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01-31-12 Special Joint Meeting/East Hartford Housing Authority
JANUARY 31, 2012


PRESENT Chair Richard F. Kehoe, Vice Chair William P. Horan, Jr., Majority Leader Barbara-Ann Rossi, Minority Leader Eric A. Thompson, Councillors Marc I. Weinberg, Linda A. Russo, Ram Aberasturia, Patricia Harmon and Robert J. Damaschi

PRESENT East Hartford Housing Authority Commissioners:
                      Robert Keating, Chair; James Kate, James Patterson, Hazelann Cook
Ralph Alexander, Attorney, East Hartford Housing Authority
                Debra Bouchard, Executive Director, East Hartford Housing Authority
                Joseph Regan, Finance Director, East Hartford Housing Authority
                Christine Paisley-Corrigan, Leasing and Housing Programs Manager
                Andre Dumas, Modernization Asset Coordinator


Rich Kehoe, Town Council Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m. He announced the exit locations from the
Chamber in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes §29-381, after which the Council joined him in the
pledge of allegiance.
The Chair indicated that this is the fifth of a series of meetings between the Town Council and the East Hartford
Housing Authority (EHHA) with regard to the EHHA’s financial recovery plan.  One of the financial issues of the EHHA
that needs to be addressed, pursuant to the recovery plan established through the U. S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD), is the potential disposition of King Court.  Pursuant to Public Act 11-72 and Connecticut
General Statute Section 8-64a, there is a process that any housing authority must go through if they were to dispose
of a housing property under their control.  One of those criteria is to meet with the local legislative body – the Town
Council – as well as following various other steps, to discuss the eventual disposition of the housing property in question.

Debra Bouchard, Executive Director, introduced those present at the meeting from the East Hartford Housing Authority.  

Ralph Alexander, Attorney for the East Hartford Housing Authority, provided the Council with an update on meetings
between the EHHA and the residents of King Court and meetings between the EHHA and the neighbors abutting
King Court. Attorney Alexander stated that a tenants’ association was formed and that they have retained the services
of Attorney David Pels. There were several meetings between the EHHA and King Court residents to explain the
process and to obtain their input for moving forward on the disposition of King Court.  In addition, Attorney Alexander
presented the Council with a rough draft of the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) that eventually will be used for obtaining
a developer for the disposition and redevelopment of King Court.  Attorney Alexander thoroughly reviewed the RFQ with
the Council, and stated that this document was subject to changes and editing as required by the ongoing public and
resident input process, and welcomed any suggestions from the Council. The deadline for the final draft of the RFQ is
December 2012.

At this point, the Chair opened the meeting to public comment.

Mary Hill, 53 King Court, president of the King Court Tenants’ Association, raised concerns about the provision allowing
tenants to keep their rental units for 10 years asked that the 10-year limit be removed. Ms. Hill also stated that the bidding
process should not be tailored to an institute of higher learning.

David Pels, Attorney for the King Court Tenants’ Association, reiterated the statements made by Ms. Hill regarding the
draft of the RFQ as presented; (1) the current draft limits proposals to an entity which is tied to an institute of higher learning.
Attorney Pels suggested that the RFQ be revised to include any developer and not just a college; and (2) the current draft
also has a 10-year cut-off date for King Court residents to move. Again, Attorney Pels suggested that the RFQ be revised
to eliminate this time frame.  Also, Attorney Pels stated that a resident participation plan must be in place before going
forward on the disposition of King Court.

Denise Summers, 63 King Court, and Suzette Wright, 16 King Court, relayed to the Council their hopes to stay in their
homes indefinitely and how much they enjoyed the safe, quiet surroundings they live in.  

Susan Kniep, 50 Olde Roberts Street, read an excerpt from a letter she is going to send to the U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development, which (in part) she calls for (1) the discontinuation of the sale/disposition of King Court pending
a federal investigation; and (2) if in fact the disposition of King Court is to go forward, the sale/disposition of King Court
should be placed in the hands of an independent entity with no business or political ties to the Town of East Hartford, East
Hartford Housing Authority, or Goodwin College.

Chair Kehoe indicated the intent of Public Act 11-72 is to put a process in place which addresses (1) bringing the residents
into the process, (2) finding out what their concerns are, (3) having them involved in the entire process; and (4) to protect
the residents as much as possible. Also, the Chair suggested that (1) if appropriate, the potential developer’s vision for
the renovations to King Court be included in the RFQ; (2) a minimum bid amount should be included in the RFQ; and (3) there
shouldn’t be a restriction on providing access to higher education.

Councillor Bob Damaschi stated that he would like to give his approval to the final draft, not the rough draft, of the RFQ.

Councillor Ram Aberasturia suggested that the EHHA Board of Commissioners meet in the evenings to accommodate
those residents who work during the day and cannot attend the monthly Board meetings held during daytime hours.

Minority Leader Eric Thompson inquired on how people are being informed of meetings in order to encourage engagement
of the King Court residents with the RFQ process.  Councillor Thompson also asked if the EHHA is prepared to address the
residents’ concerns about moving and about the potential sale of King Court to Goodwin College.

Vice Chair Bill Horan praised the work of both Attorney Alexander on the rough draft of the RFQ and Attorney Pels on his
representation of the King Court Tenants’ Association.

Councillor Marc Weinberg suggested that the affirmative action steps as currently presented on the rough draft of the RFQ
be updated to include all protected categories.

Chair Kehoe finished by stating that there will be more meetings with the EHHA to discuss the King Court issue and looks
forward to fruitful discussions and an equitable outcome.


MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to adjourn (9:08 p.m.)
                Motion carried 9/0.

          Angela M. Attenello
                          Town Council Clerk