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09-04-12 Public Hearing: Improve East Hartford Program



                                              SEPTEMBER 4, 2012                


PRESENT Chair Richard F. Kehoe, Majority Leader Barbara Ann Rossi, Minority Leader Eric A. Thompson,
                Councillors Marc I. Weinberg, Linda A. Russo, Ram Aberasturia, Patricia Harmon and Esther B. Clarke

ABSENT  Vice Chair William P. Horan, Jr.

Chair Kehoe called the public hearing to order at 7:07 p.m.

The following is a copy of a legal notice published in the Wednesday, August 22, 2012 and Wednesday,
August 29, 2012 edition of the Hartford Courant.

Public notice is hereby given that the Town Council of the Town of East Hartford, Connecticut, will hold a public hearing on
Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers, 740 Main Street, East Hartford, Connecticut,
regarding the proposed “Improve East Hartford Program”, Alternative A and Alternative B, pursuant to the requirements of
§12-65 (d) of the Connecticut General Statues.

Any person(s) wishing to express an opinion on this matter may do so at this meeting.

A copy of Alternative A and Alternative B is on file in the Town Clerk’s office for inspection.
Angela Attenello
                                                         Town Council Clerk

Chair Kehoe summarized the history of the proposed resolution “Improving East Hartford Program”.  This program would create an incentive for residential and commercial property owners in East Hartford to invest in their properties by offering a tax abatement on the increased assessment of the improved property. He stated that there have been several public hearings on this initiative.  Pursuant to the requirements of §12-65 (d) of the Connecticut General Statutes, the resolution was sent to the town’s Planning and Zoning Commission for their input. The Chair explained that the comments from the Planning and Zoning Commission were addressed by creating Alternative B, which would apply the Improve East Hartford program to properties in certain zones, while Alternative A would be applicable to certain areas of town. Additionally, the Chair stated that due to the uncertainty of the viability of this program, the current proposals that are the subject of tonight’s public hearing are offered as a limited two-year pilot program.

The following citizens came forward:

Donald Currey, 14 Martin Circle, supports the intent of the program and believes it should apply to the entire town.  Mr. Currey’s second choice would be Alternative B, with the revision that would only exclude properties in DDD-I and DDD-II zones, thereby including all residential properties.

Robert Pasek, 403 Burnside Avenue, believes that the Improve East Hartford program would be beneficial to the entire town.  Mr. Pasek also agrees that if Alternative B is considered, a revision that would eliminate the eligibility of DDD-I and DDD-II zones should be made.

Tim Coppage, 235 East River Drive, supports the Improve East Hartford program and stated that all residential zoning – at a minimum – should be eligible for this incentive.

Susan Kniep, 44-46 and 50 Olde Roberts Street, stated that, with the proposed Improve East Hartford program, the savings on taxes for the average homeowner is minimal.  Ms. Kniep also is concerned about the impact of Senate Bill 22 on the Improve East Hartford program.

Deb Arrieta, 6 Sunset Ridge Drive, thinks that the Improve East Hartford program is beneficial for all residents and should, therefore, apply to all residential properties in town.

Susan Skowronek, 84 Syracuse Drive, supports the Improve East Hartford program for the entire town, not just for certain areas or zones.

Robin Pearson, 235 East River Drive, believes that the Improve East Hartford program is a great opportunity for residents and will be a wonderful incentive which should be available to the entire town.

John Ryan, 172 Burke Street, agrees with the previous speakers who believe that the Improve East Hartford program should apply to the entire town, not just by zone or areas.

Don Sugalski, 1736 Main Street, suggested that the proposed Improve East Hartford Program should go before the voters in the form of a referendum.

Mayor Leclerc presented the Council with a map of the town that highlighted those properties in foreclosure, bank-owned properties, properties with registered complaints from the town’s Inspections & Permits department, and those properties on the Mayor’s N.E.A.T. list – all of which total approximately 608 properties.  The scattered locations of these properties indicate that there is no one specific area where these properties are confined to. Mayor Leclerc said that she will provide the Council with a list of these properties.


MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Barbara Rossi
                to adjourn (8:00 p.m.).
                Motion carried 8/0.

                                                                    Angela M. Attenello
                                                                        Town Council Clerk