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07-01-10 Real Estate Acquisition & Disposition Committee Minutes


JULY 1, 2010

PRESENT Linda Russo, Chair; Councillors William P. Horan, Jr. and Eric Thompson

PRESENT Rich Gentile, Assistant Corporation Counsel
                Jeanne Webb, Development Director
                Denise Horan, Town Engineer
                Dustin McMahan, 405 East River Drive


-Chair Russo called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.


June 1, 2010

MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Bill Horan  
                to approve the minutes of the June 1, 2010 Real Estate Acquisition &
Disposition Committee meeting.
Motion carried 3/0.



MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to take item 5.C. “Update: 752 Main Street (WIC Building)” out of order to
                accommodate those present.
                Motion carried 3/0.


Update – 752 Main Street (WIC Building)

Chair Russo introduced Dustin “Dusty” McMahan who has worked to rehab old buildings.  Mr. McMahan initiated a general discussion that included the difficult economic times we are in, and ultimately opined that the WIC building is not a viable candidate for rehab in this economy.  Councillor Horan inquired as to whether anything could be salvaged from the building and sold at an Ecology Drive auction, but Town Engineer Denise Horan opined that the right to salvageable items may be granted to the company hired for the demolition and Mr. McMahan acknowledged that such a contract clause is standard in the industry.  Mr. McMahan agreed to take photos of the interior of the building, and Assistant Corporation Counsel Rich Gentile will check on the contract to see if there is a clause giving rights to salvageable items to the company hired for the demolition.

Chair Russo inquired about the responses to the RFP to rehabilitate this property. Development Director Jeanne Webb replied that there was only one party who expressed an interest, but did not submit a written proposal, thus the administration did not deem this to be reliable.  

No further action taken at this time.

At this point, the Committee returned to the order of the agenda.

627 Burnside Avenue – Drainage Outfall reconstruction Easement Acquisition

Assistant Corporation Counsel Rich Gentile gave a brief overview of the lack of progress negotiating with Mr. Primus through his Attorney.  Mr. Primus was not willing to provide the Town with a permanent easement.  Attorney Gentile opined that the Town should, and will, proceed with the eminent domain action already approved by this Committee.

No further action taken at this time.

Willowbrook School: Review of RFP Bid Response/Goodwin College/Recommendation to Town Council Regarding Sale

Assistant Corporation Counsel Rich Gentile initiated a general discussion regarding the bid by Goodwin College to acquire Willowbrook School from the Town.  Attorney Gentile reviewed the terms of the lease-back provisions that he recommends as part of the sale of the building.

MOTION  By Bill Horan
                seconded by Linda Russo
                to submit Goodwin College’s Bid Response to Town Bid #10-16 to the
Town Council and recommend that the Town Council vote to sell the
property known as 95 Willowbrook Road to Goodwin College for the sum of
$1,025,000.00, subject to the following:

  • That this sale be submitted to the Town Planning and Zoning Commission pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes § 8-24;
  • That the Town Council comply with the Public Hearing Requirements of Public Act #07-251;
  • That the Town Council has no authority with respect to the assessment of taxes on this property and therefore, makes no commitment with respect to the future assessment of the property;
  • That the Town Council makes no commitment on behalf of the Town to reconstruct or repave Ensign Street;
  • That: (a) Goodwin College and the East Hartford Board of Education execute a lease-back of the Willowbrook School building, and associated parking, for a total of ten years for the rent of $1.00 per year, on terms acceptable to both parties; and (b) Goodwin College present the Town Council with an executed copy of said lease at least thirty days prior to any scheduled closing date.
  • That Goodwin College comply with the terms and representations contained in its response to Bid #10-16, including, but not limited to:
  • The Master Plan
  • The Conceptual Site Plan
  • The Conceptual Rendering
  • The Lease Area Plan
  • The obligation to construct and maintain a new access drive to the school
  • The use of the property by Goodwin College for an Early Childhood Interdistrict Magnet School, and the other uses described in Goodwin College’s response to Bid #10-16.
Motion carried 2/0.  Abstain: Thompson


MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to adjourn (6:06 p.m.)
                Motion carried 3/0.

cc:     Town Council    
        Melody Currey, Mayor
        Rich Gentile, Assistant Corporation Counsel
        Jeanne Webb, Development Director
        Denise Horan, Town Engineer