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12-19-11 Special Joint Meeting/EHHA
DECEMBER 19, 2011

PRESENT Chair Richard F. Kehoe, Vice Chair William P. Horan, Jr., Minority Leader Eric A. Thompson, Councillors Marc I. Weinberg, Linda A. Russo, Ram Aberasturia, Patricia Harmon and Robert J. Damaschi

ABSENT  Majority Leader Barbara-Ann Rossi

PRESENT East Hartford Housing Authority Commissioners:
                        Robert Keating, Chair; James Kate, James Patterson
                        Prescille Yamamoto, Hazelann Cook
Ralph Alexander, Attorney, East Hartford Housing Authority
                Debra Bouchard, Executive Director, East Hartford Housing Authority
                Joseph Regan, Finance Director, East Hartford Housing Authority
                Mary Hill, Chair, King Court Resident Council
Denise Summers, Member, King Court Resident Council


Rich Kehoe, East Hartford Town Council Chair called the meeting to order at 7:19 p.m.  He announced the exit locations from the Chamber in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes §29-381.
The Chair indicated that this is the fourth of a series of meetings between the Town Council and the East Hartford Housing Authority (EHHA) with regard to the EHHA’s financial recovery plan.  The Chair gave a brief overview as follows:

The East Hartford Housing Authority is a public agency, created by the Town of East Hartford pursuant to state law, and has a significant connection to the federal government through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Since the late 1950’s, EHHA built and operates housing primarily for seniors and low-to-moderate income families.  EHHA’s funding comes through either state or federal monies, not through town funding.

The Town Council has become involved with the EHHA’s progress on their financial status as HUD brought to light some significant financial and operational weaknesses that need to be rectified. The Recovery Agreement has provided EHHA with a guide toward financial solvency.

At this point, the Chair opened the meeting to public comment.

Susan Kniep, 50 Olde Roberts Street, (1) raised concerns for the residents of King Court and the manner of selling the housing development; (2) urged an Investigations and Audit Committee review of the EHHA; (3) called for the replacement of the EHHA Board of Commissioners and the EHHA attorney; (4) questioned the relationship between the EHHA attorney and the attorney for Goodwin College as it relates to the public bidding process; and (5) commented on the specificity of the EHHA minutes and urged the Council to read them.

Having overlooked the pledge of allegiance at the beginning of the meeting, the Chair asked that it be recited at this time.

Debra Bouchard, Executive Director for the East Hartford Housing Authority, stated that EHHA entered into the Recovery Agreement (RA) with HUD in September 2011.  Since then, there have been bi-weekly meetings with HUD to insure that EHHA is moving forward. The RA required that EHHA institute a mentor relationship with a high performing public housing agency.  To that end, EHHA has partnered with Stratford Housing Authority as their mentor agency.  

Ms. Bouchard summarized the progress EHHA has made in each area of concern under the following categories: (1) Governance; (2) Organization & Staffing; (3) Development Initiatives; (4) Finance; (5) Maintenance & Improvement of Physical Conditions; (6) Program Management – Public Housing; (7) Compliance with Local and Federal Requirements; (8) Program Management – Other Section 8 Programs.

The Councillors posed questions to the EHHA after the summarization of each category.  

Chair Kehoe suggested that the Town Council continue to meet quarterly with the EHHA to track their progress with the Recovery Plan.


MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to adjourn (9:05 p.m.)
                Motion carried 8/0.

                Angela M. Attenello
                                   Town Council Clerk