety Complex, 31 School Street from 10AM to 2PM.  He urged all residents to participate if possible.

Library Commission: Resignation of Valerie Scheer
Chair Kehoe noted that Valerie Scheer has resigned from the Library Commission and thanked her for her service to the town.


Loan Agreement between CL&P and Town of East Hartford re: Lighting Retrofits at the East Hartford Town Garage

MOTION  By Linda Russo
                seconded by Ram Aberasturia
                to adopt the following resolution:


WHEREAS, the Town of East Hartford has successfully completed two Energy Performance Contracts totaling $12.3 million and is in the process of compiling energy savings measures to execute a third contract, and

WHEREAS, work originating from Public Act 11-80 as administered by DEEP created a Blue Ribbon Panel to compile Best Practices with respect to a municipality utilizing an energy performance contract, and

WHEREAS, related to the State’s desire to more fully enjoy the financial benefits of energy performance contracting, has directed Connecticut Light and Power to identify replacement lighting projects for municipalities, recommend contractors to complete the work, provide incentives of 37% toward the total cost of the work, and to allow the net cost of the lighting retrofit to be equally paid over a three year period with no interest charges to the municipality.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the Town of East Hartford is authorized to enter into a loan agreement and related documents not to exceed $17,261.90.   The contract terms, payment schedule, and other details of the contract shall be mutually determined between C, L, and P, their contractor, and the Mayor, whose signatures will indicate approval of specific terms and conditions.

On call of the vote, motion carried 9/0.

Town of East Hartford Credit Card – Webster Bank

MOTION  By Ram Aberasturia
                seconded by Barbara Rossi
                to adopt the following resolution:


WHEREAS, the Town of East Hartford intends to obtain a VISA credit card through Webster Bank to replace the Town’s existing VISA credit card.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the Town of East Hartford is authorized to enter into a credit card agreement and related documents to obtain a VISA credit card issued through Webster Bank.

The details of the agreement shall be mutually determined between Webster Bank, VISA and the Mayor, whose signatures will indicate approval of specific terms and conditions.

On call of the vote, motion carried 9/0.

Town-owned Property Other Than Real Estate – Committee of the Whole – Parks and Recreation Department: Haunted House Items

MOTION  By Marc Weinberg
                seconded by Barbara Rossi
                that the Town Council, acting as a Committee of the Whole for the
                Town-owned Property Other Than Real Estate Committee, and
                pursuant to Section 10-3 of the Town of East Hartford Code of
                Ordinances, approve the sale of the Haunted House items through
                public auction as requested in a memo dated September 7, 2012
                by Ted Fravel, Director of Parks and    Recreation Department to
                Marcia Leclerc, Mayor and Members of the Town Council.
                Motion carried 9/0

Referrals to Ordinance Committee: (1) Security Cameras, (2) Panhandling/Fraudulent Solicitation; (3) Enforcement of Blight Ordinance

MOTION  By Bill Horan
                seconded by Barbara Rossi
to refer to the Ordinance Committee three proposed ordinances as follows: (1) the possibility of requiring the installation of security cameras at extended hour convenience stores; (2) the possible creation of an ordinance prohibiting panhandling or fraudulent solicitation within the Town of East Hartford; and (3) the possibility of creating an ordinance which amends the town’s blight ordinance as presented in Sections 7-7 and 7-8 of the Town of East Hartford Code of Ordinances, with instructions to investigate all three issues and report back to the Town Council with its recommendations, if any.
Motion carried 9/0.

Appointments to the Library Commission

MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Pat Harmon
                to approve the following appointments to the Library Commission:
                Seraphine Pelletier; term to expire December 2014
                Mary Mourey; term to expire December 2014

                Motion carried 9/0.


Pat Harmon asked when the construction on Forbes Street will be completed. The Mayor indicated that the expected date is September 28th.  Councillor Harmon noted that a local florist had experienced problems with access to her business due to the recent road construction and wanted to discuss this with the Mayor. The Mayor said she did stop to see the owner, but the shop was not opened at that time. She will try again.

Ram Aberasturia said that a resident had indicated that she appreciated the televised Mayor’s reports and asked if the Mayor would broadcast at a future report the absentee ballots process due to the November elections. The Mayor agreed.

Barbara Rossi reported that, due to the bad weather Tuesday, the blue tarp on the house on High Street has blown off and the structure is now exposed.  The Mayor indicated that the High Street property is in foreclosure and the demolition has been delayed while ownership rights are resolved in court.  Also, Councillor Rossi asked if the house on 86 Broad Street is in foreclosure. The Mayor would check on the status of the Broad Street property.

Bill Horan asked if the town will be involved in the Civil War reenactment that will take place at Wickham Park.  The Mayor said that the reenactment will be held on that portion of Wickham Park in Manchester, not East Hartford.


Beverly Blount-Lawrence vs. Town of East Hartford – Property Damage Claim

MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                seconded by Marc Weinberg
                to accept Corporation Counsel’s recommendation to settle the property
                damage claim of Board of Education employee, Beverly Blount-Lawrence,
                for a total sum of $4,888.11.
                Motion carried 9/0.

Lain Pinney vs. Town of East Hartford et al – Law Enforcement Liability

MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to accept Corporation Counsel’s recommendation to settle the pending
                federal court action known as Lain Pinney vs. Town of East Hartford,
                Docket No. 3:09CV1887, for a total sum of $75,000.00.
                Motion carried 9/0.

Eugene Brokowski vs. Town of East Hartford – Workers’ Compensation Claim

MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to accept Corporation Counsel’s recommendation to fully and finally settle
                the Workers’ Compensation claim brought by former Board of Education
                employee, Eugene Brokowski, for a total sum of $24,000.00.
                Motion carried 8/0. Abstain: Weinberg


Eric Thompson inquired on when there would be a meeting with the town’s state to discuss the impact of
Senate Bill 22 to the town. The Chair indicated that he expects a meeting in October.


MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to adjourn (11:05 p.m.).
                Motion carried 9/0.

The Chair announced that the next meeting of the Town Council would be on Tuesday, October 2nd.

                                                        Angela M. Attenello
                                                          TOWN COUNCIL CLERK