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09-06-11 Regular Town Council Minutes



PRESENT Chair Richard F. Kehoe, Vice Chair William P. Horan, Jr., Majority Leader Barbara-Ann Rossi, Minority Leader Eric A. Thompson, Councillors Marc I. Weinberg, Linda A. Russo, Ram Aberasturia, Susan P. Skowronek and Patricia Harmon


Chair Kehoe called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.  He announced the exit locations in
accordance with Connecticut General Statutes § 29-381, after which the Council joined him in the pledge of allegiance.


Remembrance of the 10th Anniversary of September 11, 2001

Mayor Leclerc read the following proclamation into the minutes:

WHEREAS, the Town of East Hartford is joining the National Moment of Remembrance of the Tenth Anniversary of September 11th; and

WHEREAS, the Town expresses their support of the United State’s government regarding coming together as a
Nation and ceasing all work or other activity for a moment of remembrance beginning at 1:00 p.m. eastern daylight time on September 11, 2011; and

WHEREAS, American Airlines Flight 11 was hijacked and crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center, United Airlines Flight 175 into the South Tower, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed at the Department of Defense headquarters and United Airlines Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania; and

WHEREAS, thousands of innocent victims lost their lives and tens of thousands narrowly escaped harm as witnesses to this horrific tragedy; and

WHEREAS, ten years later, thousands of men and women in the United States Armed Forces remain in harm’s way defending the United States against those who seek to threaten our nation.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Marcia A. Leclerc, Mayor of the Town of East Hartford, join with members of the East Hartford Town Council, the President of the United States, members of the Senate and Congress, along with all citizens of our great country to recognize a


and stop to honor the heroic efforts of civilians, first responders, fire and police personnel, state and local  officials and countless volunteers who aided the victims of those attacks and in doing so, bravely risked and often gave their own lives.

Chair Kehoe reminded the public that the moment of silence is on Sunday, September 11th at 1PM and urged all to remember those whose lives were tragically lost.

Ringside World Tournament Champion: Mykquan Williams

Mayor Leclerc read the following proclamation into the minutes:

Be it hereby known to all that East Hartford Mayor Marcia A. Leclerc and members of the Town Council hereby offer their congratulations to


On behalf of the citizenry of the Town of East Hartford, we hereby recognize the Ringside World Tournament title that Mykquan won in the thirteen-fourteen year old
division, boxing three fourteen year olds during the event held on August 20, 2011 in Kansas City, Missouri.

The Mayor presented the proclamation to Mr. Williams who thanked the Council, his
family and his coach, Paul Cichon – a Public Works employee – for his guidance and

Beautification Awards: August 2011
Pat Sirois, Chair of the Beautification Commission, presented the August awards to the following recipients:  Residential – The Roppo Family, 151 Sandra Drive and The Marshall Family, 7 Farnham Drive.  Business – Willow Arms, 446 Main Street and Ballard Motors, 450 Main Street.

Ms. Sirois thanked all for making East Hartford a prettier place to live.


Susan Kniep, 50 Olde Roberts Street, (1) again asked if the road work being done on Brewer Street is for a new section of that street; (2) asked that the Ordinance Committee meet to discuss the ethics ordinance; (3) supports the appointment of Hazelann Cook to the Board of Commissioners of the East Hartford Housing Authority; (4) believes that the Flood Protection Committee should be a committee of the Town Council; and (5) asked if the bid waiver for the Riverside Drive project will benefit Goodwin College.

Patricia Gately, 1422 Main Street, spoke in favor of the appointment of Hazelann Cook to the East Hartford Housing Authority Board of Commissioners.

Mayor Leclerc (1) thanked Christian Moore for his service on the Board of Ethics; (2) fully supports the long overdue Riverside Drive reconstruction project; and (3) believes Hazelann Cook will be a great asset to the East Hartford Housing Authority Board of Directors.


August 16, 2011 Public Hearing/Ordinance Revisions

MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                        seconded by Pat Harmon
                        to approve the minutes of the August 16, 2011 Public Hearing/Ordinance
                        Motion carried 9/0.
August 16, 2011 Regular Meeting  

MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                        seconded by Eric Thompson
                        to approve the minutes of the August 16, 2011 Regular Meeting.
                        Motion carried 9/0.


Resignation form Board of Ethics: Christian Moore

Chair Kehoe announced the resignation of Christian Moore from the Board of Ethics. He
thanked Mr. Moore for his dedication and service to the town.

Podunk Bluegrass Music Festival: 2011 Expense Report

Roger Moss, Director, Parks and Recreation Department, presented the Council with a breakdown of expenses borne by the Town of East Hartford.  Mr. Moss indicated that, for the sixth consecutive year, the cost to the town has been reduced.  

Hurricane Irene Update

Mayor Leclerc introduced John Oates, Fire Chief and Tim Bockus, Acting Public Works Director, who each gave a brief synopsis of their roles in preparing for this storm.  Dan Dube, the town’s Emergency Management Coordinator, (who was not present) was recognized for his role in mitigating the impact of this storm to the citizens of  East Hartford.  The overall financial burden of this storm to the town is approximately $200,000. However, the Mayor expects that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) should be reimbursing 75% of these costs to the town.


