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02-15-12 Special Meeting/Board of Education Budget
FEBRUARY 15, 2012

PRESENT Chair Richard F. Kehoe, Vice Chair William P. Horan, Jr., Majority Leader Barbara-Ann Rossi, Minority Leader Eric A. Thompson, Councillors Marc I. Weinberg, Linda A. Russo, Ram Aberasturia, Patricia Harmon and Robert J. Damaschi, Sr.

ALSO            Mark Zito, Superintendent of Schools
PRESENT Christopher Wethje, Director, Human Resources, Board of Education
                Paul Mainuli, Director, Business Services, Board of Education
                Joanne Zatarain, Business Services, Board of Education
Board of Education Members:
                Jeffrey Currey, Chair; Tyron Harris; Marcus Oladell


Chair Kehoe called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m.  He announced the exit locations in accordance with Connecticut General Statute § 29-381, after which the Council joined him in the pledge of allegiance.

The Chair summarized the budget process with the Board of Education, the Mayor and the Town Council.  He indicated that the Board of Education’s proposed cuts to the HeadStart program and the Synergy Alternative High School made it necessary for the Council to allow citizens to voice their concerns over these possible reductions.

The following citizens came forward to speak against the proposed cuts to the HeadStart program, Synergy Alternative High School and the Paraprofessional positions:

Joanne Fulk, 53 Hamilton Road; Mary Symkawicz, 805 Tolland Street; Edie Lacy, 1 Marjorie Lane, Manchester; Barbara Le, 180 Kingston Drive; Angel Fontanez, 49 Cannon Road; Luis Rolena, 192 Cannon Road; Karl Koenig, Westover AFB; Crystal Lynn Hamilton, 241 Oak Street; Betsy Valentin, 19 Margery Drive; Mary Jane Petitpas, 31 Chapel Street; Carmen Correo, 138 Broadway; Yaasmeen Cook, 89 Anita Drive; David Bocchichio, Synergy Teacher; Jessica Thompson, 185 Pine Street, Manchester; Michelle Turner, 484 Tolland Street; Anne Cale, 60 Scott Street; Margaret Kishimoto, 22 Matthew Road; Sandra Quinn, Middlebury; Sarah Worley, 42 Legion Drive; Audrey Breen, 52 O’Connell Drive; David Beal, 67 Bretton Road, Manchester; Dennis and Michelle Randolph, 19 Mitchell Court; Anthony Kyle Jr., 565 Tolland Street; Nathan Allison, 93 Lake Street; Matthew Oakes, 79 Park Avenue; Milton Baulk, 38 Amy Drive; Jordan Girouard, 214 Woodlawn Circle; Khaley Harrison, 275 Forest Street; Lisa Jones, 72 King Court; and Virginia Lynch, 77 Chapel Street.
The Chair thanked all the speakers for coming forward and then moved on to the Board of Education’s PowerPoint presentation of their proposed 2012-2013 fiscal year budget.

Jeffrey Currey, Chair of the Board of Education, introduced the following individuals who work for the East Hartford Public Schools:  Mark Zito, Superintendent of Schools, Paul Mainuli, Director of Business Services, Joanne Zatarain, Accountant, Business Services, and Christopher Wethje, Human Resources Director.  Also present were Board members Tyron Harris and Marcus Oladell.

Chair Currey gave a concise overview of the district and Mr. Mainuli led the PowerPoint presentation to the Council.  It was noted that due to federal funding cuts, the Board felt compelled to make serious reductions to staff and programs.  However, Chair Currey stressed the fact that there would be replacements to those programs eliminated, so as not to leave the students, affected by these cuts, without other options.


MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to adjourn (10:55 p.m.)
                Motion carried 9/0.


               Angela M. Attenello
                              Town Council Clerk