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08-02-11 Regular Town Council Meeting


AUGUST 2, 2011

PRESENT Chair Richard F. Kehoe, Vice Chair William P. Horan, Jr., Majority Leader Barbara-Ann Rossi, Minority Leader Eric A. Thompson, Councillors Marc I. Weinberg, Linda A. Russo, Ram Aberasturia, and Patricia Harmon

ABSENT  Councillor Susan P. Skowronek


Chair Kehoe called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m., after which the Council joined him in the pledge of allegiance.  The Chair had
announced the exit locations at the public hearing preceding this meeting.


Beautification Commission: July 2011 Awards

Pat Sirois, Chair of the Beautification Commission, presented the Dionne Family of 11 McNulty Drive the July 2011 award for outstanding landscaping.  Ms. Sirois presented representatives of Phillips Farm Association the July 2011 outstanding community award for the landscaping at Phillips Farm.

The Town Council joined with Ms. Sirois in thanking the recipients of the Beautification Commission awards for making East Hartford a prettier place to live.

Majority Leader Rossi asked for a point of personal privilege to thank Ms. Sirois for her involvement in the East Hartford Summer Youth Festival’s production of The Wiz.

To accommodate those present, the following motion was made.

MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to take item 6.A. East Hartford Little League: Softball Champs
                out of order.
                Motion carried 8/0.


East Hartford Little League: Softball Champs

Vice Chair Horan introduced the East Hartford Little League Minor League Champions, sponsored by Progressive Engineering and coached by Eric Lamore, and the East Hartford Little League Major League Champions, sponsored by Keena Memorials and coached by Brian Oatway.  The players were praised for their dedication and commitment to the league.  

Coach Oatway thanked the Mayor, Town Council and the Parks and Recreation Department for their support of Little League.


Peter Klock, 94 Sunset Ridge Drive, president of the East Hartford Rotary Club, spoke in favor of the waiver of the rental fee charged the Rotary Club for their weekly meetings held at the Veterans’ Memorial Clubhouse. Additionally, Mr. Klock summarized the many charitable programs that the Rotary Club sponsors which benefit the community.  

Mayor Leclerc (1) congratulated the Beautification Commission award recipients; (2) recognized the East Hartford Little League Champs; (3) supports the two ordinance revisions that a public hearing will set for; (4) welcomes the new people volunteering on Boards and Commissions; (5) announced that she accepted an award on behalf of Chief Oates for being the first green LEED certified firehouse in the state of Connecticut; and (6) stated that the new firehouse is pretty much on schedule, and on budget, and anticipates the grand opening to be early September.  


July 12, 2011 Regular Meeting

MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                        seconded by Pat Harmon
                        to approve the minutes of the July 12, 2011 Regular Meeting.
                        Motion carried 7/0. Abstain: Thompson

July 19, 2011 Special Joint Meeting/East Hartford Housing Authority  

MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                        seconded by Eric Thompson
                        to approve the minutes of the July 19, 2011 Special Joint Meeting
                        with the East Hartford Housing Authority.
                        Motion carried 8/0.


Recommendations from Fees Committee:

Refund of Building Permit Application Fee

MOTION  By Marc Weinberg
                seconded by Pat Harmon
                        to recommend that the Town Council incorporate into the Fees Schedule
                        the ability for the town to refund any permit application fee except for a
                        non-refundable amount of $85.00 which shall consist of the following:
  • $50 Administrative Services
  • $25 Staff Services
  • $10 Finance Department Services
                        Motion carried 8/0.

East Hartford Rotary Club Fee

MOTION  By Marc Weinberg
                        seconded by Eric Thompson
                        to recommend the Town Council waive the fee charged the East Hartford
                        Rotary Club for their weekly meetings held at the Veterans Memorial
                        Clubhouse provided that the East Hartford Rotary Club donates a minimum
                        of $10,000 for the benefit of East Hartford residents on a yearly basis
                        and to report to the Mayor, the Town Council and the Finance Director by
                        July 1st of each year a summary of the funds donated.
                        Motion carried 8/0.