Recommendation from Ordinance Committee re: Flood Protection Committee – tabled at the August 16, 2011 meeting

MOTION  By Bill Horan
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to amend the Town of East Hartford Code of Ordinances
by adding a new subsection 113d to Section 2 entitled, “Flood
Protection Committee” consistent with the draft of the proposed
ordinance dated July 19, 2011 (see below) that was unanimously
recommended by the Ordinance Committee.
Motion carried 9/0.


July 19, 2011 DRAFT
  • There is established a Flood Protection Committee, consisting of four members: the   
Mayor, Public Works Director, Finance Director, and Town Engineer.  The Committee shall periodically assess the condition and operation of the Town’s flood protection structures and facilities and make recommendations concerning potential repairs, inspections, maintenance and alterations.  The Mayor, or designee, shall serve as the “Superintendent” of the Committee as such term is described in 33 C.F.R. 208.10(a)(2).
  • The Town of East Hartford, in coordination with the Flood Protection Committee, shall be
        responsible for the inspection, operation, maintenance and integrity of the Town’s flood protection
        structures and facilities including such inspection, maintenance, alterations and other actions as may
        be required by the Army Corps of Engineers pursuant to 33 C.F.R. 208.10 and the Operation and
        Maintenance Manual adopted by the Town of East Hartford.


Bid Waiver: Riverside Drive Reconstruction

MOTION  By Linda Russo
                seconded by Susan Skowronek
                to waive the bidding requirements of Town Ordinance Section 10-
                7(b) and authorize the Administration to utilize the procedures
                contained in “Consultant Selection, Negotiation, and Contract
                Monitoring Procedures for Municipally Administered Projects” as a
                process for hiring a consultant firm for design services related to
                the Riverside Drive Reconstruction project, such waiver being in the
                best interests of the town as it will expedite the construction project
                consistent with federal requirements.
                Motion carried 9/0.

Contingency Transfer: Voter Primaries

MOTION  By Ram Aberasturia
                seconded by Barbara Rossi
                to transfer funds in the amount of $32,318.00 to cover the anticipated
                costs associated with the upcoming primary to be held on Tuesday,
September 13, 2011 as follows:


Acct # G9600-63492 Contingency Reserve                          $32,318


Acct # G1300-60135 Registrar of Voters/Election Officials              $23,725  
Acct # G1300-62360 Registrar of Voters/Election Day Expenses    $5,293
Acct # G1300-63227 Registrar of Voters/Inspect Voting Machines  $1,500
Acct # G1300-65212 Registrar of Voters/Telephone                           $1,800

Motion carried 9/0.

Fees Committee – Acting as a Committee of the Whole – Parks and Recreation Department: Special Revenue Account

MOTION  By Marc Weinberg
                seconded by Linda Russo
                that the Town Council, acting as a Committee of the Whole for the       Fees Committee,
                approve the creation of a new account for the
                Special Revenue Program for the purposes of collecting money for
                vendors at the Farmer’s Market to be held on Saturdays at the
                Town Green and sponsored by the Parks & Recreation
                Department during FY 2011-2012 as outlined in a memo to
                Mayor Marcia Leclerc from Parks & Recreation Department
                Director Roger Moss dated August 18, 2011.
                Motion carried 9/0.

Appointment of Hazelann B. Cook to the East Hartford Housing Authority

MOTION  By Linda Russo
                seconded by Barbara Rossi
                to appoint Hazelann B. Cook to the Board of Commissioners
for the East Hartford Housing Authority, whose term shall expire
July 2016.
Motion carried 9/0.


Ram Aberasturia (1) thanked the Mayor for including a language translator on the town’s website; and (2) supports the 7-12 grade basketball program sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Department and noted that it was the same program that he had participated in when he was a teenager.

Eric Thompson (1) inquired if the Mayor had received an email from him regarding Wickham Library; and (2) believes that the town would be best served with a full-time Human Resources Director and asked if the Administration would consider making it a full-time position.

Susan Skowronek (1) stated that the Economic Development Commission, of which she is a member, supports the Riverside Drive Reconstruction project; and (2) would like an update from the Board of Ethics.

Pat Harmon inquired on who owns the property on the corner of Silver Lane and Forbes Street and noted that the area could use some clean up.




Susan Kniep, 50 Olde Roberts Street, (1) asked if the Town Council has appointed other administrative committees similar to the Flood Protection Committee; (2) stated that the members of the Flood Protection Committee should report to the Town Council; (3) inquired if the Flood Protection Committee is subject to the Freedom of Information Act; (4) spoke to the issue of PILOT funding as it relates to Goodwin College; (5) urged the town to revise the website to include employees’ salaries, pensions and benefits; and (6) stated that she will present a resolution regarding reforms to collective bargaining laws to the Town Council for adoption at the next meeting.


MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to adjourn (9:22 p.m.).
                Motion carried 9/0.

The Chair announced that the next meeting of the Town Council would be on September 20, 2011.

                                                        Angela M. Attenello
                                                          TOWN COUNCIL CLERK