Ordinance Committee re: Setting a Public Hearing Date for Flood Protection Committee Ordinance and Revised Job
Description: Director of Public Works

MOTION  By Bill Horan
                seconded by Eric Thompson
to set a public hearing date of Tuesday, August 16, 2011
at 7:00PM in Town Council Chambers to hear public comment
on (1) the proposed new ordinance entitled, Flood Protection Committee,
as referenced in the draft dated July 19, 2011, and (2) to hear public comment on the proposed revisions
to the job description for the Director of Public Works, as referenced in the draft dated July 19, 2011.
Motion carried 8/0.

Appointments to Boards and Commissions:

MOTION  By Linda Russo
                seconded by Barbara Rossi
                to approve the appointment of Diane Carlucci, 69 Francis Street,
                to the Beautification Commission; whose term shall expire
                December 2012.
                Motion carried 8/0.

MOTION  By Ram Aberasturia
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to approve the appointment of Crystal Hernandez, 128 Goodwin Street,
                as an alternate to the Planning & Zoning Commission; whose term shall
                expire December 2015.
                Motion carried 8/0.

MOTION  By Linda Russo
                seconded by Barbara Rossi
                to approve the appointment of Catherine Condio, 19 Blinn Street,
                to the Property Maintenance Code Board of Appeals; whose term shall expire December 2015.
                Motion carried 8/0.

MOTION  By Ram Aberasturia
                seconded by Linda Russo
                to approve the appointments of Vincent Parys, 1480 Silver Lane, and
                David Whalen, 86 Shawnee Road, to the Veterans Affairs Commission;
                whose terms shall expire December 2012.
                Motion carried 8/0.


Pat Harmon attended the recent production of The Wiz and praised the cast and crew for a wonderful performance.

Bill Horan asked if the town will repair/replace the curbing on Westerly Terrace.

Barbara Rossi thanked the Mayor for the quick response she received to her recent inquiries from citizens.

Eric Thompson wanted to clarify his understanding of Council liaison positions.  He stated that he is aware that the Council appoints liaisons to certain boards, but he is not aware of information being passed along from the liaisons to the Council.




Lanie Niver, 16 Washington Avenue, asked that handicapped access sidewalk ramps be provided in the Scott Street/Washington Avenue area near the senior citizen complex of Elms Village.

Walter Polinski, 25 Barbara Drive, asked that meetings be held in the Council Chambers, as opposed to the Welling Conference Room, since the audio system is better and the heating/cooling system works better, as well.

Mayor Leclerc (1) noted that some of the banners from the Coca-Cola contest have been hung on Main Street; (2) stated that on Thursday, August 11th, just prior to the Summer Concert Series on the Town Green, Coca-Cola will present the donations from the contest to this year’s non-profit recipients – East Hartford Garden Club, Eco-Husky and the East Hartford YMCA; (3) reminded all that the Podunk Bluegrass Music Festival starts Thursday, August 4th and goes through Sunday, August 7th; (4) announced that she is starting a Citizens Academy for town government in September and has included in this program the Town Council; (5) said that Connecticut Conference of Municipalities (CCM) will be designing a customer service program for East Hartford directors and employees, which should be ready this fall; (6) kicked off the “Fight Back” ceremony at the recent American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life at Rentschler Field; and (7) attended the recent performance of The Wiz and agreed with all that it was a phenomenal performance.

Barbara Rossi reminded the viewers that all East Hartford residents are admitted to the Podunk Bluegrass Music Festival for free.


MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to adjourn (9:02 p.m.).
                Motion carried 8/0.

The Chair announced that the next meeting of the Town Council would be on August 16, 2011.

                                                        Angela M. Attenello
                                                          TOWN COUNCIL CLERK